Page 45 of Much Ado About You

I smirked as she did it again.

My smile fell, however, when I saw her wife shoot concerned looks somewhere over my shoulder. I didn’t need to turn to know the concern was because Maggie Foster had set up a stall with the artwork and jewelry she sold beside me. No one had told Maggie that her daughter and daughter-in-law would be there, if the pale shock on Maggie’s face was any evidence.

Shrugging off my worry about this new development, I decided I could only deal with one problem at a time, and my priority was Caro’s nerves. “You’ll do great,” I promised.

“Of course she will.” Roane’s voice brought my head around to see him approaching from the parking lot of The Anchor with a girl at his side. “And I brought reinforcements.”

My eyes went to his companion, and I beamed. I knew who she was, not because we’d met, but because Milly had proudly shown me photographs.

She was Milly and Dex’s daughter, Viola.

And she was even lovelier in real life.

To my surprise, Caro perked up at the sight. “Viola!” She hurried around the back of her stall, and the two young women met for a hug. The affection and ease between them surprised me considering Caro had not struck me as someone who made friends easily.

Roane came to my side, bumping me with his shoulder. “How are you?”

“Confused. I thought you said Caro had no friends?”

“Viola and Caro are as close as is possible with Helena breathing down Caro’s neck. All the other girls faded out of her life because she was always declining to do things with them. Viola’s different. She’s like Milly. Understanding. She’s there for Caro whenever she needs her, even if they don’t spend much time together.”

I liked her already.

Even more so as the stunning young woman walked straight toward me with a beautiful smile on her face. “You must be Evie.” She held out her arms for a hug, and I bent down toward her to immediately acquiesce. She gave me a squeeze. “Mam has told me all about you.”

“She’s told me all about you too.”

Viola eyed me in open curiosity. “She said you could be a model, and she wasn’t lying.” Her large hazel eyes swept down my bare legs. I was wearing shorts. “God, I’d give anything for your legs.”

I laughed. “Well, thanks, but you’re gorgeous. Nothing about you needs to change.”

It was true. Viola had been blessed with smooth, blemish-free skin. It was lighter than her father’s, a warm, tawny color, and she had Milly’s eye color but Dex’s eye shape. With her complexion those light hazel eyes were extraordinarily striking, huge, feline, and long lashed. She had a cute button of a nose and ample lips with an exaggerated cupid’s bow. Like mine, Viola’s dark hair was highlighted with a caramel ombré effect. There were masses of it falling to the base of her back in fluffy waves.

In shorts, cute sneakers with gold glitter on them, and a cropped belly top, Viola gave the appearance of a confident twenty-year-old. And with her tiny waist, rounded ass, and slender legs, she had every reason to be. I imagined she had many admirers at college. Not just because she was beautiful, but because of the way she smiled. Even if I hadn’t heard what a great, kind girl she was, I’d be able to tell by the warmth that radiated from her.

“I love your accent.” Viola grinned at me and then turned to Caro. “You ready, chickie?” Caro gave a tremulous smile and her friend laughed, throwing an arm around her shoulder. “Don’t worry, it’ll be great.”

“When did you get back from college?” I asked.

“Last night. It’s nice to be home. Mam says you’re staying for another three months, which is awesome. We’ll get to hang out.”

I smiled and gave Roane an amused look he returned. Why a twenty-year-old would want to hang out with me, I had no idea, but I wouldn’t shoot her down.

“Looks like everyone’s ready.” Roane nodded toward the other stalls. We had people from outside the village who had asked to set up their stalls, selling everything from tea towels and jewelry to fresh produce. He looked at me as he brushed his knuckles down my arm. “You ready?”

Since my little breakdown at the beginning of the week, Roane had been even more attentive. The man was killing me.

I shivered at his touch, and his dark eyes glimmered with heat at the reaction. Trying not to blush, I took a step back from him. “Yeah, let’s do this.”

“I’ve got to work, but I’ll be back later to check in.” He strode over to Caro, took her by the shoulders, and pressed a sweet kiss to her forehead. I was not jealous of her forehead. No sirree. “Good luck, treasure. Call if you need me.”