“Absolutely,” I say, kissing her once more. “All I need is you.”

She cups my face, running her thumb along my bottom lip. “You got me.”

As our lips meet, I know I was right all along.

Posey has been, and always will be, all I need.

It’s the big day.

Posey left the ice early to head to her mom’s after her mom came down to the rink to steal her. I wanted to kiss her, tell her I couldn’t wait to meet her at the altar, but I was in the middle of a play. She did send me a wink and blew me a kiss, which I guess will satisfy me until I see her later. I was worried it was bad luck to see her before the wedding, but everything about this is nontraditional.

Posey’s wearing white and pregnant. We have a taco truck with margaritas, which I think is totally traditional, but I remember when Julia was planning our wedding, she said we had to have a sit-down. I’m also not wearing a tux. I’m wearing a navy suit with no tie at all since Posey likes my neck. No one will be standing up with us. The only really traditional thing is that Shea will walk her down the aisle.

I can’t friggin’ wait.

Wes runs into me, slamming me into the boards, and I elbow him as he laughs. “You good?”

I laugh as I shove my shoulder into him. “Yeah, I’m good. Excited.”

He grins, his blue eyes flashing with enthusiasm. “I was talking about your mom.”

I shrug as we lean into the boards while everyone skates off the ice. Usually Jayden stays on longer, but even he’s left. He’s been rehabbing his knee, yet another injury this season, so he’s always the last one off. “I’m good with it. I made my peace.”

He nods. “She called me, asking me to ask you if you are continuing payments so she can prepare.”

I roll my eyes. “Don’t answer her calls anymore.”

He eyes me. “You sure?”

“Yeah. It is what it is.”

“Okay,” Wes agrees. “I hate that it went down like this. I don’t know why she doesn’t love Posey. She’s a good girl—a little stubborn and rough around the edges, but still good.”

“Agreed. She’s the world to me.”

“I know,” Wes says as we head off the ice. Together, we walk down the tunnel heading to the locker room, handing off our equipment to the trainers. My mind is heavy with thoughts about my mom not being there for the best day of my life. But knowing the day will end with me being married to Posey keeps me going. When I enter the locker room, though, I’m completely taken aback as my teammates all yell, “Congratulations!”

I laugh when I see everyone is wearing paper hats and blowing paper horns. Soon, I’m in the middle of all my friends as they hug me and pat my back. Someone puts a crown on my head and then a sash with very girlie writing and glitter that reads “Bride to Be!” Someone hands me a beer, and then Jayden is clearing his throat.

“Now, now, now,” he hollers as Aiden and Everett bring in a huge, wrapped box. “Our boy has decided to get himself an old ball and chain,” he says through laughter. “Some of you don’t know what it is like to be married, so let me explain.” He waggles his brows at all the single guys before meeting my gaze. “She’s always right. She’ll drive you nuts. You’ll never love anyone the way you love her. And just when you think you can’t love her any more, she’ll give you a child. Communication is the key to happiness. But my biggest advice… When those pregnancy hormones hit, just sleep on the couch. But-but-but…” he says, trying to quiet everyone down as they cheer and catcall. “Make sure there is room for her. To Hoenes! May you and Posey live a beautiful and fulfilling life together.”

Everyone toasts me, and I grin as I take a long pull of my beer. Then Coach walks up to the box and pulls off the wrapping to reveal a grill. “Every husband needs a grill. We expect a barbecue since most of us aren’t invited to the wedding.”

I’m overcome with emotion, but I’m a bit bashful too. “In my defense, this wedding has been a whirlwind, but it would mean the world to me if you all would be there. You guys are my family, my brothers, and my wedding wouldn’t be complete without you.”

“There will be tacos and margaritas!” Wes announces, and everyone explodes with cheers before I’m wrapped up in another bro-hug. The last time we hugged like this was last year at the Cup final. There is a good chance we’ll do it one more time in the next twelve days. I feel we’ll win, but if we don’t, not only do I have the best family of brothers, I will have the woman of my dreams as my wife.