A warm feeling unfurled in Shilah’s chest, and she knew if she stayed she would be wonderful friends with the poised and effortlessly charming princess. A slight buzz vibrated through the princess’s pathway, and Shilah laughed. “You will not be able to speak on a thread directly to me. But if you think about it, I will hear what you want to communicate.”

They strolled in silence for a while, and Shilah was content to bask in the wild beauty of the land, her hands resting lazily atop Cronus’s head. “I can feel a well of mystical energy several hundred miles north of this castle. Are you familiar with it, Princess Saieke?”

The princess faltered. “I am.”

“Is it a gateway portal to the other dimensions?”

She felt the unease of the princess. “It is.”

“Does it have a gatekeeper?”

Princess Saieke glanced back toward Lachlan and stared at him for several long moments before she faced Shilah. “It does not. At least not on our side. But the journey to the portal is perilous at best. That was where I traveled to, hoping to escape a blood oath marriage by running to Earth. The wastelands to cross are dangerous, Princess Shilah. I would not recommend attempting it.”

Shilah would take Princess Saieke’s warnings about the perils of the journey into account as she plotted the best way to get herself and Kala to the portal safely. She also needed to understand the mutations she was undergoing and talking to the only mated non-Darkan she knew was an excellent place to start. “Have you undergone any changes since mating?”

Princess Saieke looked at Shilah with a knowing smile on her face, “Yes, I have. I was startled at first to awake with enhanced hearing and perfect vision in the dark. But as time progressed I realized that the transformation was a complete physical enhancement. All my senses were heightened, my bones and muscles became harder and stronger. I could run faster, leap further, and hold my breath longer. And possibly best of all, my rate of healing increased at least a hundred folds, such that wounds which once were fatal would now heal before death could claim me.”

Knowledge bloomed in Shilah’s mind about how these new abilities could aid in her taking back her family’s birthright from Prince Quan. “I have experienced clear vision in the dark and improved hearing. It is amazing to think how much more sublime something as simple as experiencing the forest has become from having these abilitie


Princess Saieke laughed. “That is just the cusp of it. However, I am not sure if you will experience the same changes I have given you are a Serangite and I am an Amagarian. None of this is documented, bonding with non-Darkans let alone non-Amagarians is all new to the Darkage, and this is all happening at such a perilous time.”

They spoke for several more minutes about the bold plan of King Gidon to lift up his people and how the princess planned to help, before the Princess flashed away, moving with such graceful speed she was a blur. Shilah turned to the north, opening the full range of her psychic eyes, assessing the portal and the energy running through it. The portal led to five possible planets—Serange, Amagarie, Earth, Titan, and Ceres. Why the portals only opened to those planets in the Omniverse no one knew, but a biosphere of dimensional energy seemed to connect to these worlds from the gateways which had the appearance of a tree crystalized in blue-white energy with five branches leading to each of those worlds.

A lazy wind swept across the mountain and Shilah inhaled the crisp cold air. “In my world, there are few trees. Everything is different there. Our buildings are not made from stone and brick likes yours.” She sent Lachlan images of elaborately curved buildings with their intricate towering spires, some cylindrical, others squared, others shaped like triangles, some curved in perfect arcs and full circles, all made from glass and gunmetal grey iron. While the cities of her world were not dotted with trees and animals, the landscape surrounding each building was exquisite, lust verdant grass. “Our worlds are so wildly different but so very beautiful.”

A heavy sorrow beat at her, and she ached to return to her people. She needed to know they survived, and that they were not suffering under the cruel regime of Prince Quan.

“I would like to know more of your Kingdom, my mate.”

“And I would love to tell you.”

A dark wave of energy rolled toward her, and she glanced toward the man moving toward her with such unhurried, savage grace. His scent traveled on the air, and she inhaled deeply, wanting to trap it inside her forever. His flavor was dark and elusive, predatory, yet so male.

“I would also like to show you my realm. I will be by your side, and you will be safe.”

It never occurred to her she would be anything less. “I would be honored to see your world.”

“Kala….” She called along the pathway to her sister, her voice firm, her determination unwavering.

Her sister was there instantly. “Yes?”

Lachlan was suddenly there, taking her in his arms, his eyes hard, brilliant amber with flecks of blue-green, echoed a bleak, stark loneliness. For the first time she realized for four hundred years he’d endured terrible isolation. There had been no lovers. He had not allowed himself sentiments. His purpose had been cold, merciless duty to his realm and protecting others from the monster within him.

Her heart twisted, for she understood loneliness, even though she had only endured it for the last fifty years when she had discovered she was an Impure and would never have the life her parents had, the lover and family her brother had, or so many of their citizens. She would be like the exiled ones, like the foreseers who were banned from ever marrying and procreating. It had been a life she accepted, for she believed absolutely in the law that outlawed crossbreeds.

Her breath hitched, and their thread jerked with a painful resonance. The sob in her throat threatened to choke her as she swallowed it back down. She pressed her forehead to the muscles of his chest, closed her eyes, blotting out the impossible needs beating at her.

“Kala, we leave tonight.”


The Western Darkage

Naiyma—the capital city of the Darkage.

“The realm of shadows and darkness is beautiful.”