I reach over, wrapping my arm around Posey’s waist and pulling her to me. “I’ll have to make sure he doesn’t use my head for a ball.”

She snorts before feeding me a strawberry. “The fact that he invited you means he wants to get to know you better. It shows he cares.”

“Ha. Only took me knocking you up again and surprising them with a wedding to make that happen.”

She leans into me. “He’s a great man. I promise.”

“I know he is.”

“Almost as good as you,” she whispers before looking up at me. I kiss her chin.

“Don’t lie to me.”

“No, really. I love my dad. You know I do. He’s been my hero my whole life, but then you came along. I’ll never love anyone the way I love you.”

How my mom could ever question this beautiful angel is beyond me. “Right back atcha.”

She beams as our lips meet, and I gather her hair in my hand. When we part, her eyes search mine. “Want to tell me what happened with your mom?”

I can’t. “No, lovely. Not tonight.” Not ever.

I look away, but she turns my head back, her hand holding my jaw. “Is everything okay?”

I shrug. “I don’t know. She said some things I didn’t agree with, and I told her she didn’t need to be in my life.”

She swallows hard, and it’s so difficult to look her in the eye, knowing the woman who raised me doesn’t think Posey is perfect like I do. “She doesn’t want you to marry me, does she?”

I close my eyes, leaning against her hand. I feel her gaze, and I know she wants to know what was said, but I can’t give my mom the power over Posey that her words have over me. I’m not saying I agree with my mom or that I have doubts about marrying Posey—that’s all a done deal for me—but I hate that my mom doubts us. Elli and Shea may have been upset we sprung a wedding on them, but they never doubted us.

No one has…but my mom.

And that hurts.

“It doesn’t matter.”

“I think it does. You’re upset.”

“I am,” I admit, cupping her neck. “But I am marrying you, and you’re having my baby. We will bring home the Cup, and really, nothing else matters.”

Her eyes search mine. “Are you sure?”

I lean my forehead to hers, and I force myself to smile. “Absolutely. I love you, Posey Adler, and only you.”

“Don’t forget our little bit,” she says, cupping her belly. “Whenever things get rough, that’s what I do. Think of it.”

I meet her gaze, and the warmest smile fills my face. “That’s a fantastic idea. Our little bit.”

“Or peanut.”

“Or puck.”

She brings in her brows. “Puck?”

“Why not? We both love hockey, and isn’t it the size of a puck?”

She shakes her head. “According to my app, it’s the size of a cherry.”

“Wow, that’s small.”

“Really small.”

“Now, I want cherries.”

Her eyes light up. “Yes, cherries.”

“Where can we get those?”

“No clue,” she says as her shoulders fall. “Maybe you can find some after golf tomorrow.”

“I can.” I love how she can distract me from anything. “Damn, I love you.”

She kisses my nose. “I love you too. And don’t worry. It’ll work out with your mom.”


“Is there something I can do to make it better?”

Don’t be rich? I won’t say that, though. I shake my head. “Absolutely not. You’re perfect just the way you are.”

She kisses me again. “I could say the same about you. Thank you for being so awesome about pushing the wedding back till Monday. It really means a lot to me and my mom. She’s gonna go get my grandparents and Amelia and Chandler with the kids. It’s gonna be awesome.”

“Whatever makes you happy, lovely.”

She rests her face on mine, lacing our fingers together. “I want you to be happy.”

“I am happy.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m more than sure.”

I am. I really am.

I wish my mom could see and support that. I’ve never had a life without her. She’s always been there for me. My constant supporter. I hate the thought of pushing her away because of the person I am in love with and making a life with, but what choice do I have? I either choose to live life without my mom or without Posey. Only one of those scenarios is impossible to me, which I’m pretty sure makes me a fucked-up son. But why should I have to choose? I get that she doesn’t think the world of Posey and her family, but can’t she support the love I have for them? Can’t she see I am beyond happy? Doesn’t she want that for me?

I want that for me.

Which is why it’s so easy for me to choose my future.

Chapter Five


I think it’s a myth that hockey players are good golf players.

Or maybe I just suck big donkey dick.