The pull along the link indicated he was close. In a flash of intuition he recognized that the Darkans who’d taken her travelled ahead in the shadows, and the army protected their rear. He urged Kezriel, gliding over their heads, and he flared his chakra seeking Tehdra. Some of the soldiers spotted him in the sky and raced ahead, the hooves of their Kuns thundering. He observed in which direction they bolted to offer protection.

Piercing whistles split the air, reaching him in the sky. The sonic vibrations of the shrieking sounds ran across Ajali’s skin, and Kezriel reared, howling as the sound waves burst the wraith’s shadowy skin. The brutality of the attack constricted Ajali’s breath. He pulled on Kezriel, and they shot further into the sky. How far did their sound waves travel? Another vibration sliced through the air and slammed into his side. His ribs cracked and blood trickled from his ears. He tried to gentle Kezriel’s screams. Ajali clenched his teeth as lethal waves that should not reach him so far from the earth rushed towards him, rattling his teeth and bursting blood vessels in his eyes. He leveled Kezriel. He was so far away he could barely make out the warriors on the ground, yet their attacks were effective.


The sound of Tehdra’s voice was strong.

Are you recovering?

He pushed harshly against their lei.

No…my mind is clearing, but my limbs still refuse to move.

I fly with Kezriel to you, but you are hidden in the shadows. You sound closer in my mind, but I cannot see you.

He felt the punch of shock through their connection. You come for me?



You hold my heart.

He felt her struggle to understand the import of his statement as the taint of poison tried to cripple her thinking.

I cannot be your queen.

I am claiming you as my only consort. You will be my queen. You will remain as my consort for as long as it takes my kingdom to see that I love you and accept that you are of the Darkage. Then you will ascend to my kala. Whether it is five or a thousand years, I will wait a lifetime for you.

He felt a sharp tug on their connection, and he sensed her strong and true.

I feel you.

He nudged Kezriel, and they plummeted from the sky, heading for the location he’d felt her presence. He harnessed his powers, drawing on the Phoenyx chakra, and parting his lips, blew a spiral of fire towards the ground. The whirling tunnel slammed into the shadows.

Ajali! Pain saturated her cry. Tehdra had not escaped unscathed. Still, triumph whistled inside of him as the inky blackness receded and two Darkans spilled into the light, Tehdra lying limply between them.

Without hesitation, he projected another fire bomb of pure chakra at the Darkans as he leapt from Kezriel and landed with chains of fire whistling.

Can you move?


A sharp whistle and a motion of his hand had the wraith picking her up in its massive claws and shooting in the air. The darkness converged, trying to trap him in the shadows as they attacked with unparalleled ferocity and brutal taijiu arts. Pain slashed through Ajali’s back as a blade sunk deep. He spun his swords, the flames dancing, as he repelled the attack. The Darkan dodged with a speed that he could barely track—seemingly transporting from location to location within the shadows.

The Kuns approached, their thundering hooves shaking the ground, and the earth roiling as Mevian sound waves pulsated through him, crushing his insides. Blood streaked from his nose and poured from his mouth. The shadows receded, and he stumbled. More than two hundred warriors flanked him along with the two Darkans.

“Break him,” a sickeningly beautiful voice commanded. “King Ajali is a prize our emperor has long awaited. Is it not wonderful he handed himself to us?”

Then they attacked in a swarming wave of brutal strength.

Ajali did not hesitate. He sank into the rage, drawing on the chilling rage of his Phoenyx and released his power, secure in knowing that Kezriel had Tehdra. Power blew from him in waves of heat. Ash swirled around him as the trees of the Taryllion withered and drifted away with the wind. He tapped deeper into the well of his Phoenyx’s chakra, forming a barrier of pure flames as soun

d waves slammed into him along with the lightning that flashed from the sky, striking for his heart.

Ajali burned as he flashed through the force that had gathered to inflict unspeakable horrors on Tehdra in the Mevians’ dungeons. He would have no mercy, and no forgiveness existed in his heart. He allowed the icy ruthlessness of his rage to bleed into his veins. The chains jumped as if they had a life of their own, cutting through the army. His chains whistled and his swords beheaded even as his flames withered the body to ash before his chain recoiled. He burned with the cold, remorseless fury of the Phoenyx as he massacred the force, sending a message to the emperor of Mevia.

Tehdra was off limits.