The Darkan barely hid his surprise, and the princess’ soft inhalation revealed her shock.

“Is that so?” Drac’s voice was a deadly murmur.

Bastien stiffened, distaste setting on his face. “Your Grace,” he said, turning to Acheron. “Surely you do not mean—”

Acheron surged to his feet, and waved his hand, cutting off the high chancellor. He faced the Darkan. “Twice now, Tehdra El Kyn of your clan Dragos placed her life before our king. If I do not speak for Nuria, I speak for the House of Thessaly, ruler of the eight provinces, and I am the High Duke of Belthon. I owe Tehdra.”

He ignored Bastien’s frown, for clearly he did not approve of Acheron’s statement.

The princess step forward. “Are we to be assured…. Is King Gidon Al Shra, king of the realm of shadows and darkness to be assured Tehdra is safe in Nuria, despite her loss of control?” the princess framed delicately.

Acheron allowed a smile to form on his lips. “The Darkage’s concern is noted.” He flicked a glance to Drac. “Your sister is in the safest of hands. We will declare no war for what has happened, nor will we demand recompense. We will leave you to freshen up in your chambers for your departure in a few hours. Please avail yourselves of all amenities until such time,” Acheron said and dipped his head, flashing from the room, leaving the high chancellor to deal with the subtleties of court. The princess seemed adept at the game and the Darkan content to observe her as a brutal, protective force.

Acheron moved with speed to the war room where the cadre awaited him.

“Took you long enough,” Quinn growled.

Acheron moved to the table and poured himself a strong drink. “Your concern is su

rprising considering you left me alone with a Darkan.”

“We expected you to come with us. Their presence in our kingdom is for Bastien to manage. The Darkan clearly came to ascertain Tehdra’s safety. After we saw what she did…I posit if he wanted you dead, Acheron, it would have already happened,” Gavyn drawled.

Acheron grunted.

“This boldness of the enemy is unprecedented,” Quinn said.

Acheron met his eyes. “We wait for Ajali.”

The silence that filled the chamber was not a comfortable one, strange given the kind of bond they shared as a cadre.

“He tasted her blood,” Cadmus mused.

Gavyn surged almost violently out of his chair, slamming shut the great tome open on the table in front of him. “I find nothing here except legends of vampires on Earth. This sheds no light as our king is not a human, and the tales that belongs to these vampire legends are not something I want associated with Ajali.”

“How do we know that our king is now safe? A Darkan disappeared with him into the shadows with her fangs still buried in his throat,” Julius murmured.

“He created a barrier of chakra flames keeping us out. He could have beheaded her several times, yet he did not. He wanted to be with her uninterrupted,” Gavyn snapped as he rested the tome onto the massive desk in the room. “And we all sensed the sex in the air.”

“Am I the only one that finds it curious that our king is now fucking after such a threat to his life and kingdom? Are we sure he is not bewitched?” Triton asked.

It had not escaped Acheron.

“I thought I was the only one feeling the sensations of sex pulsing in the air,” Cadmus said with a raw chuckle. “She is very beautiful and sensual. Seeing her sitting astride Ajali naked, with wings of midnight fanned wide, chakra bathing her skin did something for my libido. I cannot imagine what possessed our king to drink her blood,” he ended with biting sarcasm.

“He is not bewitched,” Acheron replied. “I think he loves her.”

“You jest,” Quinn said, surprise stilling his frame.

Acheron had the attention of all the king’s blades. “I do not. As she raged, I felt a connection between them that disturbed me. He endured anguish at the thought she may not recover from the battle she fought. Anguish. He consumed the elixir, cutting himself so that she would bite into him, even knowing the prophecy of Ruxia. He placed his life in her hands.”

“Fuck!” Cadmus shouted.

“Our king has hundreds of women in his harem. Some from the highest level of aristocracy vying for his attention and place on the throne. And he chooses to fall in love with a Darkan?” Solomon queried, genuine distress coating his tone.

“Yes it seems he did,” Acheron murmured, deliberating on the implications of their king being in love with their kingdom’s most important enemy.
