Clara, where are you?

Had Rufus been mistaken? Or had Clara changed her mind? Why had he left her alone in town? If anything happened to her and the girls...

Pain stabbed every nerve ending, and he groaned. He should have never let himself care.

He snorted derisively and admitted he could no more not care about Clara than he could turn back time...something he didn’t want to do. He would always love Alice and Nancy and Beau, but there was room in his heart for more...for a beautiful woman and two little girls.

A future he wanted to share with Clara and the girls beckoned. He loved her and wished to spend his life with her. He wanted to love those little girls until they glowed with joy.

If only he got a chance to tell her.

But where was she?

Oh, God, my good shepherd, lead me to her. Please keep her safe.

He knew only one place to look, and he galloped back to town. He barely reached the churchyard before he leaped from the saddle and rushed into the building.


But no one was there. He hurried out the back door. His steps didn’t slow until he reached the shack, and he paused only long enough to holler, “It’s Blue,” before he pushed the door open. But it was still empty. So, too, now was the Morton house.

Where was Clara? He asked the question over and over as he raced to the store. He clattered up the steps and grabbed the doorknob. It wouldn’t turn. He tried again. Locked? In the middle of the day? “Macpherson,” he roared as he banged on the door.

The only sound was his own voice.

Chapter Nineteen

Her whole life hung in the balance. If this failed, she’d be lost. Clara prayed as never before as she sat on one side of Constable Allen’s desk.

The constable had agreed to help her. “You and the girls are safe under my protection. You stay here while I round up some of Edendale’s citizens. You say you’ve been eating at the Mortons’?”

She’d nodded. “I rented the horse and wagon from Rufus.”

“That’s good. Did Macpherson meet you?”

“On the first day.”

“Good.” He’d left her and the girls alone. She’d alternately shivered with fear and paced as she told herself to be strong.

The Constable returned. “They’ll soon be here.”

Clara clenched her hands, tried to relax her jaw. This was the hardest thing she’d ever done.

The girls waited in the back room. She hoped they wouldn’t be able to hear what went on.

“Mama, is Grandfather here?” Eleanor had whispered as Clara explained they must stay there and not make a sound.

“Don’t worry, little one.” The words caught in her throat as she realized she used the same endearment as Blue. “We don’t need to be afraid anymore.” Please God, let it be so. Let me be correct in thinking this is what I need to do.

Bonnie and Claude were the first to enter the room where Clara sat, trying not to let her nerves make her shake visibly. Bonnie hugged her. “We’re on your side,” she whispered. Claude squeezed her hand and nodded.

Then Rufus stepped inside. “My horse and wagon still in one piece?”

She managed a trembling smile. “They’re out back.”

He moved to stand beside Claude.

The door opened again. Macpherson entered and stepped aside to let Father in. When he saw her sitting by the Mountie, his nostrils flared and disapproval set his mouth into a grim line.

Inside, she shrank back from the criticism she knew he’d be speaking soon enough; outwardly she managed to remain calm. “Father,” she acknowledged with a nod of her head.

“So I finally find you.” He looked about. “Where are the girls?” He parted his lips in a gesture that was faintly feral. “Please tell me you haven’t abandoned them.”

If he thought his words would frighten her, cow her, he was wrong. They gave her the strength she needed to confront him. “I would never, will never ever, abandon them.” And I will never let you take them from me.

“Mr. Creighton,” Constable Allen began. “If you’ll have a seat.” He indicated the chair on the other side of the desk from Clara.

The Mountie looked about him. “We are here to hear Clara’s concerns, bear witness to them, and I will render a decision.”