“Ma’am, it would be my pleasure to get the wagon headed in the correct direction.”

She considered his offer and sighed. “Thank you.”

He dismounted. His horse obediently stayed where it had been left. Constable Allen climbed up beside Clara and took the reins. “Watch. I’ll show you how it’s done.”

“Thank you.” How many lessons would she need before she understood?

He instructed her on the proper use of the reins, and this time she hoped she got it.

“Ma’am, where are you going?”

She looked straight ahead, not willing to answer.

“It’s my business to know.” His tone was soft but left no doubt in her mind that he made sure he knew who was where.

“I’m headed for the Eden Valley Ranch.”

“Oh, that makes sense.”

She blinked at him.

“People who need help often turn there.” He jumped down and returned to his horse, mounting it in one easy movement. “If I can help in any way, you can find me at my office in town for the next few days. And if I’m not there, I’ll leave a message on the door saying where I am and when I’ll be back.”

She nodded and waited for him to ride on.

He studied her with unblinking forcefulness. “I’ve often helped people out of their troubles. I have the law behind me.” Constable Allen lifted his hand in a farewell salute.

“Thank you.” She urged Old Sal on.

The girls moved up beside her on the seat.

“Maybe he could help us like he says,” Eleanor said.

“We’ll be fine on our own.”

As she successfully reined the horse westward, she glanced over her shoulder. Though the delay had cost her time, she saw no one but the disappearing Mountie. But for how long?

Her heart raced; her limbs shook. Her head felt ready to explode from fear and tension.

He leadeth me beside still waters.

Not into panicked flight.

He restoreth my soul.

How long had it been since her soul had been at real peace? She’d known a taste of it the past few days but always laced with the fear of her father showing up.

“Are we like the people in the Bible? You know, the ones in Exodus?”

Clara turned to Eleanor, uncertain what she meant. “Because we are leaving?”

“No, because we don’t think God can help.”

“Oh, Eleanor, my sweet child, that’s not true. God has guided us and protected us every day.”

“That’s right,” Libby said importantly. “Moses isn’t still alive, so God sent Mr. Blue.”

Clara stared from one girl to the other. Where did they get such profound ideas?

Was she like the children of Israel, refusing to trust God and follow His guidance? Had He brought her this far to show her something, teach her the things she needed to know to be strong and independent?

She’d told Blue she wanted to be able to choose. Then do it, he’d said.

“Mama, we’re not moving,” Eleanor pointed out helpfully.

“I know. I need to think.” If only God would send a guiding light like he’d done for the Israelites.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me.

Could she walk through the dark valley? She could if she knew God was at her side. If that was all she needed, she knew she had it. God was always with her, always ready to help.

“Girls, we’re going back.”

Libby jumped off the seat. “Really, Mama?” She faced Clara, her hands clasped in front of her.

“Yes. Now sit down before you fall.”

“Oh, Mama,” Eleanor said with such feeling it brought tears to Clara’s eyes. “This is exactly what we should do.”

“I’m glad you approve.” She hugged the child.

“Mr. Blue will be glad,” Libby added as she perched on the wagon seat again, her eyes beaming her pleasure.

Clara had no idea if he would or not. She hoped for the former. However, it had no bearing on her decision.

It took her a few minutes to get the wagon turned around and headed in the right direction. As they traveled, she made plans.

She turned to the trail on the back side of town. She pulled the wagon in beside the NWMP building. “Girls, come with me and be quiet. I need to talk to Constable Allen.” The heels of her boots clicked on boards as she climbed the three steps and opened the door, the girls at her side.