When he pulls back, I move my lips up to kiss his as our eyes lock. “Boon.”

“Yeah, lovely?”

I swallow hard, my heart going wild in my chest. Say it. Just say it. “I can’t wait to meet your mom.”

He almost looks disappointed, but surely if that were the case, he would have already said the words. He wouldn’t be waiting for me. But what if he is? Jesus, this is so hard. But apparently it isn’t for him, because he grins, hugging me close as he says, “You’re going to love her.”

I know I will, because I love him.

Be nice if I could tell him that.

Chapter Twenty-Five


I move my hand down Posey’s bouncing leg.

She’s nervous as hell, and I hate that. Doesn’t she realize my mom is going to love her? How could she not? Posey is mind-blowing. I squeeze her leg, and when she glances over at me, her eyes meeting mine, I smile. She looks absolutely incredible. I’ve never seen her dress in such a chic outfit, but she told me she borrowed everything from Shelli so she’d look really nice for my mom. Over a dark gray strapless jumpsuit that hugs her hips and thighs, she has on a lighter gray coat thingy that hangs open to show the curve of her breasts and all those curves below. I’m a little annoyed I can’t see her ass in that jumpsuit, but I’ll see it later tonight. She has on some sky-high red-bottomed nude heels that make her tall and regal in my opinion. She’s so darn hot. Her hair is down in waves, and her makeup is glittery with glossy lips. I know it’s only gloss because I’ve kissed that stuff off about four times since I’ve been with her.

I love that she went all out for my mom, but I hate that she’s nervous. The whole way to the restaurant, her leg has been bouncing, and she hasn’t spoken hardly at all. That’s unlike her. We have endless conversations, and when we’ve covered everything, we talk about lint. I’m not even kidding. The other night, I looked up at her ceiling, and I was confused by the dust on it. It’s a new place, and there shouldn’t be dust up there. She assumes it’s from the lint trap in her laundry closet, and I agreed. Seriously, it’s the most mundane thing, but we talked about it.

Just to hear each other.

As I gaze into her eyes, I rub my thumb along her thigh. Soon she takes in a deep breath, her lips tip up, and I move in, pressing my lips to hers. She leans into the kiss but then pulls away way too early. She reaches for her glass of water as I look across the table at my mom and Wilbur. My mom doesn’t appear as if she’s aged much since the last time I saw her. She’s always been thin, with thick brown hair she wears in a braid along her shoulder and light hazel eyes. She has the laugh lines I swear she got from working in the bar so much. She always had to act like she loved being there, when really, she wanted to be home with me. She wears a nice green blouse and jeans with some boots I got her for Christmas last year.

Wilbur, the new boyfriend…well, he looks as if he belongs in an office surrounded by computers. Such a dork. He’s older than my mom, and he looks every one of his years. He is on the thicker side and has adjusted his belt about six times since we got here. He wears a nice blue blazer and wire-rimmed glasses with thick lenses. His hair is thinning, and to tell the truth, he isn’t who I thought my mom would end up with. But with the way he treats her, he could look like a goblin and I wouldn’t care. He is damn good to my mom, and he treats her like a queen.

So, he’s okay with me.

I watch as my mom’s gaze moves over Posey. She doesn’t seem impressed, which honestly confuses me. I know she doesn’t want what happened with Julia to happen again, but that’s not the case here. Posey is different. I don’t need my mom being all intimidating and shit. Posey is already nervous as it is. “Posey. That’s an unusual name. Are you named after a relative or something?”

Posey licks her lips, looking over to my mom as she places her water glass down. I wish we had some alcohol for this; I think it would calm her down. But with our game tomorrow, neither of us wants to drink. “No, my mom had a Cabbage Patch doll named Posey when she was little. She wanted to name her daughter that, and I was the lucky winner.”