Xian peered up at him. “I’ll not fail our kingdom.”

He hugged her, and whispered, “I know how hard this is for you…I know you love another and—”

“Do not speak of it!” she pulled away from him. “You and Uriah were allowed to marry the person you loved. You took a Darkan, one of our kingdom most hated enemies as your consort, and I know you will eventually make her your queen. I love Gavyn Westk’arr with every emotion in my heart.”

Uriah flinched and scrubbed a hand over his face. “King’s teeth,” he murmured. “Xian I am so damn sorry—”

“Can someone else do this mission?” she demanded hoarsely.

“No,” Ajali murmured. “Avindar is hungry for you because you are a Tenzu.”

She nodded, hating that tears once again pricked behind her eyes. “I’ll do my duty.” Then she turned and walked away.

Once in the corridor, she concentrated her chakra and sped away, a blur as she flashed through the hallways. Xian rushed passed dozens of servants and warriors without being seen, making her way to her smaller castle on the far eastern side of the royal court ground.

Once there she dropped to her knees onto the grass and took several gasping breaths. Raw, visceral emotions tore through her, loss being the keenest. She slapped a hand over her mouth as a harsh sob ripped from her. With unsteady movements, she lurched to her feet and swiped at the tears.

“Now is not the time to break down,” she whispered fiercely, walking over the lawns leading to her palace.

She faltered and spun around, staring at the main castle in the distance, perched atop a small hill. The main castle, which boasted over six hundred rooms, a mixture of gray stone and white marble, stood several stories high and stretched for miles. Jasper, rubies, emerald, and jewels of amethyst formed the massive sigil of their house—the Phoenyx, which was mounted atop the North parapet for all approaching citizens and visitors to see. Towering trees rose and spread for miles to the entrance of the castle. It was like a city unto itself with dozens of turrets, arches, and balconies with majestic glass windows that twinkled with pinpoints of light even with the lowering of the sun.

Lush verdant grass surrounded the three palaces, and the waters of the lake shimmered under the pale light of Nuria's moon. Her smaller palace, which boasted eighty-five rooms and a large courtyard, was closer to Castle Shelah than Uriah's palace. But she would risk word getting back to Ajali to have one moment for herself before she was carted off to join with a stranger for the rest of her life.

“I must do my part,” Xian whispered.

She trailed her fingers from her neck to stop above her heart. But tonight…tonight, she would not be dutiful. Tonight, she would live for herself and burn in one night of stolen sin and pleasure.

Chapter 5

Xian flashed to the harem in the main castle and flung open the doors. Several women reposed on opulent divans, drinking wine and smoking kasha, but majority stood in the main hall, dressed in battle readiness. Tehdra stood before them, sheathed in a red kaftan, her midnight black hair rippling down her shoulder and back. There was a deadly elegance to her frame as she paced with predatory grace in front of the line of women.

“You’ve heard the call to arm from Mevia,” sh

e said, her voice at once low and dangerous, but clear for all to hear. “Yesterday all two hundred and eighteen of you swore a vow to follow my command. As of this moment, we will train daily in advance warfare…and our job will be to protect this castle from invasion. I know many of you are already skilled in taijui and wield the various shenkiris of the seven kingdoms. Some of you control water, others the earth and all its elements, only ten of you control lightning, and most of you wield fire. But I am the only one of the Darkage…and I will show you how to fight my kind, for the dark ones who work with the betrayers will come again for my Ajali…and they will not take him.”

Tehdra’s voice rang with such ruthless assurance a few of the ladies glanced uneasily at each other. Xian smiled without humor. Only a few days ago the dozens of women in her brother’s harem were there to serve at her brother’s pleasure. Since he had declared his love for Tehdra to the kingdom and claimed her as his consort, he had disbanded the harem. Over three hundred women who had lived at their castle for many years had found themselves without a home in Nuria. He had offered each a small fortune and advised them to return home. Several had left, but there had been those who had stayed at Tehdra’s offer to serve King Ajali as warriors.

Xian was still mildly shocked that only a few days had passed since they had discovered Tehdra's nature and the betrayal of some of their loyal supporters. Ignoring the gathered women, Xian flashed to the private sitting rooms where the servants who attended the haris worked. "I require to be prepared."

“Princess,” one of the servants gasped, dropping into a quick curtsy. “Prepared, your highness?”

"In the manner you prepare a hari for a night of pleasure." She absorbed their surprise and waited for a few beats, then said, "I require you to move with efficiency, and I will also have your silence on this matter."

The servants shared a quick glance, then nodded their acquiescence, their eyes lit with inquisitiveness, but their lips silenced. She was led to a preparation chamber where Xian was bathed in scented water and massaged with precious oils. The hair between her legs was removed, and her mound was bare and wet with oils. Her locks were styled in an intricate design and kohl rimmed her dark green eyes. A dark red sheer kaftan which bared her belly was draped over her skin, and delicate gold chains were looped around her voluptuous hips, a vivid contrast against the darkness of her skin.

She stared at herself in the mirror, and the provocative picture she presented. Xian rested a hand on her bare stomach. “Will you come to me, my love,” she whispered.

Xian flashed with speed to her palace, entering her palatial chamber like a small whirlwind. The crystals which lit the castle had been dimmed, and a fire roared in the hearth. She sauntered over to the large four-poster bed which stood in the middle of the room, with a mound of blue and silver satin pillows with gold fringes piled in its center, the curtains drawn back in billowing folds of green silk.

She flashed to the balcony and breathed deeply of the crisp, night air. “Come to me…Gavyn,” she said into the night, ignoring the wall of wind which rippled down the mountain and seemed to cut across her skin.

In a few days, she would be the wife of a man she did not know. Tomorrow she would lose the hope of marrying the man she loved. I’ve lost him already.

But tonight….

What if he does not come? That small, scared part of her wondered. What if he spent the night with Ajali, discussing war and battle strategy? Perhaps she could summon him. But Xian’s fierce and unwavering pride would not allow it. If Gavyn ached for her and cried inside with the same sense of pain and loss that was trying to own her soul, he would come. He would see her declaration in the war council as the invitation she’d intended, and answer.

A wave of dark energy rippled into the night and washed across her skin—fire, and darkness. The door to her sitting room slammed open. Caged in the doorway was Gavyn. Though his body remained still, his eyes spoke for him, and a thrill surged in her heart. His eyes were wild with rage, denial, lust, and anger.