Page 15 of To Have and to Hold

“I can’t wait. I’ll be the one in white,” she adds with a wink.

“I’m going to ruin that fucking dress when I get you alone.”

“Gideon!” Scarlett acts affronted, but I know she loves this playful side. Kissing her once more, I grab her ass and whistle as she walks toward the driver side. I watch her hips sway in those jeans. “Go to work, you savage.”

Laughing, I head in. Jessica is already there, a coffee waiting with some mail. I give her a curt greeting, still not too happy with the words she said about my wife last week. But since then, she’s been on her best behavior, performing her responsibilities with extra effort, which may be the only reason I didn’t fire her on the spot after Scar told me she was afraid of her.

“Morning, Dr. Pierce. David is in your office waiting for you.”

I look at her in question, wondering why my best friend from high school would be here. But then it clicks. The wedding. The kids must have said something the other day when he went to the park with them.

“Thank you. Thanks for the coffee,” I tell her, making my way back to my office. I prepare myself for whatever antics my best friend is going to have hidden up his bachelor-life sleeve.

Entering my office, I’m greeted with him in my chair and his feet on my desk. David is in his work attire; he’s a dentist just up the Strip from me.

“Don’t you have work, David?”

He laughs. “You must know why I’m here. You telling me my best friend was going to renew his vows with his wife and not invite me?”

“You’re renewing your vows?” Jessica sounds off behind me.

I turn, seeing she has a bottled water in her hand. “Yes, we are. Tomorrow.” I move to the opposite side of my desk from where David is and place the mail on my desk, removing my suit jacket. Jessica follows me in and hands David the water bottle I now know was meant for him.

“Thank you, beautiful.” Classic David. If she has a rack and a pussy, he will chase her. “I would spend time saying how pissed I am about you not telling me, but seeing as we don’t have much time for that, I’ll just inform you that we’re going out tonight. A bachelor party, if you will.”

Suddenly, I have a flashback to my actual bachelor party, where he brought a stripper to my penthouse and I had to fight her off like a rabid dog.

“No. Not a chance in hell,” I tell him. Jessica hasn’t moved, and I take notice. “You can go now.” My voice is harsher than I intended.

It hits me then. I have to find someone to replace her. Jessica makes my wife uneasy, and knowing this has left a bitter taste in my mouth when it comes to the woman. I mentally add that to my mental to-do list—find a new receptionist ASAP.

“Yes, Dr. Pierce.” She scurries away, and my attention goes back to David.

“No. We aren’t young bachelors anymore. I’m already married. We aren’t doing anything.”

“Too late. I called Scar’s girls. They’re taking her out, and we are taking you.”

My skin crawls, my gut instantly clenching at the thought of her out without me. “Where are they taking her,” I snap.

“Calm down, Hulk. I told them no male strippers or you would have my head. Now agree, or I’m just going to drag you.”

Placing my hands on my hips, I drop my head back and let out a deep breath.

“Fuck, fine. But if it’s like last time, I will kick your ass,” I threaten.

With a salute and a victorious grin, he stands. Coming to me, he pats me on the back.

“Awesome. I’ll be here to get you after work. Be ready.”

I watch him retreat and close the door behind himself. This means Scarlett is going to find out soon, and I want to be the first to check in and make sure she’s in the right headspace. I don’t need her worried, especially not the night before the special day we’ve been looking forward to for what seems like forever but has only been a week. Grabbing my phone out of my pocket, I call her.

“Hello,” Scarlett’s sensual voice vibrates through the line.

“Baby, have you spoken to David or any of the girls?”

As she clears her throat, I know the answer already.

“Yes.” That’s all she responds.

“Hey. He promised nothing like last time, and I called you the second I found out. Where is that beautiful head of yours?”

There’s a pregnant pause.

“Nervous, but I trust you. I love you.” She says the last part almost desperately. It turns me on that she still gets jealous, but I want her to know there is no threat. Since day one, no temptation has ever been present.