She held his gaze as the moment ticked by, full of expectation and hope and things he’d forgotten to believe in.

There was only one thing to do in response. He lowered his head and claimed her lips.

She was everything he’d imagined. Strong and at the same time yielding. Her arms came around his waist, and she pressed her hands to his back, letting him know she wanted this kiss as much as he did.

His heart filled with such sweetness he stifled a groan and lifted his mouth from hers. He pressed her head to the hollow of his shoulder and held her tightly. She snuggled close and sighed, the sound of contentment.

He looked out at the snow-dusted landscape. Did this mean she would stay? He would ask, but he didn’t want to spoil the richness of the moment. He’d bring up the matter later.

For now, he wanted to enjoy the feel of Clara in his arms.

* * *

Clara rested in Blue’s embrace, safe and cherished. She couldn’t say what the kiss had meant on Blue’s behalf. Goodness, she couldn’t even say what it meant on her behalf. Or why she’d even allowed it. Perhaps because of the hope and acceptance she felt at Eden Valley Ranch. From what she’d heard of the women who lived here, they were allowed to be strong and independent. They had all found a marriage where they were valued and their strengths acknowledged.

Was such possible for Clara?

Perhaps, if she could believe her father would not take her children away. She had to deal with that fear. But for now, she simply wanted to forget her troubles and enjoy the encouragement Blue had given.

“It’s getting cold,” Blue said. “We need to get back.”

She made a tiny sound of protest, then realized how weak it made her sound and straightened. She didn’t mind that he kept his arm around her shoulders.

It remained there as they made their leisurely way down the hill. Not until they reached the pens did he drop his arm to his side.

That unfamiliar sound of protest again came to her lips.

He walked her up the hill to the big house. “I’ll leave you here.”

“Where are you going?”

“I’ll eat at the cookhouse, then join the other cowboys in the bunkhouse.”

She reached for his hand, feeling a sense of abandonment. “But I don’t know Linette and Eddie.”

He smiled. “You know them well enough. You’ll be fine. I’ll see you at church tomorrow.”

She clung to his hand. Where was the strength he said she had? She was acting like a weakling.

“Of course, I’ll be fine.” She forced herself to drop his hand. “Enjoy visiting with your friends.” She reached for the doorknob then hesitated. It was harder to say goodbye than it should be. “Thank you for the tour of the ranch.”

“Thank you for the kiss,” he murmured.

Heat raced up her neck and stung her cheeks. Yet she was pleased to know he’d enjoyed it, too.

“Until tomorrow, then.” Her hand lingered on the knob without turning it. What was she waiting for?

“Until tomorrow.” He trailed his knuckles along her jawline.

That’s what she was waiting for, though she hadn’t known it.

A touch to convince her she hadn’t imagined the tender moment between them.

She stepped inside, hung her coat inside the door and followed the sounds of the children back to the kitchen.

Linette smiled at her entrance. “What do you think of our ranch?”

“It’s very nice.” Though it wasn’t the ranch she thought of. It was the way Blue had kissed her and held her and called her strong.

She held back a sigh. Was she strong enough to do what she must?

Linette pressed her hand to the small of her back. “This little one is getting heavy.”

“Why don’t you sit and tell me what to do?”

“You wouldn’t mind?”

“Not at all.” She checked the potatoes and sliced bread at Linette’s request. “When is your baby due?”

“Soon, before Christmas, I hope, but I don’t mind confessing I’d be happy for it to come any day. Clara—you don’t mind if I call you that?”

Clara shook her head.

“Did you have a doctor when your girls were born?”

She nodded. “We lived in Toronto, and my husband insisted on the finest doctor in the city.”