“I could consume you,” he breathed against her lips.

Their kiss changed as his mouth slanted over hers with sensual, domineering mastery. He rolled with her, never breaking the fusion of their hungry kiss until she was seated on top of him. Cold brushed against her skin as he ripped the bottom part of her sari away, and strong hands palmed her ass and squeezed.

He pushed a hand between the tight fit of their bodies, trailing his fingers down to touch her wet center. He slid a finger inside her, a slow penetration that arrowed a thousand darts of fire to burn her from the inside.

The sky cracked, and icy rain lashed at her skin, but Shilah was too drunk on pleasure and the promise of more to come to care. Around them, the forest had become another world. The sound of the rain was a soft rhythm, the soft lash of it against her skin a pleasure of its own. He slid her up his torso, broke their kiss, and with another swirl of the darkness he was once again on top, and she was pressed into the earthy scent of wet grass, her legs split wide as he settled between her splayed thighs.

Shilah shook with fear and pleasure as he captured her nipples and pulled firmly. The sting of lust was deep, and so were the bites of pain as fangs scraped and pierced her nipple. He lifted his head at her cry and Shilah trembled at the lust that darkened his eyes and wafted from his chakra.

Arousal shivered through her as he ripped away the silk garment that protected her core. His knuckles brushed against her outer lips of her wet sex, and Shilah swallowed back the moan at the surge of desire his action caused.

“I want you so much I burn, but I do not want to hurt you. I am so much bigger than you are, so much more brutal.”

His voice whispered in her mind. Caressing her insides, calming her fear, and allowing her to control the mass of energy churning through her veins. “I only fear you will stop touching me.”

Another swirl of shadows and she was in a room. The fireplace burned brightly, and the room felt warm and inviting. It was a bedchamber, and right in the middle sat a large, canopied bed with green layers of heavy curtains around it.

Smooth silk glided against her skin as her back pressed into the bed, and he was naked. His speed was incredible. “I love how you move with me.”

She braced on her elbows, crawling backwards to the center of the bed, never removing her gaze from the man standing at the foot of the bed. Shilah was bemused by his sheer sensual beauty. Her gaze traveled up his body, admiring the ripples of muscle over his stomach, the power of his thighs. Her eyes centered on the thick erection straining from between his thighs, hanging low. Her lungs refused to draw air. He was thick and significantly larger than the one consort she’d had.

“Draw your knees up.” The words were a soft, gentle whisper in her mind.

She glanced up at his face. He was beautiful and so gracefully savage.

“Open them wide…I want to see the pink folds of your pussy.”

The voice was a throb of carnal intent, and Shilah whimpered, her body reacting with a tidal wave of pure fire. Yet she could not move, her limbs too weak with lust to obey. Suddenly he was on the bed, crouching on his knees before her. He looked so powerful and predatory, reminding her just how fragile and softer she was to him. His hands spread her thighs. He didn’t speak, simply positioned her with his hands. She felt her sex bloom like a flower under his stare.

“A beautiful pussy,” he said, his voice a deep, rich growl. A slow smile softened the hard edge to his mouth. “I will be fucking you all night, my mate.”

It was a promise, a warning, and her body reacted to him, going soft and pliant, her sex wetter. She was so lost in him already. Shilah moistened her lips, wanting to answer, but no sound would come out. She took a breath and breathed him into her lungs—dark and earthy, like

a storm itself.

He brushed a kiss over her mouth again. Her lips trembled in response. He savored her taste, her moans, then he consumed and ravished, taking her lips with shocking carnality. He seemed to feed at her mouth, kissing her again and again. Desire crawled through her body, and between her legs, she could feel the hot dampness spreading. Claws bursts from his fingers as he flicked them over her nipples eliciting a sensation that she was not sure if it created pleasure or pain.

His mouth trailed fire across her stomach to the silken triangle at the junction of her legs. Tiny bites, the scrape of his canines dragged along her inner thighs before his tongue stroked over her wet, aching pussy. Her hoarse scream strangled in her throat. The roughness of his tongue created the most delicious friction, causing shards of pleasure so sharp it was nearly painful. He licked her drenched sex, forcing a piercing pleasure through her swollen clit every time he caught it with his tongue in a rough glide.

Her clit swelled with aching hunger…and right there, he licked it, sucked it into his mouth and destroyed her.

“Lachlan,” Shilah screamed, her hips arching off the bed, fisting her fingers in his hair as sensations tore through her body.

His claws retracted once more, and he slipped a finger inside her, then another finger joined the first then, burning her with bliss as his mouth suckled her clit, his tongue flicking, pressing, ravishing her. A ragged moan burst from her when he added a third finger, working into her, stretching her, and she shuddered under the shockwaves of pleasure.

The next moment she was lifted against the muscles of his stomach, braced wide with one leg on each side of his muscular hips. He reached between them, fisted his cock, and pressed it against her sex, and pushed. Her breath gasped from her at the burning sensation. Her abundant slickness barely eased his way, but he’d only slid quarter way inside of her before the tightness of her body stopped him. He was too wide for her. Lachlan gripped her ass with both hands, and she clasped onto his bulging arms, as he arched her up more, splaying her legs even wider. His powerful grip stung the soft flesh of her bottom, and she trembled.

She cupped his cheek, brushing a tender kiss over his lips. The beautiful colors of his eyes had darkened, the savage cheekbones flushed with aroused sensuality. He held her gaze as he pushed his cock inside her, the thick ridges rubbing along her sensitive core. Shilah found it increasingly hard to focus on anything but the stretching tightness between her thighs. Ecstasy mixed with the pain of the full, relentless penetration.

A sob caught in her throat. “Lachlan.”

He snarled, his own instincts clearly fighting to take over and ram into her. With a growl, Lachlan dug his fingertips deep into her ass and shoved, sinking deep inside her sex. Shilah screamed, clinging to his shoulders, gasping through the shock of the pleasure-pain. The pressure felt unbearable, the muscles of her pussy fluttering and clenching over the piercing thickness, struggling to adjust to his cock.

Black chakra exploded from his skin, caressing over her body in a sensuous caress and down to her clit where it stroked over it like fingers. Sweet, mind-shattering ecstasy rushed through her, making her wetter and her muscles relaxing over Lachlan’s girth. The chakra coiled around her, gently caressing her skin, kneading her breasts, and stimulating her nipples.

He leaned slightly back and looked at where they joined. She blushed furiously as he rimmed her entrance where she stretched around him so tightly. Pleasure streaked through her as nerve endings came alive from the scrape of his claws. She swallowed as he ran his fingers to her clitoris and pressed, creating a firestorm of lust to bolt through her. “Ughhhh!”

He pulled from her with excruciating slowness, the drag of the ridges of his cock in her tender sex, filled her with bliss, then he thrust to the hilt once more inside her. A wild cry tore from her throat at being filled so deliciously. His cock fucked inside her with a rhythm that had her gasping at the savagery of the biting pleasure.