She eyes me suspiciously. “I don’t believe you. Aiden,” she says, leaning into him. And he, of course, almost gobbles her up in his arms. Lucky bastard. “Does Boon like Posey?”

Aiden looks at me, and while he doesn’t know shit and my next thought has nothing to do with the situation, I can’t help but wish he’d get a haircut. He looks like a damn hippie with his hair in that bun. “I don’t know. He hasn’t mentioned anything to me, but I’m not his best friend like Wes is.”

Now all eyes fall on Wes. But my best friend is a strong dude. He likes dudes like Liam Hemsworth, for goodness’ sake. Wes shrugs. “Don’t think so. I think he might be gay.”

This asshole.

“Hey, if you are, I support you,” Aiden laughs.

I hold my hand up to Aiden. “Please, keep your rainbow tape in the bag. I’m not gay.”

They all laugh.

Well, Shelli doesn’t. Her bright-blue eyes are on me, intent and intrusive. “I think you do like her.”

I shrug. I won’t confirm or deny. I don’t want it getting back to Posey that I said no. That would cause issues. Instead, I’ll stay silent.

Shelli’s eyes are full of mischief. “It would be okay if you did. I get it. She’s beautiful, hella smart, and a genius on the ice. I don’t know how she hasn’t been scooped up yet.”

“Wait, is she available?” I glance over at Colton, one of our forwards, and glare. I want to scream Fuck no, but I press my lips together. “I always catch her looking at me with these intense, sexy eyes on the plane.”

This idiot—he sits in front of me! She’s looking at me.

My best friend pipes up, “No, dude. She’s looking at me. She’s in love with me.”

Why do I call this man my best friend? I gawk at him, and he shrugs as if he’s saying, “What? I’m deflecting.”

“Okay, I’m out on that one,” I say, getting up. “I need to piss and get a drink.”

“Grab me a beer,” Wes says, and I set him with a look.

“To bash you over the head with?”

He grins. “I love when you get rough, Daddy.”

More laughter follows, but I feel Shelli watching me. I ignore her and head inside. I don’t have to go far before I find Posey, leaning on the bar. She’s swirling her finger along the condensation on the side of a glass of water, and I’m confused. Why’s she over here? I step up beside her—not close enough to give away that I want her, but close enough that I can smell her sweet, floral perfume. I lean on my elbows, and she smiles over at me. “Hey.”

“Hey,” I say, and when I make sure no one is around, I bend down, pressing my lips to hers. She leans into the kiss, cupping my jaw and sending me into overdrive. I pull back before I’m unable to and look her over. She looks a little pale. “You okay?”

“Yeah, just feeling run-down.”

“Go to bed.”

“I might,” she says, letting out a long sigh. “My mom is driving me up the wall about it. I might skip out. I haven’t even eaten.”

“Maybe you should?”

She shrugs. “I don’t know. I think I’m coming down with something.”

“Have you talked to the trainers?”

“Yeah, Ryan, my cousin, looked me over—”

“Wait? Ryan is your cousin?”

She grins. “Yes.”

“Jesus, your family is huge and really intertwined with this team.”

“Yeah, it’s all family here,” she laughs. “But he said I’m fine on paper. If I don’t feel better by the time we get back, I’ll go to the doctor.”

“Okay, please do.”

Her lips tip up a bit. “Worried about me?”

“Greatly,” I admit, running my pinkie along her arm. “I must say how pretty you are tonight.”

A sweet blush fills her face. “You’re too good to me, Boon.”


Her eyes darken as she leans on her hand. She looks so tired. It is her first trip, and maybe it’s too much for her. I know she doesn’t like the hotel beds. They freak her out, and she even slept on the couch until I told her bed bugs can live there too. I’m pretty sure this is my fault. “I’ve got an idea.”

“Ooh, a naked one?” she asks with a wink, and I grin. I’m learning she’s rather bold when it comes to sex, and I absolutely love it. I love a woman who tells me what she wants. Usually females are embarrassed by the fact that they want to come. Not Posey. She’ll be the first one to climb on my face and ride it to get off.

Shit. Now I’m hard, and I forgot my idea.

“Focus, Boon.”

I grin. “We should go to a spa when we get back. A mud bath and relax and shit. I bet this was a long trip, took a lot out of you.”