A hardened perfection of green dragon scales and black claws decorated the hilt.

He lowered his head, and she felt the inhalation of his breath right down to her aching and already throbbing core.

“My mother battled a summoned dragon in the first Great War. Our books tell of her fight and triumph.”

Tehdra froze. “Your queen was victorious over a summoned beast and its master?” Impossible. For a Darkan to be able to summon its beast, it would have to be fully bonded and more than likely an elder of their race. How could the queen of Nuria defeat a Darkan who had access to all of his demon’s brutality and immense power?

“This was the weapon she used to fight. She was young and willing to die for her people. The battlements rang with cries of dread and defeat as hundreds faced only a handful of Darkans.”

Her stomach clenched as powerful hands rested against her hips and drew up her caftan. Why was she not pulling away and feigning an excuse to leave his presence? Because she wanted him, craved his touch.

Yess…. The triumph from her beast rolled through Tehdra.

“Screams of pain and fear rent the air, and the Darkans claimed lives as if they were death gods. Cries for retreat were called, but the Darka

ns advanced with only the thought to annihilate.”

She swallowed as the caftan bared her knees in slow increments. Lust pumped through her and lethargy filled her limbs as she leaned further into his hardness.

“The king, my father, was in the Darkan’s direct path when he summoned his demon beast to corporeal form. Hundreds rushed in with flames dancing to protect my father, and they were destroyed like ants with one belch of fire from the dragon. Its heat was indomitable, and it incinerated all that it touched.”

Tehdra uttered a raw sound of arousal as he bunched the caftan at her hips and trailed his hand to her core and cupped her flesh.

The powerful male body behind her shuddered, and a curse slipped from him. He paused for several seconds, and she realized he fought for restraint.

“High countess Xie lo Chanz of the house of Phoenyx, was secretly in love with the king, who was to marry her oldest sister. The king and his army battled the dragon and its master, but he could not win.”

Tehdra actually mewled when he ran his fingers down her slit. Her womb spasmed, and her sex clenched as liquid heat coated his fingers.

“Fuck!” A jagged, aroused exclamation tumbled from him. He nipped at her ear, hard enough that it stung, but her pleasure only rose higher.

She heard his ragged breathing over the thunderous beating of her heart.

“Xie rushed in to save him without thought of her own self. When the dragon breathed death on her, she owned his fire. She took it from him and wielded it with a mastery that was unmatched. She battled him for hours, and from the ashes of her battle, she awoke a power that was beautiful and deadly—the Phoenyx.”

A dark and heady desire rose in Tehdra. Sensations—delicious sensations—twisted and throbbed between her legs. She shivered as he sank two fingers deep inside of her. The moan that was dragged out of her throat was like a purr. Her heart beat in time with the slow thrusts in her sex and intense pleasure torpedoed through her.

“She dominated the battlefield with her rage and power. The dragon and its master burned under the flames that she controlled. But she did not stop there. She turned her terrifying rage on all that remained.”

Ajali inhaled rough and harsh as her hips writhed sinuously against his hands. She felt the sultriness start to beat in his blood like a drum at her movements. It rose hot and dangerous and poured from him to her. She cried out and arched in his hand as heat washed over her and coated her in decadent fire. Perspiration glistened on her skin, and the fireplace roared and leapt to life as fire climbed the walls and swirled around them.

The moans turned from languid to harsh gasps as the fieriness in Tehdra became dominant. Her hips roiled and undulated to the fingers that plunged inside of her, rough yet tender. Hands cupped her breasts and tantalized her nipples. Wet heat trailed at her neck, his teeth nipping and delivering sharp stings. But it was the lust. It raged in her blood like a fever. Flames seemed attached to his fingertips whispering over her flesh.

Her mass of hair clung damply to her back and nape. Engulfed in warmth, Tehdra gasped hoarsely when she saw that they were both surrounded by a halo of fire.

“Ajali,” she gasped as he spun her around, lifted her and placed her on his desk. Her beast snarled at his display of strength, loving every minute of his apparent loss of control.

“Spread your legs,” he demanded, and she obeyed.

Tehdra flung hands out against the wall for a brace she did not need. His arms held her up as he bent his head and swiped his tongue through her core that creamed and clenched around his fingers.

“Aahhhh.” Tehdra all but shouted as pleasure unlike any she could imagine swept through her, destroying her restraint.

His tongue swiped and licked her into mindless abandon. He found her nub and sucked harshly then gently, then with focused intensity. Sweat ran in rivulets down her body, and she flung her head back as her chakra pulsed and her darkness subtly leaked from her.

“Ajali,” she whimpered his name, fighting to hold onto her sanity, as his tongue fucked into her clenching sex once again.

Cruelty bled into her mind as the need to pounce and dominate bled into her. Her control teetered on the edge of violence. She reclined against his desk and arched her hips higher as he widened her legs. Her incisors lengthened as the vicious need to be on top of him, with her fangs buried in his veins, poured through her. Charka, black and churning, swirled around her and mixed with the soft fire that seemed to engulf them. She ruthlessly reined it in as fear rushed through her; he could not witness the crack in her control or he would deliver death to her instantly.