“There are more than a dozen warriors stationed outside this door, Saieke.” Rai popped a tart in her mouth closing her eyes in bliss.

“I know,” Saieke murmured. “I am not to leave until the council has decided my fate.”

“Are you not terrified?”

“I am Rai, bu

t I cannot do what they ask. I have asked for a private audience with my parents and have been refused. I hoped that I could speak to them as their daughter so that they would understand.” Saieke clasped her hands tightly together as she smiled at her dearest friend.

They both looked up when the chamber door open and her mother swept into the room. Saieke leapt up and rushed into her arms.

“Oh Saieke,” Izumi murmured returning her hug.

“Mother.” The tears she had been fighting spilled.

“I will leave,” Rai stood.

“No, please stay,” Saieke said. “I am not sure when I will have this opportunity again.”

They sat on the lounge, and Saieke gulped her wine to steady her nerves. “I am so sorry mother, but I cannot marry King Ajali.”

Her mother leaned over and clasped her hand. “You took a lover, Saieke,” Izumi admonished.

Saieke laughed at the horrified look that appeared on Rai’s face.

“Oh kings!” Rai cried choking on her wine.

“I did and I love him,”

Her mother hesitated. “Saieke, King Ajali still desires your hand. He spoke to the council when you left. He claims he would still marry you, as his nation will understand fear drove you away. He demands the name of your lover to redeem his honor in a duel.”

“Rubbish, Mother. He wishes to kill him for being with me.”

“Yes. You were aware of the consequences to your lover if you were ever found out and still you acted.”

“I will not reveal his name or his kingdom.”

Izumi released her hands and clasped Saieke cheeks staring into her eyes. “I understand your fear for him; however if you continue to refuse, I believe King Ajali will have no choice but to declare war or refuse to sign a treaty with our kingdom. We cannot, as a kingdom, afford for him to make such decisions Saieke.”

“Mother, are you asking me to confirm the oath with King Ajali?”


“I may really be with child.”

“There are ways to resolve such a delicate situation.”

Saieke recoiled.

Her father entered the chamber and held out his arms wide. She rushed to hug him.

“Do not hate me, Father” she whispered.

“Come” he said and led her back to the lounge.

“Saieke, we are facing a grave threat as a kingdom. You will be called before the tribunal in a few minutes to answer to the charges of willfully breaking an oath.” He shifted the folds of his voluminous robes and sat close to her. Eyes as blue as hers looked at her from a face bracketed with deep grooves of worry. Saieke swore the deep red of his hair seemed peppered with more grays.

Her heart thumped when she saw the misery and fear in his face. She smiled wobbly because she also saw love. “I am now aware that you have protected me from much of the intrigue that has been happening in this kingdom and others. The Mevians tried to prevent my marriage to the Nurians and they were willing to do that with my death if necessary. I think you were aware of that, my king. That they wanted me.”