Her breath catches, her eyes burning into mine, and the emotion is almost too much to handle. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I was waiting for you.”

She grins. “I was waiting for you.” We both chuckle a bit as our gazes stay locked together. I feel like I’m being hit by a wave of her love. I feel it crashing into me, and I welcome it. I crave it. I bring her in closer as she says, “I wish I had told you instead of telling your mom.”

I shrug. “It doesn’t matter how you said it as long as you do.”

Her eyes flash with tenderness. “I love you, Boon.”

“I love you too, lovely.”

She then pulls me down for a lusty kiss.

I wrap my arms around her, swallowing her with my arms as our mouths move together perfectly. I feel her kiss all over my body, and I wouldn’t want anything else. As we part, her eyes are gleaming so brightly, so beautifully, they leave me breathless. “Wanna get out of here?”

She nods. “I kind of need to. I need to go to the pharmacy.”

I kiss her nose. “Let’s go.” I don’t let her go far as I take out my wallet, throwing two hundreds on the table. I feel kind of badass doing so, just to show my mom I’m in my lane and I’m kicking ass. I clear my throat as my gaze meets my mom’s. “I like the lane I’m in.”


“I can’t speak to you right now. Maybe tomorrow.” I look to Wilbur, who has contributed nothing and is still eating like someone is about to take that plate away. “Wilbur, see ya, man.”

“See ya,” he says, waving his fork at us. “Nice meeting you, Posey.”

Posey looks at me incredulously, and I shrug just as my mom says, “I think we need to talk about this. I may have been wrong.”

“Correction. You were wrong,” I snap, setting her with a look. “But my girlfriend needs to go, and I want to go with her. And I don’t want to be near you.”

Mom’s mouth snaps shut, but her eyes are on fire. I know that look, I know she wants to fight, but I don’t have the time or energy. I’m unsure how I feel about how she treated Posey just now, but I am sure that her opinion on us doesn’t matter. I love Posey, and she loves me. I lace my fingers with Posey’s, moving her arm so I can hold her body and her hand at the same time while she’s tucked into my side.

Right where she belongs.

Chapter Twenty-Six


“So, let me get this straight,” Wes says as he passes the puck to me and I send it to Aiden. We have our little routine in warmups. Reminds me of the beginning of hockey practice when I was growing up. For some reason, the nostalgia of it usually gets me hyped, but I don’t know if I can get hyped today. I’m still so upset with my mom. “Mom said she didn’t like her because she has money?”

Aiden makes a face as I nod. “Yeah, she’s so hung up on it, and I don’t understand it. Julia had money, her parents flashed that all the time, so I don’t know how wearing a pair of shoes makes her different.”

Since Aiden has found out about Posey and me, we’ve all done really well about saying her or she instead of her name. “I mean, my boo be buying some fancy shoes, but did your mom know your girl borrowed them from her sister?” he asks.

I nod. “I told her this morning, and she apologized and said she hates how she acted. But I still have mixed feelings about it. She wanted to go to lunch with her today, but she had a doctor’s appointment.”

Wes gives me a look. “Would she have gone?”

“I’m actually not sure,” I admit. “Though, I can’t blame her if not. Mom was so fucking rude.”

I pick up the puck on my blade and then pass it through the air to Aiden. He catches it on his blade with ease, dancing a bit to be a showboater before tossing it to Wes.

“What are you thinking?”

“What do you mean?” I ask him as Wes tosses it back to me. I catch it, and now I feel like showboating a bit. I quickly fling the puck through the air, making sure to be fast enough so it doesn’t move off my blade. It’s a cool trick.

“I mean, can you be with someone your mom doesn’t like?”

I drop the puck. I gawk at him before Aiden steals it, moving it through my legs. “I could,” he admits before passing it to Wes. “Good thing my mom loves Shelli like she’s hers.”

Wes rolls his eyes. “Not everyone falls in love with their childhood friend, so you don’t count.” He steals the puck from Aiden and then glances back at me. “I mean, I could be with whoever I want, but I didn’t love any of my dad’s exes. They didn’t care for me the way your mom did, you know what I’m saying?”