Mom narrows her eyes. “How long have y’all been dating?”

I slide my nose along the back of Hannah’s head. “Almost two months.”

“By now, you should know something,” Amelia says, eyeing me.

I nod. “I know. I’m just wondering if he does.”

“You just know,” Shelli says with this little grin on her face. “You’ll feel it. Does he seem happy?”

I swallow hard, not meeting her gaze. “He does.”

“Does he make you happy?” Amelia asks, and I nod once more.

“He does.”

Silence. I’m met with silence. My mom is basically sitting on the edge of her seat, waiting, watching me while resting her chin on Carter’s head. “That’s it? Nothing more? I mean, I could go on for hours about Dad, and we know Shelli doesn’t shut up. Amelia is more reserved, but it’s pretty obvious she’s in love,” Mom says after a few seconds, and I shrug. “Tell us about him!”

“No, Mom,” I say simply. “It’s no one’s relationship but ours.”

Shelli beams at me. “I love that.” I meet her gaze over Hannah’s head. “You do whatever makes you happy.”

I think I might love my sister in that sisterly-friend way I’ve always wanted to love her. Since she’s been with Aiden, things have changed. Or maybe it’s from my being with Boon. I’m unsure, but I’m not jealous of her anymore. I feel like her equal, like she respects me. Shit, I’ve got an apartment, I have a big girl job, I’m in an adult relationship, and I feel like my sister’s equal. I really am growing up.

I’m so proud.

“No matter who he is, he better treat you like the goddess you are,” Shelli adds, and that knowing smile takes my breath away.

“Please, Posey wouldn’t settle for less,” Mom says. “That’s why no guy has ever been around. No one is good enough, especially not that jackass Maxim, who won’t stop calling and emailing.”

Shelli makes a face. “What in the world? Email him, Posey. Tell him to leave you be.”

I shake my head as my phone sounds once more. “I don’t want to talk to him. It isn’t worth it. Nothing he says will add to my life.”

Amelia points at me. “Agreed.”

I swallow and then look at my mom. “Also, it isn’t like I’ve had a lot of guys after me, Mom.”

She looks up at me, as do Amelia and Shelli. “Sorry?”

“Guys, this is my first real boyfriend.”

My mom’s brows come in, and I notice Amelia looks away. “It is?”

“Yeah, I’ve had guys who dated me here and there, but they’ve only done that because they wanted Shelli.”

Wow. Why am I saying this?

Amelia makes a face as Shelli’s eyes widen. “What? No, they haven’t!”

Amelia clears her throat then, and before I can contradict Shelli, Amelia says, “Yes, they have.”

Shelli looks at our cousin in astonishment.

“What was his name, Nathan?” When I nod, she shakes her head. “He was only dating her to get close to you. I’m the one who told her.”

Shelli’s mouth falls open, and Mom looks back at me. “Is that true?”

“Yeah,” I say with a shrug. “It’s not a big deal—”

But before I can finish, Shelli is up and standing in front of me. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

I laugh. “Because I know you. You’d go after them.”

She nods. “Hell yes, I would have. No one hurts you like that.”

I wave her off. “It’s not a big—”

“It is a big deal, Posey,” she stresses, her eyes searching mine. “You deserve the world. All of it.”

I swallow hard. “I know that. I learned that from you.”

Her eyes search mine. “And if this guy doesn’t give you the world, then drop him.”

I smile. “He does. I promise you. He does.”

She nods. “Good. I’m sorry. I know I’m so extra and require all the attention. It’s a personality flaw.”

I laugh as I kiss Hannah’s head. “That works well for you.”

“Yes, but I never meant to steal attention from you. I honestly don’t know how I could. You’re so strong, so beautiful.” She takes Hannah from me, handing her to Amelia, and then wraps me in her arms. I close my eyes as we hug, and with her lips at my ear, she whispers, “I know this is the reason we’ve had a wedge between us, but it’s time to put it behind us. You are my sister, and I love you.”

“I love you,” I say back, hugging her tightly. “I should have said something sooner.”

“Yeah, but I was so self-absorbed, I probably would have thought you were being dramatic,” she says, pulling back to look at me.

“Yeah, probably.”

“But I am sorry.”

“Nothing to apologize for. It wasn’t you.”

She slowly nods, and I smile to convince her I’m not upset. I’m not. It’s all in the past. I have such a good future ahead of me.

“Cool. Let’s get back to planning.”

I groan loudly, which results in laughter. As everyone gathers around the table, I look at my phone and see Boon’s text.