She glanced at the cruel edge to his mouth. “Neither? I thought you had a rescue mission?”

“Of the two guards, your sister, and the witch. No more.”

Of course. “We seek Kamu and Thyon of Boreas, the realm of winds and mountains.”

“Who is asking?” the man she already knew was Kamu demanded.

His eyes and voice were heavy with suspicion and hope as he clung to the bars of the cage.

She mounted the torch in a holder behind her and stepped closer to the cage. A hiss rode the air, and she froze, shooting Lachlan a quick glance. “What is it?”

His cold eyes slowly moved from her to the men who had backed up.

“I won’t get too close,” she whispered across his mind, uncertain as to why she felt so warm inside.

She shifted her attention to the men. “I’m Princess Shilah Symonrah of Serange, and this man is Archduke Lachlan Ravenswood of the Darkage.”

That is no man, but a beast.

She closed her mind to their racing thoughts. “He was asked by Princess Saieke to rescue you.”

The two men faltered into complete stillness, and then hope blasted from them, their aura’s contracting from yellow to pure white.

“Is this true?” the one called Kamu demanded gruffly, staring at Lachlan.

“Princess Saieke of Boreas is the mate of Drac El Kyn of the house Dragos. As her mate, he must see to her happiness always. The princess will be happy with your rescue.”

The men glanced at each other, disbelief, and shock evident in their posture. Shilah flared her telepathy, gently brushing against their minds.

Our princess with a monster. I must find a way to free her from their clutches.

What was our princess thinking? A Darkan? How is our kingdom dealing with this?

“Is Princess Saieke a prisoner of the dark ones?” Kamu asked, a green hue of fear and anxiety pulsing through his aura.

Lachlan’s flat gaze encompassed them. “Shall I inform her you preferred captivity?”

The men fell silent, sharing several glances with each other, clearly assessing if it wise to trust the Darkan.

“Kala, where are you?”

Her sister replied immediately. “You are alive! Do not ever close our pathway to me again, Shilah. I’ve been mad with worry. Did he…did he hurt you?”

“No, and I am free of the cage. I will tell you all once we find you.”


“He’s helping me escape.”


“I am his mate, and I think that makes me very important to him.” The echoes of her sister’s shock beat at her. “I will speak with you soon, Kala. Prepare to flee. Can you sense the people around you?”

“Yes. I can feel the aura of dozens above and below me.”

“I will find you. Be ready.” Then she pulled her mind from her sister, but careful to leave the pathway not so shielded.

“Kamu, Thyon…Lachlan Ravenswood has sworn an oath to see you both safely to the princess,” Shilah murmured. “Now we must hurry, for time is of the most crucial essence.” Possibly more than an hour had passed since the emperor left her with the Darkan alone, so surely his return was imminent.