Thank you for reading Lachlan and Shilah’s journey to Happy Ever After. I am sending a huge thank you to everyone who messaged asking me about The Amagarians. Your encouraging kind words, love, and patience have meant the world to me. My health has been an albatross for the last several years, and I’ve been slower than I want to be. But I thank God every day that I have such fantastic support from my husband, family, friends, and fans.

This is the series of my heart, and while I’d wish to have more Amagarians out, my health will always come first even if that means stop writing for a while, but I will always resume once I am better. I am delighted to say my aim for the next few years is to grow this series to the full potential I have always imagined. And that potential ranges from exploring the seven kingdoms of Amagarie, the legends of Darkans (vampires, werewolves) on Earth, and Sci-Fi stories featuring heroes and heroines from the world of Serange and others in their galaxy.

The next book in the Amagarian series will continue with the witch Amirah’s journey to love in Eternal Promise or Eternal Abomination (I am still undecided which title is best). A novella featuring Xian and Gavyn, with lots of peeks on how Tehdra and Ajali have been doing in Eternal Phoenyx, will be released the same month as Eternal Promise/Abomination.

I’ve received dozens of messages asking me about King Gidon Al Shar’s book. I promise you, he will be getting his story. I need to find the woman capable of loving a man such as Gidon, though I believe I’ve already found her in the Kingmaker’s daughter. I will be releasing a novella, Darkness Rising: Gidon, showing a peek of his life before he was king, the history of how he lost his family and became bonded with his pack of beasts—the Cerberus. His full book, Eternal Legacy will be released a few books after that. ??

I hope you will consider leaving an honest review of how you felt about Eternal Damnation, adding to my rainbow. Because I promise you, reviews are gold to an author, and they do help readers decide if they should give a series a chance.

If you have not read book one as yet, Eternal Darkness, or book two Eternal Flames you can grab a copy or read for free through Kindle Unlimited!

To keep updated with the latest release in this series, please sign up for my newsletter! P.S. I also write sensual historical romances, so my newsletter will also feature updates from those books.




Ageni: The order of death placed on a person by the King of their nation if judged a traitor.

Aria: The Kingdom of Earth and Sands. The hardest know metal—Valnetium—of the several kingdoms are mined from the ground of Aria. Citizens with excellent chakra control can manipulate and control the earth.

Avindar: The Kingdom of lightning. They are famous for their crystal which is used as an energy source for most Amagarian households. Citizens with excellent chakra control can manipulate and control lightning.

Boreas: The Kingdom of Wind and Mountains. They are one of the two kingdoms to possess the mystical healing elixir. Citizens with excellent chakra control can manipulate and control the wind.

Caelum: The Kingdom of Water. Most of the realm is underwater, and they are the second kingdom to possesses the mystical healing elixir. Their city, Atlantis is fabled across the Omniverse. Citizens with excellent chakra control can manipulate and control water.

Chakra: Life-force used to form mystical techniques by molding and releasing the physical and spiritual energy present in the body—gained from training and experience.

Cerja: A tattoo of Demon beasts with which each Darkan is born. It is located on the right shoulder blade on non-bonded Darkans but covers the entire back and spills to the front in bonded Darkans.

Consort: The lover of a royal. Held in high esteem by peers of the realm and it is considered a privilege to be chosen as a royal consort. A consort must be of equal rank before royal scion can wed him/her.

Darkage: Kingdom of darkness and Shadows. Citizens with excellent chakra control can manipulate and control the shadows. They are also the only citizens of Amagarie to have the presence of another chakra living inside their people.

Flash: the art of using one’s chakra to move with such speed it appears as if one blurs.

Hari: Servant in the royal household, mainly for sexual favors.

Keni: A powerful mystical technique unique to the head families within a kingdom. This technique can be gained only through inheritance from a particular bloodline; hence, the term “bloodline keni.”

Demons: Powerful, malevolent spiritual beings who reside in pure chakra.

Mevia: The Kingdom of Sound. Citizens with excellent chakra control can manipulate and control sound waves.

Nuria: The Kingdom of Eternal Fire. Citizens with excellent chakra control can manipulate and control fire.

Ricarkri: Formal name/title for the leader of each kingdom. Not every king is the Ricarkri. In such cases, the Ricarkri is the right hand of the king.

Serange: This planet is divided into three kingdoms—Dxyriah, Arcadia, and O’andor. The citizens of these three kingdoms possess abilities such as telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation, and in rare instances the gift of foresight.

Senjis: Darkans that are taken over by their demon essence.

Shenkiri: mystical elements that citizens of the seven kingdoms with powerful chakra control wields—elements such as shadow, water, wind, sound, fire, lightning, and the earth.

Sherras: Blades of the Nurian King: ten of his most trusted and skilled warriors.