“You are beautiful,” he said gruffly, cupping her cheeks. “I will miss you, my Xian, more than I will be able to ever express.”

She turned her head slightly and kissed the palm of his hand. "And I will miss you, Gavyn Westk'arr."

He grabbed her and move with speed toward the bed.

Xian gasped against his mouth as the bed sheet caught fire. Then it was out as Gavyn sent the flames elsewhere. She twined her hand behind his head and pulled him down. She kissed him with all the aching yearnings she had held in her heart for him over the years.

Swirls of want and need denied for more than ten years came rushing to the surface. Xian moaned into his kiss, a shock of powerful lust tearing through her. An aching, terrifying awareness of how much she wanted him forever by her side wreaked havoc with her emotions. They kissed even as tears coursed down her cheeks. She wrapped her legs high around his waist, wishing he could wrap his skin around hers and hold his scent in her heart forever.

“I know,” he murmured against her lips. “I feel it too.”

“Gavyn,” she sobbed, stroking her hands through his hair, and ripping it from the queue. His hair felt like a waterfall of silk as it ran through her fingers. Gripping his hair, she kissed him over and over.

Reaching between them with one of her hand, she gripped his length taking in the thick silky feeling and the ridge of knots that spanned his cock. Acting on instinct, she rolled with him and shimmered down his body. Clasping his cock in her hand, she licked along his length, before enveloping the flared mushroomed head into her mouth.

He growled in pleasure, a charming sound. She engulfed the tip in her mouth. His taste exploded on her tongue, rich and earthy. His hand tightened almost violently in her hair, sending a tingling heat through her scalp.

“Xian,” he snarled, his free hand twisting in the sheets.

Xian moaned around his taste, which was dark, heady, and sultry, like the rain. With a flash of speed, he reversed their position, and split her legs open wide. She flushed at the vulnerable position, sweat trailing between her breasts.

He caressed her slick folds, and she shivered at the astonishing pleasure that tightened low in her stomach. He rubbed around her slipperiness until he found her clit, which he circled firmly, before pressing down hard.

"Gavyn!" she gasped, her hips arching from the bed as the pleasure became a pounding ache of unfulfilled need. "I need you now."

“You are so beautiful in your passion.”

Two of his fingers stroked deep, sending her senses careening. The sensual little pain had weakness shuddering through her body. He stretched then curled his fingers, making her pussy a juicy mess. She moaned brokenly when a third finger joined the others. Her skin felt engulfed in flames and arrows of exquisite sensation shot through her as he worked her soaking sex with his fingers in a deep, piercing rhythm. “Gavyn!” she gasped as something unbearably hot broke inside her.

Her pussy clamped and quivered on the tormenting fingers working her with such wickedness. He split her legs open even wider, bent, and covered her clitoris with his lips, sucking that bundle of nerve into his mouth with lustful greed.

She cried out weakly, her thighs falling apart even wider at his urging.

The firestorm of sensations that peaked in the low of her stomach made her trembled. Ripples of pleasure began to build as he awakened something primal and wicked within her. She felt out of control, and it scared her. He licked her drenched sex, forcing a piercing pleasure through her body that made a white burning desire snap through her.

“Gavyn!” His name tore from her in a wild cry as waves of delight rippled through her, bowing her back from the bed.

He lowered her legs and crawled up on her. His larger muscled body blanketed over hers. Perspiration trickled over her neck, between her breasts. Framing her face with one of his hands, he took possession of her mouth in a tender, lingering kiss. With the other hand, he reached between them, fisted his cock, and pressed it against her sex, and thrust, burying himself to the hilt in one move.

Xian’s scream of pleasure and pain poured from her throat to his, and he consumed it, as he had taken every part of her. She whimpered at the tight, stretching sensation, and she bit deep into his lower lip, tasting his blood—a bewildering flavor of darkness, fire, and sweet sultriness.

He drew out and then plunged deep. Again. And again. And again. Each deep stroke into her wickedly stretched sex was a shock of agonizing pleasure. She sobbed and clutched desperately at his shoulders as he rode her

, the thick almost brutal ridges of his cock scraping against every sensitive spot in her wet sex. He hoisted her legs about his hips, slid his hands beneath her buttocks, lifting her to every thrust. Dark erotic pleasure-pain claimed her as he took her with savage passion, ecstasy crashed in upon her senses, and she climaxed in his arms, shuddering at the bone-jarring pleasure as he found his release deep inside her body.

Chapter 6

Gavyn had never seen another female form so delicate yet voluptuous and firm. He studied the elegant line of Xian’s spine as she lay exhausted amongst the rumpled sheets. He admired with lustful satisfaction the curves of her hips, which were sensually flared, and the rounded globes of her buttocks that made him want to lower his teeth and bite that firm flesh. She was dramatically and lushly curved with a body made for carnal pleasures.

Acting on the impulse, Gavyn lowered his head and licked along her spine. The darkness of her skin against his much paler one was an erotic contrast, and he wanted to gobble her up. She had been created purely for him, and he would treasure her for all eternity. He froze at the thought, for it felt as if it had not come from his own mind, and he knew he had to let her go.

Our kingdom before our needs, always.

Pushing away the disquiet, he nudged her legs apart, and she murmured something into the soft mound of her pillows. He tugged her onto her knees, and pushed three cushions below her, arching her lush buttocks high into the air. She murmured sleepily, but a sweet, sensual smile curved her lips. He came upon his knees, bent behind her, and licked her pussy in one heated swipe before drawing her clitoris into his mouth. She surged awake on a wild cry, convulsing in his arms in a shockingly easy orgasm.

“Gavyn,” she gasped, her fingers twisting the silken sheets below her.

He rubbed his tongue at her center, in a long, slow, heated lick. “You taste a bit of sin…and fire…and surely what the heavenly waters of the universe must taste like.”