“God help us,” Elli says, covering her face, and Shea holds out his hand over the table to my mom.

“Welcome to the family.”

Posey is snorting with laughter, as is everyone else. When her laughter subsides, she shakes her head. “I hope you know if you go and ruin the Adler good name, Mom will come kill you,” she reminds the boys. “She doesn’t play that mess.”

“Yup. Ask Aiden and Wes. They’ve all had the ‘Don’t embarrass me with your sleeping around’ talk,” Shelli says with a grin. “Aiden got it more than once.”

Wes snorts. “Nope. I’ve gotten it six times. Sometimes I feel like she doesn’t like me, but then she makes me fried chicken.”

Elli ignores him before looking across the table at my mom. “Not with Boon, though. He is a gentleman.”

“Hey! I’m a gentleman!” Wes yells, and we all look at him.

“There isn’t a gentle bone in your body, Wes,” Posey says, and he waggles his brows.

“Some girls like that.”

I glare. “Do you want to die?”

Shea points at me. “What he said.”

More laughing, and I love it. Especially with how happy it makes Posey. I know she was nervous coming here, but now, all I see is bliss. When my phone vibrates with a message, I glance down at where it is sitting between my plate and Posey’s. She does the same. It’s the minister, saying he is ready when we are.

Oh shit. This just got really real.

I look up just as she does, our eyes meeting.

My heart is pounding, and I feel like I gotta fart, but still, I grin. “Ready?”


I lean over to her, kissing her hard on the lips before we look out at our families. “We have an announcement.”

I stand just as Posey does, fixing her dress before holding my hand. She looks up at me, and I thought she was going to let me announce it, but then Posey’s speaking. “The dinner is already paid for.”

“Score!” Owen yells. “That Carolina salary hasn’t kicked in yet.”

“And it’ll go straight to your future baby mommas if you don’t wrap it up,” Quinn reminds him.

“Please Lord, talk to your son!” Elli insists, and Shea gives her a blank look.

“Why is it when they’re doing something dumb, they’re mine?”

Yup. I’m marrying into this mayhem.

“Can y’all shut up?” Posey demands, and the boys hold back their laughter as they cover their mouths. Those two are trouble. Shit, everyone at this table is trouble. Posey looks back at me, and I’m on edge, waiting for her to say it.

That she wants to marry me right now.

“We’d love it if you’d join us over at the park across the road. Where we will meet a minister, and he will marry Boon and me.”

We tear our gazes from each other to find our families with their mouths hanging open and complete shock on their faces.

And then I see the true mayhem that is the Adler family.

Chapter Three


“Wait, what?”

“But I’m supposed to get married first!”

“Why does it matter who gets married first?”

“Dude, seriously? You’re springing this on us like this?”

“Excuse me, wait! What?”

“You aren’t even wearing white!”

“Are you trying to steal my thunder, Posey? You don’t even want a wedding!”

“Our whole family isn’t here!”

“Aunt Harper and Aunt Grace are going to kill you for not having them here.”

“For real, my mom and dad are going to be pissed.”

“But you just got engaged yesterday.”

“I’m still trying to figure this out, so again…wait! What?”

“Oh, Boon. Dad is going to murder you.”

Boon looks at me, and I hold up my hands. “Now, I know this is sudden—”

“Posey, no one is here—” my mom tries, but I hold my hand up to her.

“Everyone who is here is enough for me. I want a small, intimate wedding—”

“Which should include your aunts, by the way,” Ally throws at me. “I mean, I’m all for a small wedding and celebrating y’all, but my mom’s feelings will be hurt.”

My stomach sinks. I knew this, but I wanted to keep it as small as possible for as quickly as Boon and I wanted to make it happen.

“Aunt Grace will legit take you over her knee,” Quinn says, but then he sits back. “But I’m totally excited to see you wed.”


“You’re not even wearing white, Posey,” my mom stresses. “And in a park. I know you said small, but don’t you remember Grace’s gazebo? That would be gorgeous and small.”

“But I imagine, since you didn’t invite her, she probably wouldn’t let you use it,” Quinn interjects, and I glare over at him.

“This is really sudden,” Ally says, gawking at me. She moves her hands up and down her body. She’s wearing jeans and a soft tee. “I’m not dressed for your wedding. I should be wearing that dress!”

“And you should be wearing mine since Shelli doesn’t want to,” Mom says, and her tears get me.