The rest of the ride is torture. Wes laughs at me, and I down the coffee. Which is a bad idea because once we get to the rink, I have to piss like no other. I rush through the parking lot, mostly because I have to but also because I want to keep my friendship with Wes. He’s enjoying my misery a little too much. As I relieve myself, I look up at the ceiling and wonder what the hell I am doing. I probably should find Posey and apologize. It was tacky, what I did, and I don’t want her to think I don’t respect her. I do, but I still want to feed her carbs and fuck her stupid.

Both at the same time would be an absolute dream.

Once I am done, I wash my hands, but as I walk out of the bathroom, Aiden is coming in. “There you are.”

I pause. “Where was I supposed to be?”

“I was looking for you. Wes said you were in here.”

I don’t move, just stand there looking at him.

“Oh yeah. So I need to speak to you.”


“So, if I heard something from a very reliable source, but I wasn’t supposed to tell you because it was pillow talk. But as your best friend, I have to tell you, right?”

I don’t even know how to respond. I just stare at him. “I’m too hungover for this, Aiden. What are you saying?”

He’s impatient, sliding his hands into his pockets. “Shelli told me something, and I want to tell you. But she told me not to.”

I blink. “I’m still very much too hungover for this. Either tell me or move.”

He stares at me. “The only reason I’m telling you is because I believe you can change her mind. So, yeah.”

I wait, but he just stares up at me. “Today, Aiden.”

“Posey is pushing to get you off the power play.”

Am I still drunk? “Say what?”

“Yeah, she says you aren’t power play material and is trying to get Shelli on her side. But Shelli told me that she and Jakob feel you are doing your job, that Posey is trying to prove herself and make a big change to shake things up,” he says slowly, and I can see he is nervous to tell me this.

Probably because I’m about to lose my fucking mind.

“She said you’re a great player but that you aren’t made for the power play.”

“The fuck I’m not,” I sneer as I push past him. He tries to stop me, but I outweigh him and, yeah, I have a bone to pick with Posey Adler. I throw my coffee in the trash as I walk with fucking purpose toward the staff offices. I’m unsure where Posey’s office is, but I’m going to find it. I look around wildly, almost feeling like I’m going to puke, but I will find out what the fuck her game is. I get it, things change and stuff, but I won’t have my coach replace me for a bullshit reason. There is no reason. I’m a strong player, and she knows it.

If this is because I messaged her last night, I don’t even know what I’ll do.

I see her name on a door and head right for it. It’s closed, so I rap my knuckles against it forcefully.

“Come in,” she calls, and I throw open the door.

Behind the desk, Posey sits with one hand in her hair and a coffee cup in the other. Her tablet lays in front of her, and I can see video of the team. Her eyes meet mine, and when her lips curve, I almost forget that I am fucking pissed.


She puts down her coffee as she brings in her brows. “You okay?”

I slam the door behind me. “Nope.”

She stands slowly, her head tilting as she regards me. “What’s up?”

“Did you tell the coaching staff that you want me off the power play?”

She doesn’t even pause. “Not today.”

“Before today?”

“Yes,” she says simply, coming around the desk with her arms crossed over that naughty chest of hers. She’s wearing short little shorts and a long tee. It takes everything in me not to check her out. I may fail, but I do it with my shoulders back and vibrating with anger.

“What the fuck?”

She leans into her desk. “I said so earlier yesterday before we worked together on the ice. Before I saw the fight in your eyes and your ability to adapt. You don’t want to fail, and I respect that.”

“You say I wasn’t good enough?”

She does pause this time. “I did, but I was wrong.”

“That’s bullshit. I am good enough.”

“I know,” she says softly. “I said I was wrong.”

“You’re fucking with my career, Posey. I love being on the power play!”

“I know,” she says, her voice rising. “But you weren’t doing what I wanted. The confidence isn’t there. I planned to reevaluate at the end of the next week, but now I truly believe you’re going to get there. I do believe in you.”