Need, raw in its demand, flared through Ajali. He wanted to taste the hot vitality of life from her mouth, her passionate cries, her flesh clinging to his, from her sweat and her scent. He pushed it away and tried to focus on all that had happened, not the desire to reaffirm she really liv


She saved him at the risk of her own life. He had felt her presence when she appeared to take the thrust meant for his heart. It was a foolhardy thing she had done. The enemy would not have taken him, and he desperately wanted to know what had motivated her to place his life above hers. He chuckled without mirth. He was desperate. That was not a feeling Ajali associated with himself. He had not felt desperation since the loss of his mother and father, and to even feel a semblance of it for a hari below his stature was unwelcomed by him. Tribute would have to be paid to her. Wherever she came from, she would never want again. Riches would be bestowed upon her for her actions, far more that what she would have received for being in his harem.

The decision he had made to place her under Acheron’s care had been halted indefinitely. Maybe her purpose was not to bring harm to his kingdom, but for something else. Yet which kingdom would send an untrained spy into his realm?

Another soft exhalation from her had Ajali sitting forward, watching her face with an intensity that unnerved him. He clenched his jaw. The elixir had healed her injuries, and he needed to comprehend the meaning of the attack, not lust after the woman who was in his kingdom under false pretenses.

Self preservation kicked in, and Ajali launched from the chair and strode to the door, needing space to clear his thoughts, fighting the temptation to return to her side.

Tehdra’s beast’s chakra permeated her veins. Her bones strengthened and flesh hardened, healing the last vestiges of her wounds. Rage pulsed, and a familiar kind of cruelty bled into her mind, rousing her most effectively. She inhaled deeply, and the scent of her mate reached her, filling her with relief. The scent was free of pain, but she tasted the worry that flavored his chakra. Worry for her?

With a burst of speed, she sat on the edge of the bed to see him leaving the room.


He hesitated before flashing closer. “How do you feel?”

Tehdra pushed herself off the bed and stood before him searching his closed expression. Her gaze ran swiftly over his body, checking for any sign of injury. “I am well, how do you fare, my king?”

His eyes darkened. “Your concern is not needed, Tehdra. I am well because of your actions. I will have servants attend to you immediately then we will speak.”

A dark heady scent reached her nose as the perfume of his arousal flavored the air. A decadent greed took root in her blood and she went wet between her thighs. “Do not go.”

A flicker of expression passed over his face, but it was gone so fast she couldn’t read it.

“I can taste your hunger. Take me.”

Ajali steeled himself against the primal invitation in her eyes. An appeal for sometime lay within her gaze, its intensity pulling at him, drowning him in the bottomless pool of her obsidian stare. “You were severely injured.”

“I am healed now.”

“You need rest and food.”

The sultry spice of her unique fragrance wrapped around him.

“I need you.”

They stared at each other, need pulsing in the air around them. He knew the power of the elixir, yet he hesitated, remembering the brutality of her wounds. Lust twisted at his gut, eating at him, and the same desire was reflected in her gaze.

Tehdra gasped as Ajali took two steps and swept her in his arms. Without speaking he exited the chamber, moving with speed along the massive corridors to his private bedchamber. They reached it in seconds, but the silent journey seemed endless to Tehdra. Anticipation sizzled along her spine, and she relaxed in his arms, need softening her core. He did not speak, not once. She inhaled deep, trying to feel his emotions. There was no negativity to ferret, but her heightened senses tasted the lust pouring off him.

He lowered her to her feet so that every inch of her glided down his muscular frame. His hardened erection prodded at her stomach, testifying to the strength of his arousal.

“Ajali?” she questioned softly. Flames licked at the irises of his eyes. “Your eyes, they are beautiful,” she breathed in awe at the fire that coated his gaze. She trembled as he dropped on his haunches. Holding her gaze he drew her caftan up, revealing her shins. He paused, and she waited an eternity for what he would do. The soft kiss pressed on the inside of her shin made her tremble.


The sibilant claim of her beast gently rolled through her. The sun had not fully sunk, darkness barely edged in, only giving her a taste of her essence’s need. She moaned as the caftan travelled up, revealing her knees, her thighs. So slowly. He pressed a soft, wet intimate kiss on each part of her skin he bared, creating a buildup of heated sensations that wreaked havoc on Tehdra’s control. Need far too long denied roared to the surface

“Ajali,” she gasped in hoarse arousal as he licked at her core. His lips covered her clitoris, his tongue stroked it, she screamed.

The room shifted, and he splayed her wide on his bed. Fire leapt, the cavernous fireplace lighted by Ajali. The light allowed her to see the stark desire stamped on his face. Not that she needed it. She had perfect vision in the dark, but she loved how the embers heightened the gold of his skin, and the soft flames that burned in his eyes. He was so raw, so beautiful. Perched on the edge of his bed, her eyes viewed the sinking sun through the stained windows with dread and joy. The red wash in the sky lingered, giving her mere moments with him without the bloodthirstiness of her beast.

The tearing of her caftan sounded like a cannon in the room. Heat trailed from her neck, to her collar and down the valley between her breasts that ached relentlessly. He worshipped at the underside of her breast, never touching her nipples, never assuaging the ravenous attention they demanded. He dipped and licked at her navel, his tongue traveling to the core of her and plunging deep.

Storm raged inside her body as delight swept through her. Her cries echoed around his chambers, heating the air with sensuality. He suckled and savored her with an intensity that frightened her. So profound were the sensations, they reached into the heart of her, binding her, imprisoning her flesh to the call of desire.