“I didn’t tell you.” I look up to see Aiden looking at Shea. “I hid it. I hid behind Shelli. I’ve known you my whole life, and I didn’t tell you.”

Shea looks down, shaking his head. “Like you said, I know you. I don’t know this guy.”

“True, but I should have come to you, and you forgave that. You gave me your full blessing to love Shelli. And let’s be honest, I didn’t deserve it. I wasn’t the best to her. But I can promise you, I’ve seen them together. That dude, he is the best and beyond that to Posey. He worships her.” I meet Aiden’s gaze, and I see him exhale. “I know for a fact that he’s beating himself up over this, and he doesn’t need this right now. So please, for Posey’s sake, back the hell off.”

Chills run through me as Shea sits back, still grumbling. I swallow thickly, and I’m unable to speak as silence falls over the room. Each second that passes feels like hours, and I watch the clock, waiting for news. I know she’ll be okay, she has to be, but I’m terrified I might lose her. I already lost our child, a child I hadn’t even realized I would love to have.

We haven’t talked about kids, but the thought makes me giddy. It would be so loved. Between Posey and me, it would have everything it could ever dream of. Then Posey’s family would love it immensely, and surely that would bring my mom around.

It would have been perfect. But now, I sit here as my girl fights for her life.

The doctors didn’t even refer to it as a child, just an infection. And I mean, I get that they are right, it wasn’t a baby yet, but that embryo was Posey and me. It was us—the one thing I love more than anything in this world. I swallow hard as I fall deep into my feelings. I fold my body, pressing my face into my legs as I suck in a deep breath. When I feel a hand running up and down my back, I look between my legs to see a pair of really expensive heels that I assume belong to Elli.

“It’s okay, sweetheart. She’s gonna be all right.”

I almost choke on a whimper and I want to be embarrassed for my overly emotional self, but I know Aiden would never tell anyone about this. Plus, could anyone really blame me for being scared? The love of my life is being cut into. Before a sob can escape, I’m up and out of my seat, leaving the waiting room. I head down the hall to the walkway that overlooks all of Denver. I crouch down, pulling my phone out of my pocket to look at the picture of Posey that I have as my lock screen. She’s walking through Target with a slushy in her hand and a blissful look on her face.

She’s gorgeous.

I want nothing more than to be in Target, arguing about silly shit and buying stuff we don’t need. I want a unicorn slushy. I want to dance with her. I want anything other than to be sitting here, drowning in my tears. I swallow past the lump, and then I’m dialing my mom’s number.

She answers right away. “I didn’t think you’d call me back.”

I choke on my words as the tears rush down my face. “Posey is in surgery. She had an ectopic pregnancy, and it ruptured.”

“Oh, Boon,” she cries. “Where are you? Do you want me to fly in?”

“No, no. I just need you to tell me it’s okay. That she’ll be okay.”

“Yes, it’s okay. Everything is fine. That girl is so strong.”

I cover my face as I nod, crying from my soul. “I feel so helpless.”

“I know, baby. I know you do. I’m so sorry.”

“What if she doesn’t make it out? They said she lost a lot of blood.”

“Boon, don’t think like that. You have to stay positive,” she urges, and I lean my face into the window. “I have no doubts. Everything will be fine, and then you’ll need to spoil her and love her while she heals.”

“You’re right. I need to be strong. I’m just so scared, Mom.”

“I know, baby. I’m scared too. Did you know she was pregnant?”

“No,” I say, shaking my head. “I don’t think she knew either. We thought she was sick from an infection, and usually it has to do with her thyroid.”

“Ah, okay. Thyroids are tricky.”

“I don’t even know what a thyroid is, and I hate it.”

She chuckles lightly. “I know, honey. I’m sorry. Are you sure you don’t want me to come?”

“No, her whole family is here, and all we’re doing is waiting.”

“Will you call me as soon as she’s out?”

“Yeah,” I say softly. And when I hear footsteps, I see Shea coming toward me. “Let me let you go.”