he laws of the Darkage, I claim Shilah Symonrah as my mate,” he said, his voice low, but the tone one of absolute authority and the darkest of promise. “My life, my honor, my fidelity, my rage and my all belongs to her for eternity. A threat to her is a declaration of war. And I will answer the call of the empire and anyone who wishes to harm her with a message of my own—death and suffering which has never been endured.”

* * *

With a sense of shock and fear, Shilah realized that Lachlan’s loyalty was utterly hers and belonged to no one else. “Lachlan.” Spoken along their unique pathway, his name came out so husky, her voice shaking. In that instant, she accepted Lachlan would kill his king if he were a threat to her. Her heart denied such a betrayal, yet her soul rejoiced. She could hear the steady rhythm of his heart, a reassuring beat. The warrior behind her was not frightened at the danger that suddenly rode the air at his brutal, unshakable promise. She stared at him, unable to prevent herself from moving closer to his heat. The king watched them, his silver eyes cold and cunning, entirely at odds with the small smile of amusement about his mouth. The hair on her arms stood up, and a frisson of fear slid down her spine.

A shadow shifted from the corner of the balcony, and a man stepped into the light, a ravishing red-haired female by his side. Shilah blinked, her eyes darting to the cruelly sensual lips of the man and the black mark on his pale cheek which looked like a claw, finally accepting that all Darkans were handsome and downright terrifying.

“But not as handsome as me.”

Shilah glanced up at Lachlan, disbelief pounding through her. “Are you making a jest…at this moment, Lachlan Ravenswood?”

“He is Drac El Kyn. My friend. They are all my friends.”

His voice moved in her mind—soft, tender even. So at odds with the harsh brutality of his handsome features. She could feel no amusement, the buzz of raw power about her slapped at her skin like a thousand knives. Their lives were in danger and from the very people he called friends. The malevolence in the air, shifted like a tide, pouring over her skin and sinking into the cervices of her soul.

She was unprepared for the feeling of his gentle fingers stroking her skin.

“If anyone thinks to harm her, my retribution will be etched in the history of the seven kingdoms,” he said, his voice a terrible iciness with its complete lack of feeling.

Talon let out his breath in a long, slow hiss. “They will come for her,” he murmured, observing him. “They will not stop until she is back at the Empire.”

“Let them come. Examples must be made.”

Shilah felt as if he’d wrapped her in a protective cloak of violence. A threat to her would be suppressed mercilessly. Shilah did not like the fear that lingered within her. She did not know him or understand his world and the brutal code he lived by. A deep terror stayed inside that if she allowed herself too close to this man, that chill of violence and rage would entwine around her soul, and that would be the sure way to unfold her sister’s prophecy.

Queen of darkness you shall become.

Lachlan was there instantly, flooding her mind with warmth and reassurance, feelings that must be strange to him, but here he was providing them for her. Unable to help herself she peered up at him, sinking into the promise she saw in his eyes, wanting to desperately return it. The madness of it did not escape her, but she hungered to be what he wanted even if for a moment in time. His mate. Even though she did not understand its full implication.

Somehow it felt important, more important than any love she’d ever dreamed. But a connection she’d always desired. The only thing she was absolutely certain of was that it promised passion in his arms and a reprieve from the duty that sat upon her shoulders always tormenting her with doubts and fears of ever saving her people. A reprieve from the knowledge that as an Impure it was against the laws of her land to ever marry and have children. She envisioned a lifetime of loneliness. The weight of it would crush her if she gave into the feelings. The promised pleasure was something she hungered to taste, but the man currently present was so different from the one she’d had her brief encounter within Mevia.

His slow smile made her tremble, and her sigh of need and acceptance vibrated on the air as his mouth descended to take possession of hers. It was a brand. One that seared her insides with molten heat. It truly was frightening how she reacted to him.

Before she could fully respond, he lifted his head and faced his friends. “I present my lekia—my mate.”

She waited for a heartbeat until her pulse settled, then stepped forward and dipped into a brief curtsy. “It is good to meet you all,” she said meeting their gazes with an arrogant tilt of her head. She was the princess of Dxyriah and the mate of Lachlan Ravenswood, she would not cower.

The red-haired female was the only one to offer her a warm smile, and then they bowed, and Shilah was almost charmed by their elegant synchronicity. The king stepped forward, his measure of her chilling. A kiss of danger whispered across the back of her neck, a faint disturbing prickle as if talons and claws scraped against her skin. She lifted her chin. “King Gidon Al Shar, I am deeply regretful I allowed my desperation to obscure my honor. In doing so, I dishonored the sense of justice my parents instilled in me, and I hurt people who were under your protection. I offer you reparations.”

“Recompense will be paid,” the king said.

“And I shall pay it,” Lachlan said.

“As her mate, it is your right,” Gidon murmured, assessing her closely.

Shilah could not imagine what they could demand of Lachlan, but the need to protect him burned in her veins, dominating all else. “I am responsible for my actions, and I would be the worst sort of…of…mate to allow this man to suffer for my failures. I made a decision, it has consequences, and I will pay the debt demanded by your nation with honor.”

A growl rumbled from Lachlan and amusement glinted in the king’s eyes.

“I do not require flesh and blood Princess Shilah, merely a trading alliance with your kingdom. Serange is notorious for being stingy with their trading borders, and none of the seven kingdoms can trade within your walls or enter your portals. The gatekeepers are reputed to be merciless in defending your world.”

She curtsied, shocked at his courteous and forgiving nature. “It would be my honor to broker talks of trade between our realms when I reclaim my kingdom.”

Dark Amusement flowered in her mind from Lachlan. “King Gidon is not forgiving, he is cunning and manipulative. Our mates are treasured more than our lives. He would not do anything to hurt you.”

The king nodded, admiration swirling in those silver orbs.

Lachlan’s incredible heat flushed against her back and she leaned into him, uncaring if it made her seem weak.