A few moments later, he pulled the wagon to a stop in view of a field, empty but for crusted grass and ringed by trees and a flowing creek. “This is it.”

She stared. “What am I supposed to see?”

He took her hand and pulled her close. “A new place. A little house right there.” He pointed. “Over there a barn. A garden there. Children playing on the hill there. Cattle farther afield.”

She laughed. “You have a vivid imagination.”

He turned to face her. “It’s what I want. But I don’t want it by myself.” He searched her eyes. Dare he believe he saw encouragement in them? “Clara, I want you to be part of my future. Do you suppose it would be possible for us to start over together?”


Maybe? He wanted more than that. So much more. “Clara, I love you. I want you in my life. I want the girls in my life.”

A smile filled her face. “You love me?”

He’d thought it so often the past few days he thought everyone could tell. “Let’s go look at my house.” He jumped to the ground and lifted her down, keeping her hand tucked around his arm as they walked down the hill to the spot where he envisioned the house. He stood behind her and pointed as he spoke. “Right here where we can see the seasons change along the creek, where we’ll be protected from the winter winds and be able to see the sunset every evening.”

She leaned against him. “Sounds like a nice place.”

He wrapped his arms around her. “It will be a lonely place without you.” He turned her to face him. “Clara, I love you like I never imagined a man could love a woman.”

When she didn’t speak, his heart lurched. Then she cupped her hands about his face. Her tenderness, her warmth, reached straight through his chest, cradling his questing heart.

He closed his eyes and lived the moment. He allowed nothing to rob him of a single sensation of her touch. Not worry, not doubts, nothing but the joy of this moment.

“Blue, you have taught me to value my strengths, helped me see how I can do whatever is necessary. You made me believe things I only hoped were possible.”

His eyes opened to watch her.

She examined his every feature as if wanting to burn them deep into her memories.

“I can’t imagine life without you.” She brought her gaze to him, and his heart exploded at the love pouring from her blue eyes. “I love you like I never dreamed possible.”

He caught her hands and brought them to his lips. “Clara, I want to spend the rest of my life loving you. Will you marry me?”

“I will love you to the ends of the earth and back, and, yes, I will marry you.”

He tossed his hat in the air and whooped with joy, then swung her off her feet. “Mrs. Clara Lyons. Imagine that.” He set her on her feet and tipped her head up. “I love you.” He caught her lips in a gentle kiss, promising his heart and support for the rest of his life.

He meant to keep the kiss short and gentle, but she wrapped her arms about his waist, pressed one hand to his back and the other to his head and clung to him.

What could he do but kiss her with his whole heart?

Chapter Twenty

Blue led Clara from spot to spot, telling her of his plans. “A big garden here. Of course, I’ll have to fence it. I’ll put it close to the house so you can easily tend it. You do want a garden, don’t you?” he asked, as if realizing she might have a say in the plans.

But she didn’t care where he put the garden or anything else.

He loved her. She loved him. They were going to start over again. A new family. A new home.

“Show me again where the house will be.”

He led her to the spot he’d chosen. “Do you like it here?”

“I like it fine. What kind of house will it be?”

He scrubbed at his chin. “Do you want one as big as the Gardiners’? I know it’s what you’re used to but—” He lifted his hands in a helpless gesture. “I’m not a rich man.”

She pulled him to face her. “I’ve been rich and pampered. I didn’t much care for it. I’ve been penniless and homeless over the past weeks. Worried about how I was going to take care of the girls. I didn’t like that, either.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. “But I do have a dream.” She pulled his head down and kissed him.