“Why is this girl in the cage and being hurt by you?” She glared at the Nurian warriors. “When did your duties extended to brutalizing the innocent.”

"Your Highness," one of her warriors said on a bow. "It is a Darkan. And it is in the cage on orders of Prince Baku. We understand it is a gift."

An awful feeling lodged in the pit of her stomach. “A gift for whom?”

The Avindites stared at her, and one urged his kun forward. “We did not mean to disturb your rest, Princess Xian. As to whom this thing is intended for, that is a question for Prince Baku." Then he pressed his forearm across his chest in a sign of respect.

“She is chained in five shackles of valnetium iron, there is no reason to torture her. I order you to cease, immediately.”

The warriors considered her, before glancing at each other uneasily. “We have orders, Princess and—”

“I do not care what your orders are,” she snarled, a wash of red fire burning along her hair and the tip of her fingers.

The kuns snorted, reared and a few shied away from her. The Avindites stiffened at the display. However, the Nurian warriors, who were more used to the erratic display of the Phoenyx, only held still. Reigning in the anger pouring through her veins, Xian said, "I will speak to your prince. Where might I find him?"

“He headed toward the ravines of the east,” one of the Avindite murmured, his eyes flat and watchful.

"Until I speak with your prince, please control the urge to attack someone unable to defend themselves. It is a cowardly act," she spat, uncaring that she caused any wounds to their pride.

She leveled her gaze to the warlord. "You will cease hurting her."

A smile tipped his lips, but his eyes remained closed. "I can feel the power and the volatility of the Phoenyx inside you, princess. Quite impressive I must admit. As much as I wish to obey your commands, if I release the incantation which suppressed the demon beast inside of this Darkan, the entire force here will be slaughtered. Once the sun rises…I will release it from my spell."

She stared at him for several seconds then back to the female who had gripped the bars of the cage, staring at her with desperation. Darkans were unable to use their beast powers under the force of the sun. The warlord spoke the truth, for in the Darkans eyes glowed a promise of retribution. Xian turned away and headed toward the ravines. She crept through the procession of warriors and carriages, a mix of anger and curiosity dodging her steps. She flashed, blurring with speed and stealth away from her convoy until she was in the deep cragged land of Taryllion.

She spied the prince, standing with his hands behind him, staring up at the celestial stars. His shoulders tensed, and she allowed the leaves to crunch beneath her boots as she made her way over to him. "There is a female Darkan who is caged…and being tortured at your command," she said softly. "Why do you perpetuate this cruelty?”

“Sympathetic to those vile beings, are you? I see I erroneously believed the dark ones we

re a common enemy.”

“King Ajali’s consort is a Darkan. I daresay it is impossible to brand all dark ones as enemies, only those who work against our kingdom.”

The prince scoff, but he did not refute her claim.

“Your warriors say that she is a gift. For whom?”

“For Emperor Jadon Khan, the emperor of Mevia.”

Everything inside of her stilled. “And what is her crime against the empire?”

The prince chuckled, the sound resounding with soft menace. “That thing is simply a gift.”

Of the seven kingdoms of Amagarie, the Darkage—the realm of beasts, shadows, and darkness—was the most feared and reviled. A wash of shame burned through her to think only a few days ago her heart had held a similar enmity. Yet she'd had just cause in the cowardly act of assassinating her pregnant mother. What did Prince Baku have other than revulsion for their reputation? "Darkans are people like us. With heart and emotions and families."

He tsked. “Surely you are not so naïve, Princess Xian?”

“And surely you are not so despicable as to hand over an innocent woman to an empire known for its dark proclivities and dungeons of torture.”

"That thing has a demon beast inside. I doubt it understands innocence. You do know they feed on our emotions like devouring vultures? And the Emperor has made it known he will pay handsomely for Darkans. A million-gold crown for each one over one hundred years but under two centuries."

“And what did he promise for a Tenzu?” she snapped, disgusted with the ease at which he spoke of consigning the Darkan female to hell.

The prince faced her. A shadow seemed to cross his face, and dark eyes watched her. “He promised me I would be the crown prince of Avindar. As it stands, I am fifth in line for the throne.”

Shock surged through her at his bald confession.

“But I told him no.” He reached up and gently cupped her face. “I want this alliance to work…and despite that your heart belongs to another now, I wish to win it one day,” he said with astonishing sincerity.