A crack sounded, Lachlan’s left leg twisted in a savage break, yet he made no sound as he went down hard. He rolled into a crouch and held his weapon in a graceful fighting position, analyzing the warriors with impressive calm. Or perhaps he was just addled.

The General smiled, and Shilah’s heart trembled. Drop the knife she wanted to shout, for Lord Shenzhen took pleasure in the pain of others. He clicked his tongue, and she groaned at the force of the waves that battered against her shields. The sound compressed the air around her, shattering her shield. Pain exploded in her head, and she tasted the raw tang of blood. The casual strength and the power of how the General wielded sound was terrifying.

The attack stopped within seconds, and she swallowed the gasp. Lachlan lay on the ground, blood running from his eardrums and nose. The shirt ripped away from his chest, revealing a torso roped with muscles.

“And who is this?” Shenzhen asked, sparing a cursory glance at the shattered door before his dark eyes settled on her.

“An assassin,” she said softly, wondering why he did not fight back. It’s too easy. “I…I believe he was here to kill me.”

“How curious,” Shenzhen said. “The emperor must be made aware. Come.”

Then he turned around and sauntered away, expecting to be obeyed. Two warriors stooped and gathered Lachlan, gripping him by his underarms and dragged him away. Shilah stood frozen until the General murmured over his shoulder, “Your sister awaits us in the throne room, princess. Surely you would not leave her?”

Her composure almost cracked. She opened the pathways in her mind and searched for her sister’s thread. “Kala??


“A dozen warriors came for me just now. I am with the emperor.”

And Shilah knew then even without the interference of Lachlan Ravenswood, they would not have made it from the empire tonight.

The emperor had already been several steps ahead.


A few minutes later, they entered the throne room of the Emperor. Shilah furiously thought about why the emperor had come for them. Clearly, he had anticipated her fleeing, but he couldn’t have known she would have acted right away. Squaring her shoulders, and lifting her chin haughtily, she advanced into the room, conscious of the hungry, predatory gaze of the emperor. He stood before his throne of gold, Jasper, and rubies. He was deliberately projecting the thoughts of how he wanted her on her knees before him. She refused to give him the satisfaction of flinching or betraying in any way she knew his vile musings. His long flowing robes swirled around his feet, as energy rippled around him. Kala stood by his side, with her hands fisted, her lips flattened in hard, determined lines. Her hair had been braided, and Kala had gotten the opportunity to slip on her full body suit.

Lachlan was flung in front of the emperor, and his skull slammed onto the tiles with a resounding thud. Though she should hold no sympathy for a man who had seemed bent on taking her life, compassion stirred inside Shilah. General Shenzhen lifted a fist, and majority of the warriors filed out of the room, leaving ten men who stood in front of the door guarding it from the inside.

“A man was reported to be seen entering your private rooms, Princess Shilah, I assume this is he?” The emperor asked, his gaze penetrating and direct.

A report from whom? “I believe he was sent to kill me.”


She faltered. Surely, he didn’t believe she worked with this man. “I prepared for sleep when he intruded. Our battle had just started when the General somehow seemed to know I was in need. I can only assume you have guards watching my chamber for my safety. I thank you, Emperor Khan, for sending him to my aid. My kingdom will not forget your generosity.”

His eyes seemed to glow with genuine amusement at her attempts of diplomacy. “I am surprised you were unable to kill one man.” He peered down at Lachlan. “He does not seem to be much of a threat.”

He did believe she worked with the man. Cold suspicion lingered in his tone.

“I do not know this man,” she said icily. “He questioned me about the dungeons, and when I gave no satisfactory answer, he drew his blade with a promise to end my life because I’ve been working with you, Emperor. I attacked.”

The emperor lowered himself onto his throne and considered her.

“Why do I feel as if I am under suspicion?” she demanded with a lift of her brow, ensuring she infused her voice with the chilling hauteur of her rank. “Respectfully, I am the Princess of Dxyriah, I do not answer to the empire.”

The General stiffened, caressing the cold steel of his sword, apparently taking offense at her audacity.

The Emperor glanced down at Lachlan for several moments before making her the sole center of his regard. His mien of casual interest had vanished. Suddenly he looked invincible, merciless. “I am curious, Princess Shilah, why did you not incapacitate the intruder with your telepathy? He is only one man.”

“He has a shield, one I could not penetrate.”

“A mental barrier that an Imperial telepath could not penetrate?”

A charged stillness blanketed the room. General Shenzhen peered at the man on the ground, a tension invading the general’s shoulders. He drew his sword, walked over, and with casual brutality drove it through Lachlan’s right shoulder and twisted. A harsh groan echoed from his throat, and his hand flashed up and gripped the blade. She forced herself to watch and not appear weak when the general pulled out the sword, slicing open the palm of the hand that had gripped it. Another hiss of pain sounded from the man on the ground, and the metallic scent of blood wafted on the air. The grand general repeated his vicious attack at Lachlan Ravenswood’s left shoulder, and then in his left side. She looked away from the blood pooling on the jade tiled floor.

“I believe his barriers are weakened, Princess. I want to know how he infiltrated the castle.”