“No. It doesn’t make sense. What could be wrong that she needs surgery?”

“I would google it, but I’m pretty sure it would tell me she has cancer and two minutes to live. I can’t handle that right now.”

Shelli puts down her phone. “You’re right.”

“You were googling, weren’t you?”

She nods. “Yes.”

I would laugh, but I don’t have it in me. I lean back in my chair, hitting my head softly on the wall. I want so badly to go back there. It kills me that I can’t see her before she goes under. Then all of a sudden, I’m getting up.

“What are you doing?” Shelli asks, and then she’s beside me.

“I’m going back there.” I walk to the front window, and I’m met with a sweet-faced, younger-looking nurse. I look at her name tag, leaning on the window ledge as I say, “Hey, Jenny. How ya doing?”

She smiles innocently. “Good. What can I do for you?”

“Her sister and my girlfriend, Posey Adler, is about to go back to surgery. Can we see her before that happens?”

She keeps smiling as she types quickly, but when she looks up at me, she says, “No, she’s already being prepped to go back.”

I lean in, grinning the grin that gets Posey to do what I want. “Can I just give her a quick kiss?”

“No,” she says, and I glare. “Only one person at a time, and her mother is back there.”

“Can we trade out?”

“Sure,” she says, and I take Shelli’s phone out of her hand.

“Hey!” she complains, but I ignore her, dialing Elli’s number.

She answers right away. “Yes, honey?”

“Elli, it’s Boon. Can you trade with me, please? I just want to give her a quick kiss, tell her I’m here.”

I’m met with silence for a second. “Okay.”

My heart skips a beat as I hang up, staring at the doors. When they open, Elli comes out with a tear-streaked face, her eyes dull, and her face full of trepidation. Seeing her guts me, but I don’t have time to dwell on that. “Room?”


I move past her, basically running through the hall until I find Posey’s room. I push open the door, and nurses are moving everywhere. I walk to the bed, and my heart sinks. Posey is lying there, all hooked up, and when I see the tube in her mouth, I can’t control my fear. She looks so bad, and I feel helpless. Tears well in my eyes as I step to the side of the bed, taking her hand in mine. It’s so cold, and I try to warm it up as the tears start to fall down my face. I don’t even remember the last time I cried, but I’m basically sobbing as I kiss the back of her hand and then her palm.

“Lovely, I’m here,” I say against her hand. “It’s okay. I’m here.”

“Sir, we have to take her back.”

I kiss her hand once more. “I love you so much.”


“Can you tell me what’s going on?”

She shakes her head. “You’ll need to speak to the doctor.”

I kiss Posey’s hand again and stand as they start to roll the bed. I lean down, kissing her forehead. My whole body is aching. I want to trade places with her; I don’t want her to hurt. I walk as far as they let me, and when they wheel her away, I cover my face as a sob rips through my body. I have to be strong. I have to believe everything is fine, but I’m terrified. I love her so much, and I can’t even fathom life without her. I crouch down, taking in a calming breath, but it doesn’t calm me. I need to know what is going on. I need to know if she will be okay.

“Sir, we need you to go back out to the waiting room. We’ll let you know her room number when she gets out of surgery.”

I don’t even look at the nurse. I get up, taking in another deep breath as I wipe my face. I start for the door, and I feel numb. Surely this isn’t happening. But I can’t get the image out of my head. The tubes, how cold she was, how pale she was. I don’t even know what a thyroid is, but I hate hers. It’s an asshole. I push the button to open the doors and head out to find Shelli and Elli. What I don’t expect is to see Shea Adler there too.

His blazing blue eyes fall on me, and I take in a deep breath because I know I am so dead. Elli stands as he does, pressing her hand into Shea’s chest, and his look is murderous. He pushes past her, and Shelli tries to stop him.

“Daddy, this isn’t the time or the place.”

“You did this to her!” he yells, his finger pointed at me, and I don’t know what to do.