He suddenly appeared on the landing a few feet away from them. She glanced into the ceiling at those that remained perched with a stillness that petrified her.

“King Gidon, it seems we have much to discuss, indeed. Welcome to Boreas, the nation of mountains and wind,” her king responded with much more calm that what Izumi felt.

He swept out of the room with Izumi by his side, and the Darkan king a few paces behind. The warriors he arrived with simply disappeared as if they did not exist. Izumi let out a startled squeak when a Darkan appeared before her and opened the door to the chambers they were entering.

There were many stories of the Darkans that were bandied about Boreas. For the princess to wed one would cause disbelief and uproar. But they would have an alliance with a country that was known for their strength and power.

She smiled. War hovered and they could be possibly position now to triumph instead of being conquered. It was time for a new era and dawn to grace Boreas, she thought. If they could not get an allegiance, at least an alliance would enable them to still be standing when the ashes of war have settled.


Saieke whimpered into Drac’s mouth with a desperation she did not understood. She directed him to her wing of the castle and into her chamber. She wrapped her legs around his waist and kissed and nibbled at his lips frantically.

She trembled and her heart still raced at the day’s event. It had all be so sudden and savage.

Take me she urged shakily along their lei.

She drew his shirt off and ran her lips over his neck and chest. She hummed as pleasure darkened her mind from his beast and pushed the edges of fear away.

I need you.

Saieke purred in delight when he caressed against her mind and she felt the overpowering emotions from his beast. She absorbed the violent emotions along with the longing and love.

I love you, too.

She felt the stillness in man and beast and then the pulse of satisfaction and the monster in him stretched. He tumbled her roughly onto her bed. She shivered, as her legs and her womb clenched and contracted in arousal. Her caftan ripped and cool air washed across her skin that was already slick with sweat.

Saieke moaned when the heat of his mouth covered her nipple and sucked. Biting pleasure rush through her. She keened and arched into him when he plunged two fingers deep. She heard the snarl of delight that hissed across her mind and welcomed it.

He twisted her body so that she lay on her stomach and drew her up on her knees. He ran claw tipped fingers over her naked back and down her hips with rough possession. He came behind her and nudged her thighs far apart, grabbed her hips bending her into an arch.

She whimpered as his coarse tongue swiped through her dripping core. Fire blazed through her body. Ecstasy, sharp and wicked, sliced at her. Her voice keened and bounced off the walls as he brought her to bliss again and again, with his lips and tongue. Saieke’s voice went hoarse from screaming and begging for release from the relentless sensations that he worked her through.

He nipped at the inside of her thighs and slowly bit along the swell of her ass and hips. He trailed hot wet kisses on her back and laved his tongue to the center over the red imprint of the lashes. She crooned when his fangs plunged into

her back and erotic pain bit at Saieke. She felt the strong pull of his teeth as he drank from her. With a hot swipe of his tongue he stopped the flow of blood and covered her with his heat. Drac nudged her thighs wider and Saieke’s arms collapsed to her elbows, pushing her rump and back higher into the air. Claws dug deeper into her hips as he positioned his cock at her entrance and thrust hard, and she yelped at the penetration.

She felt the darkness in him rise.

He snapped his hips between her thighs and she bit into the sheets.

Too deep. Yet she gloried in each stroke of agonizing ecstasy. Saieke trembled and twisted the coverlets as satisfaction pulsed through her. He slashed his wrist and extended it to her lips. Drink. His voice was strained, hoarse with need.

She latched onto his wrist and sucked in time to the lunge of his hips inside of her, the thick ridges rubbing along her sensitive core. He rode her relentlessly, and Saieke lost the ability to even scream.

“Drac, please,” Saieke gasped.

Drink a voice, now dark and seductive, whispered against her mind.

Shock gripped her as fangs punched from her mouth and she instinctively bit into the open wound on his wrist. A roar of triumph and savage satisfaction poured from Drac. She dazedly drew from his wrist, drunk with the pleasure of consuming a part of him. She licked the wound and more shock tunneled through her when it sealed itself immediately. Saieke moaned deep in her throat as his hips plunged harder and her body shook under the raw impact, each hard impalement had bliss searing her insides. Drac she groaned into his mind desperate for relief. Sweat shined her body as the erotic bite of pain and ecstasy became overwhelming.

Drac please… she wailed along their link.

Don’t ever fucking defy me again and harm yourself, Princess.

The savage rage he had felt at the thought of her being whipped, and him being helpless to prevent it in time bombarded her.

I love you she said. I will never willingly put you to such suffering again.