A snarl slid across her mind that reverberated through her body and soul. Chakra pulsed and caressed her clit, her nipples and the crack of her ass. Exquisite sensations peaked inside her and her body detonated from the high it had been suspended on.

A harsh sound of pleasure rasped from deep in his throat and he leaned over her and plunged his fangs into her neck. She shivered as aftershocks of bliss stormed through her. She moaned weakly as yet another orgasm rushed through her as he reached his completion.

Saieke breathed heavily. Perspiration ran in rivulets down her back and into her hair.

He kissed her softly slowly running his tongue over the puncture wounds in her neck to seal them off. Blood still stained his wrist and she reached out tentatively with her tongue and licked. Its taste was pure and exotic. She shivered as he placed another soft kiss on her neck.

You are loved Saieke El Shyokara. I love you.

She smiled as deep contentment and joy rushed inside of her.

And I you…take me home.


Boreas-Kingdom of Winds and Mountains

Castle Windhaven

“A new dawn and era has graced Boreas. We are a strong and amazing people, able to set aside fear and prejudice to see the truth. I know the tales that you have heard of the Darkage. I know the revulsion and fear that has filled your hearts, upon hearing that I will align myself and our kingdom with a Darkan. You are my people and I am yours; I trust you will have faith in my decision to allow us to bridge fear and hate with acceptance and trust.” Saieke’s voice rang with power and conviction as she beheld the crowd of thousands in front of her.

Queen Izumi felt a deep rush of pride as she listened to her daughter. It had only been five days since the Darkans had appeared in the council chamber, yet it seemed like a lifetime.

Saieke had not delayed in the confirmation ceremony at all. She had also broken tradition and had a mixture of lower family and head families with the highest echelon of aristocracy of their kingdom present at the joining of her and High Lord of the Darkage, Drac El Kyn.

Thousands graced the courtyard as they looked high up to the balcony at their princess. The hum of the crowd quieted as they looked at her regal beauty and grace. Dressed in a flowing white caftan with her hair coiled high on her head and a headband studded with yellow diamonds twinkling under the suns, Saieke spoke to her people unflinchingly. “I love him,” her voice rang true and clear. “I have a story I want to tell you. A story of a kingdom that is reviled and feared when they are so much more. Beauty, grace and love is not unique to us,” Saieke continued.

Izumi smiled as for the first time since their meeting with the Dark King, she felt a kindling of hope that all would be well. Saieke held the throng captivated with tales of the dark realm. She was loved by all in her kingdom, and Izumi felt hope that their people would slowly accept that one day, a descendant of a Darkan bloodline would sit on the throne of Boreas as king.

The dark king had met with them and their council as he laid out a scroll of their mating laws. It highlighted how precious one’s mate was held and the reverence they had for them; that laws for their protection were written. He made it clear Drac would destroy anyone who tried to take her from him.

It was still hard for Izumi to imagine her daughter with someone so brutal and hard and living in a kingdom where their might and cruelty were legendary to the other nations of Amagarie.

King Gidon seemed like a predator amongst them all in the throne room, even though she saw he had strived hard to appear relaxed and unthreatening as they negotiated and unraveled whether they could have an alliance.

Their consort laws had deemed they had an alliance until Saieke ascended to the throne. He was an Archduke in his kingdom and according to the council a rank noble enough for the princess to wed him. If their kingdom was prepared for such a decision was another matter. Chancellor Chiang had pointed out Princess Saieke had claimed him as her consort and he should remain as such until their kingdom was prepared for more.

It had been very vigorous and the dark king had watched them with a remote expression on his face, but Izumi felt the savage satisfaction that had pulsed through him and something darker that she could not identify.

They had drawn up contracts that outlined the alliance between Boreas and the Darkage. It outlined her dowry and the stipulation the oldest child of their union would be heir to Boreas.

Her King gifted them with several barrels of elixir and dozens of chests of gold and gems as Saieke’s dowry. Izumi had felt the dark king’s surprise at their offer. She had made it clear it was Saieke’s bride gift and it would be an insult to refuse.

She ached that their daughter was moving to the Darkage. Saieke met with them and had laughed as she informed them; her Darkan was faster than anything they could comprehend so she could visit often. She was still the heir and Princess of Boreas and she would attend all their functions and ceremonies.

They felt hope their people would come to understand and allay the fears they had of the dark world over time, opening trade negotiations between their nations as their alliance demanded. Saieke would not inherit her throne for another thousand years or if they were to perish. There would be enough time to prepare their people for the alliance.

The resounding cheer from the crowd drew Izumi from her thoughts. This was just the beginning of a new chapter for them all, and she welcomed it. A new era has indeed graced Boreas


Nuria outskirts-Town of Hoadecia

“My vision holds true,” the Serangite rasped. The cascading folds of the king’s seer’s elaborate blood-red robe trembled with her anxiety. “I see lands ravaged by war and death,” she continued. “Without access to the mountains of Boreas and their elixir, your kingdom will fall under the might of Mevia and Avindar.”

“Are you still unaware of the date when this will o

ccur?” King Ajali strode to stand in front of Ruxia, staring intently in her diamond hardened eyes as they darkened with power. Her abilities lay in the psychic plane and it was a testament to his ruthless plotting that he had a much coveted Serangite in his army. The tent swayed under the sudden onslaught of a wind that buffered outside, despite it being high noon and summertide.