Boon: Maybe we should work out together.

Boon: And I don’t mean sex.

Boon: Okay, I do.

I grin widely.

Me: I wouldn’t be opposed to that kind of cardio.

Boon: I didn’t think you would. How’s the planning going?

Me: Fine. They’re asking about you.

Boon: Oh, really? Did you tell them I’m super sexy?

Me: Not at all. I didn’t tell them anything.

Boon: Why not?

Me: Because it’s none of their business.

Boon: But I told my mom about you.

Me: Yes, but I doubt your mom is nosy as fuck and wouldn’t be okay with the bits you gave. They want your name, your social, date of birth, and probably your blood type. I meant it as a joke, but when he doesn’t text back, I’m worried. Are you upset?

Boon: Not upset, I guess. It’s just, I couldn’t keep how I felt about you in, and it sucks that it’s not the same for you.

Okay, I don’t like that. I hit his name and dial his number. When he answers, I say, “It’s not like that at all.”

I feel everyone’s gazes on me as I walk out onto the back patio. It’s cold as all hell, so I turn right back around to get my coat. “One second. Let me grab my coat. It’s cold out.”

“Well, it’s still winter,” he says.

“I don’t need your commentary, sir.”

“Aww, is that him?” My mom calls, “Hi! I’m Posey’s mom! I can’t wait to meet you!”

I roll my eyes, grabbing my coat and going back outside, despite Boon’s laughter. “It’s gonna be something when she realizes she knows me.”

I put on my coat as a shiver runs through me. “It’ll be fine. And what I meant was that I don’t want them commenting and asking all kinds of questions about you right now. I like how we are. I don’t need people prying into my relationship, and they’ll pry.”

“That’s fine. But couldn’t you set it up to make it smoother when they find out about us? They know me as a hockey player, but they don’t know me as your boyfriend. If you talk me up, it’ll go better.”

I press my lips together. “I understand what you’re saying, but at the same time, I don’t care what they think of us.”

“And if they say they don’t like me?”

“Then that sucks for them, because I do.”

“Posey, be real. I know how you are about your family. You love them, and you’ll want them to like me.”

I nod even though he can’t see me. “I do want that. But honestly, why wouldn’t they like you? You’re wonderful.”

He scoffs. “Because of my past. I don’t come from anything—”

“Which makes you absolutely amazing, Boon. You came from nothing, and now, you’re successful, you work your ass off, and above all, you treat me so damn well. It isn’t about your past—it’s about your future. And for me, I think it’s shaping up to be a pretty damn good one.”

He pauses for a second. “Okay.” It seems like he wanted to say more. I hear the emotion in his voice, but this isn’t the time or place. If there is going to be an emotional talk, it needs to be in person. “I miss you.”

I quirk my lips. “I saw you last night.”

“Exactly. Way too long without your gorgeous face in front of mine.”

“You’re right. I am really pretty.”

“Man, I just got hard.”

I snort. “I was kidding, but you’re right. I don’t like waking up without you. I missed your booty grab this morning.”

His voice is playful. “I missed grabbing your booty.” My lips turn up in a full smile as I look out at my parents’ tree line. “I even made a cup of peppermint tea so it felt like you were here. Wes complained.”

“Why does he hate my tea?” I exclaim. “He’s such a jerk.”

“I don’t know. I love it.” His voice is soft, and my heart soars. “Oh, I didn’t tell you what I texted you for.”

“Oh yeah. What shit am I getting?”

He chuckles. “That doesn’t sound good.”

“Right? I realized that after I said it, but I was committed.”

We laugh together, and hell, I do miss him. I’ll see him tomorrow morning, but I want to see him now. His mom got in this morning, and I didn’t want her first meeting with me to be when I was in his bed, wearing nothing but his shirt. Plus, he’s spending time with her today and getting to know her new boyfriend. That’s a lot, and I don’t want to throw myself into the mix. I also want to look incredibly amazing, and I hope she adores me. I’ve never met a mom before, so I’m praying this goes well. But above all, I want to see him.

“So, I got a save the date for Julia’s wedding.”

I can’t keep from raising my brows.

“It was sent from her parents with a note saying they hope I can come since they miss me. I haven’t heard from these people since she left me.”