When is Ally getting here?

Right on cue, I turn to see the cousin of my heart coming through the door. She waves happily as she heads toward me. Her light brown hair is up in a high ponytail, and she’s wearing her volleyball gear since she came straight from practice. When she called saying she was on her way here, I almost turned her down since I’m dead on my feet, but a glass of wine and a large order of fries is the perfect nightcap after tonight’s win. Man, I’m so proud of our team. They worked their asses off, and seeing my play in motion after I coached it sent my confidence through the roof. It was pretty fantastic. Especially watching Boon’s very purposeful pass.

I may have told him otherwise, but it’s to make him work harder. I’m still not convinced he needs to be on special teams, but Jakob thinks differently. I need more convincing, and for that to happen, I can’t let my attraction get in the way. It’ll blind me. Just as it did with Maxim. I thought he was a good player, but come to find out, he wasn’t and has already been sent down to the lower farm team. He really doesn’t have the work ethic. It’s sad. He could have been so much, and I could have added greatly to his life.

“Well, hello, gorgeous! Aren’t you super-duper sexy.”

I wave her off as my cheeks fill with heat. Ally falls into the seat beside me and leans in for a hug. I hug her tightly, and as we part, she asks, “Did you do this? Or Shelli?”

“I did, actually. Surprising, huh?”

“It is. I didn’t know you knew how to contour your face.”

I grin. “I watched YouTube for an hour. It was brutal.”

“I bet,” she laughs as she orders a glass of wine for herself. “But you look incredible.”


She beams. “So, I’m glad you could meet me. Taco called.”

I want to roll my eyes, let my head fall back, and moan very loudly, but I refrain. My cousin’s shittastic ex is a constant topic. She can’t seem to kick him, and I don’t get it. He’s a cheating bastard who doesn’t deserve her. She’s wonderful. So talented and gorgeous and amazing. Why settle for shit? “Ally—”

“No, you’ll be proud!” she says with a clap of her hands. “I told him not to call me anymore. I blocked him and deleted him from Instagram.”

“I am proud!” I gush before wrapping my arms around her neck. “You deserve so much more.”

She nods. “I know. I figured I’d do what you did, and I feel so much better.”

When I blocked Maxim, it wasn’t because he was harassing me or anything like that. Mainly, I was embarrassed and couldn’t face him. Plus, I’m still a little butthurt. He shattered my heart. I know I may have romanticized our relationship, but it was for good reason. He made me feel special, and he told me I was pretty at every turn. That doesn’t happen to me much with guys, so of course I felt a certain kind of way. I shared a bed with him, my ass rested against his thigh a lot, and man, I wanted something to happen. For three years, I was dumb, but not anymore. I am going to be wiser from now on. Or at least, I’m gonna try.

“I’m so glad.”

“You’re still not talking to him?”

I shake my head. “No. Not at all. I said what I had to.”

“Good,” she says as she picks up her glass and takes a long sip. She lets out a sigh. “I swear Aunt Fallon makes the best wine.”

I nod in agreement. “She does. By the way, Asher texted me. I can’t believe he’s coming home!”

When her whole face lights up, my heart stops. As much as Ally claims they are just best friends, I always want to make it more. They are so perfect together, she and Asher. I know we all grew up together and it’s easy for us to get along, but they take it to another level. Asher took her to homecomings and to their proms. I have such a hard time believing it’s innocent. I want to squish them together and make them get married and have babies. They’d make the sweetest babies. Little brown-haired cuties.

“I can’t believe it. I haven’t seen him in almost a year.” She beams at me, but then she furrows her brow. “I sort of want to kick his ex’s ass, though.”

I scoff. “And I know he wants to kick Taco’s.”

She rolls her eyes. “Everyone wants to kick Taco’s ass.”

I nod; she isn’t wrong. “What is his real name?”

“Trey,” she says with a little gleam to her eyes. “He is dumb with the whole Taco thing. I didn’t get it, but ya know, I was infatuated.”