“Are we spying tonight?”

Tehdra observed him coolly. “I am merely curious about the man who aided me.”

“You saved my king from a possible death blow, so do not be surprised that his blades will aid you in any way. Despite that you continually deceive.”

“I do not deceive.”

“No whispers of a spy from Aria reached my ears. I am confident my informant would never tempt death by lying to me.”

“Ah yes…the torturer. From whence do you think I hail, if not Aria?”

His flat gaze ensnared her, and her breath caught at the beauty of his eyes. She read a message in them though, one that assured her he spared her life for a reason. She glanced at the sky, judging the sun, something she had learnt to do aptly. Hours remained before it sank. She wanted to delve deeper and understand the darkness inside of Acheron, the one that so clearly peeked out of his eyes.

“Why do you not take your suspicions to the king?” she murmured, assessing him.

“I do not trouble my liege with trivial matters, and it would be a folly to assume that his thoughts are not the same as his blades.”

“Trivial? Is not his protection of paramount importance?”

Acheron’s soft laughter ran right over her. He was dangerous as a warrior, and as a handsome man. Tehdra gritted her teeth, uncomfortable in admiring the sheer sensuality he reeked of.

“You live because you do not wish my king harm. We do not accept your story. Do not believe that Ajali accepts that his kingdom of alliance has sent a spy to infiltrate his kingdom.”

“Then why am I not in chains? Under your tender care?”

“You are not a threat to Nuria.”

Stated with such certainty Tehdra paused.

“The minute I doubt it, I will end your life.”

“Are we interrupting?” a soft voice asked.

Tehdra slightly shifted to include Princess Xian, startled that Acheron had so engrossed her she missed hearing the other woman’s approach.

“I wanted to thank you, Tehdra of Aria, for saving my kalija. I can never repay such a debt. I hope you will accept this gift in honor for the aid you rendered the House of Haddin.”

Tehdra looked down to see a case that housed an exquisite piece of jewelry.

“Taken from the mountain of fire, they are some of the rarest stones found in Amagarie and they are only mined in our mountains. Please accept this gift,” Xian said as she handed it to her.

Tehdra studied the stone’s sharp and elegant cut and knew she held riches in her hands. “I accept your gift, Princess Xian, but know that I am owed no debt for my actions.”

Tehdra forced herself not to get restless under the scrutiny of Ajali’s blades and his family. She smiled in bemusement as Uriah and his lady gifted her with a necklace with the royal sigil. The piece was composed of three circles of jewels. The first circle of pure sapphire, the second turquoise, and the inner most circles were made of amethyst. They glinted in the sun, stunning in their splendor, and their beauty almost blinded her.

“I cannot…”

“You can,” Uriah said. “It is only a small token of our appreciation, and you will offend if you refuse.” He leaned in and kissed her cheek.

She would accept them, even though she sought no repayment for saving Ajali’s life. Her kingdom would benefit greatly with the wealth that they bestowed upon her for an act that was selfless. Still, she would kill all that stood before her now, with a smile, if it would save him.

“I honor your gift, Prince Uriah.”

“Let us dispense with formalities,” Uriah said on a chuckle, and Tehdra smiled at the wink Gavyn gave her over his shoulder.

She let the lull of conversation take her, the noise of the crowd a strangely soothing balm. She ached inside. If they were to ever know that a Darkan was their honored guest, all would band together to eliminate her. Princess Xian’s laughter washed over Tehdra, and she felt a sense of belonging that she recognized was false. They were aware that she spied, but her nature could never be revealed. Swallowing a sigh, she accepted fine wines, fruits and dainties from the servants that offered the King and his guests such delicacies displayed artistically on golden platters.

She glanced at Ajali, and as they made eye contact, her heart squeezed. She was in love with him. Irrevocably so. She turned and overlooked the crowd, hiding the shakiness in her composure. Their night together had been intense and shocking. He had been right, but she’d been a swift pupil. The carnality of their loving had almost drowned her, but she and her darkness had immersed in every lick of sensual pain that had burned in her veins.