The girls sighed as if realizing she meant to say no.

He couldn’t allow it.

“Ma’am, don’t let your pride be the cause of putting your children in the way of danger.” He hoped his words would make Clara rethink her decision without alarming her daughters.

“It’s not pride.” Then she clamped her mouth shut.

“You need help. Why not admit it and accept it?”

He watched a war wage behind her eyes. For some reason she hesitated to accept help. Why? If not pride, was it independence? Fear? He guessed he saw flickers of all three in her struggle. And it brought a rush of emotions to his heart. He appreciated a person’s need to take care of herself, but of what or whom was she afraid?

Resignation filled her expression. “I must stay in town.”

He wished he knew why, but it seemed futile to ask her. She kept her reasons to herself.

“Then stay with someone in town.”

Hope flared in her eyes. “Do you know of someone needing help for a few days? I could work for food and lodging.”

He considered everyone in town. None needed help this time of year. If it had been summer, the Mortons could have used someone to assist with meals.

That gave him an idea. The Mortons had a shack on their property, one where Cassie had lived before she married the ranch foreman, Roper Jones. It was better than sleeping in the open and at least there was a stove. “I have an idea. Stay here while I check it out.” Blue didn’t wait for her agreement or otherwise. He grabbed his coat and rushed out the door and across the space between the church and the Mortons’ place.

He swallowed hard and slowed his breathing before he stepped inside.

Bonnie chuckled. “Back so soon? Wanting more food?”

“Not food this time.” Again he twisted his hat. “Would you be willing to let someone use your little shack?”

She gaped at him, then shrugged. “Guess it would depend who needs it. You? I thought you meant to stay at the church.”

How to explain his predicament? “Not me. I’ll be fine at the church. Closer to my work.” He saw Bonnie’s confusion. “It’s for this lady and her two girls. Mrs. Weston. Her girls are Eleanor and Libby. They’re seven and eight.”

Bonnie leaned back on her heels and grinned. “A woman and two girls. Where did you find them?”

“They’re waiting for someone.”

“I see. Who are they waiting for?”

He curled his fingers around the brim of his hat. “They didn’t say. I offered to take her to the ranch, but she says she has to stay in town and wait.”

Bonnie chuckled. “Why, Blue Lyons, how did you manage to get yourself involved with a woman and two children? I’ve always thought of you as a loner. Someone who avoids people.”

“Yes, ma’am.” That was him all right. “I just happened to be the one who stumbled upon them. That’s all.”

She nodded, but judging by the way her mouth tipped upward in amusement he guessed she wasn’t agreeing.

“About that shack?”

Bonnie shook her head. “We’ve been storing things there.”

“So they can’t use it.” Now what? He reached for the door handle. Maybe... No, it wouldn’t be proper to stay in Macpherson’s store or the livery barn. Blue was out of suggestions.

“Wait.” Bonnie stopped him. “How long would they need the place?”

“I can’t rightly say.” Clara had been unwilling to reveal any details.

“I suppose we could fit them in. They would be crowded, but if they don’t mind...”

“I’ll bring them over.” He hurried back to the church.

Clara stood where he’d left her.

Eleanor and Libby sat on their bags, their elbows resting on their knees and their chins in the palms of their upturned hands. Their expressions were dejected until they looked up and saw him. Then they smiled, so trustingly, as if convinced he would solve their problems. He hesitated. He didn’t want anyone trusting him to take care of them. Didn’t want the concern and fear that came with it.

He shifted his gaze to their mother. “I found a place for you.”

She didn’t move. “I will only go where I can take care of our needs myself. I won’t accept charity.”