And two, I am fully and utterly attracted to my very intimidating female coach.

Well, this is a turn of events I was not mentally or physically prepared for.

Chapter Six


Like we do after every game, we head over to Aiden’s mom’s restaurant.

Mrs. Brooks stays open late, and we get free food. For the rookies, this is the only good meal they get. Hell, who am I kidding? It’s the only good meal I get unless I pay for it somewhere else. One thing is for sure, I don’t turn down free food, especially penne with white sauce and sherry reduction, but I do tip the waitress real well. I know what it’s like to work through college and even high school. When I wasn’t on the ice, I was working, helping my mom. Now, though, she doesn’t worry about a damn thing. I pay for everything and let her enjoy being a single woman in her fifties. She still works, but not even a fraction of how much she did when I was growing up, and only now because she wants to.

When Aiden holds up his froufrou glass of wine, I reach for my beer as he says, “Great game, boys. Let’s keep it going.”

We all cheers in the middle of the table before taking swigs of our respective drinks. Aiden is converting some of the guys to wine, but not me. I want to hold my drink glass and know I can’t break it. Kinda like how I want my women. I want a woman I can hold in my hands and know I don’t hurt her. I was too strong for Julia. I always had to be so careful. I bet that dumbass Phil is all gentle and soft-handed. He doesn’t have man hands like I do. Why am I thinking of her? We just won a game after not being able to score on the power play in months. Fuck her, fuck Phil—I’m beyond happy without her.

That game. Man. By the end of it, we were up by three. They were full-strength goals, but we were so hype and our confidence was so insane that our boys were scoring like no other. I even got one, a sweet five-holer that really pissed off the goalie. Probably as much as it had when he found me in bed with his mom. Ah, to be young and stupid.

I sorta miss those days; I shouldn’t have settled down with Julia. Now I’m too old to live the rookie sort of life. Aiden is only a year younger than me, and he’s getting married. Willy is five seconds from it, and Wes, well…he is Wes. I should probably try to find someone to get serious with.

Unfortunately, my mind wanders to a certain someone who had a sexy little strip of thigh showing tonight.

“So, what was up with Adler?”

The boys all look over at me, and I’m surprised I actually asked that.

Willy’s brow goes up as he asks, “Coach Adler? What are you talking about?”

“Yeah,” I say around my beer. “I had one hell of a pass that was full of purpose, and she only nodded to Aiden and Wes.”

Wes grins. “Aww, is Boonsie jealous?”

I point my beer at him. “Shut it before you walk home.”

He scoffs. “I’m not going home tonight. I’ve got a date.”

Aiden laughs. “Who cares? It’s a team effort, no matter what. She was just giving us a nod. We couldn’t have done it without you and we all know that, so why are you hung up on that?”

I give him a dry look. “I was just asking, seeing what you guys thought. I thought it was bullshit. Hello, can’t score without a pass.”

Aiden raises his hand. “I can. And I do. A lot. On and off the ice.”

Wes snorts while Willy nods, giving him a high five like they’re two frat boys. Losers. “As do I—”

I’m interrupted by Wes laughing very violently. He smacks the table, throws his head back, and guffaws from his soul. This makes everyone else laugh—except me. When he looks at me with mischief in his eyes, I glare. “You haven’t gotten any in months. Stop lying.”

“You don’t know my life!” I yell at him, and that only makes him laugh harder. “I’m just saying. Give credit where it is due. We wouldn’t have gotten that first goal if it weren’t for me.”

Wes gives me a dry look. “Yes, Boon, we all cannot survive without you. Please don’t ever leave us. We need you. You’re the best player on our team. We need you to teach us your ways.”

“I hate you,” I say over the laughter of my teammates, and I guess they’re my friends. Though, they’re tiptoeing the line right now. “I just thought it was in bad taste. We’re all getting to know one another. She could have given me a nod.”