“Did you take a lover after you heard about the blood-oath or before?” the chancellor asked.

She felt the misery that rolled off her mother as she sat forward in her chair with tension vibrating through her body.

“After,” she whispered.


Please do not ask the exact date I took my consort

She heard the roar of disbelief that came from the council collectively.

Her king surged to his feet, his rage palpable. “Princess was your lover aware that you were to wed the King of Nuria?” her father rasped, with hands fisted in his robes.

“Yes” Saieke raised hands that shook to wipe at her tears. Her knees weakened and she desperately wished to sit in a chair.


“You have dishonored your nation, Princess. The name of your consort and his kingdom immediately!” her king thundered.

“I cannot.” Saieke glanced at King Ajali and recoiled from the twin flames of rage in his eyes.

“You will give me the name of this traitor, Princess. Not only have you dishonored your nation, you have spat on mine. We demand satisfaction,” King Ajali’s voice was a deadly hiss as he straightened in his chair.

His high chancellor whispered furiously in king Ajali’s who stared at her, the fire in his gaze burning.

Sorrow and dread bled from her mother and father chakras. The Nurians King’s chancellor raised his hand and silence descended into the chambers.

“King Ajali is willing to continue with the binding ceremony. He is able to put his nation’s needs above his. The Princess of Boreas has indeed dishonored her kingdom by betraying her king. Before the blood binding ceremony, it is Boreas’s right, by law and honor, to punish the princess and redeem their honor. We also demand satisfaction. However, our satisfaction will be fulfilled by the death of this betrayer who thought he could lay with King Ajali’s bride. His name and kingdom, Princess,” he delivered coldly.

Saieke started at him stonily. “I submit myself to my kingdom for whatever punishment the council deems fit. I was willful and impetuous. However, I do not regret my actions. My kingdom hopes for an allegiance with yours. I propose they must settle for an alliance with a head family as I will not bind myself to the King of Nuria when I love another.”

“You will be silent!” her king roared in the chamber.

Saieke looked at her father as tears ran down her face in silent misery. She loved him, but what he asked of her, she could not fulfill. King Ajali wanted unlimited access to their mountains and healing elixirs springs, and it seemed he was willing to take a soiled bride to achieve his end. It seemed even a bride that threatened she might be pregnant by her lover was welcomed. She knew that meant whatever intrigues were going on were dire.

Fear leaked from her king’s chakra. He feared that the Nurian nation would declare war for their dishonor or he feared more than that. He feared war was coming to Amagarie and they would be a kingdom without alliance or allegiance and thus, without hope. But if she married King Ajali…Drac. He would kill them all, especially if the king raped her to ensure their vows would be unbreakable.

“You will deliver, unto this tribunal, the name of the one who helped you to betray your oath!” high chancellor of Nuria thundered.

Saieke looked at him defiantly. She would never release Drac’s name, and she knew they would never imagine that she had taken a Darkan for a lover. “I will not, he does not deserve death!”

The silence that descended was ominous.

The Azul chancellor rose and spoke. “You are dismissed, Princess, until this tribunal is convened within an hour’s time. You will be placed in the blue room where palace guards and warriors will be stationed at your door at all times. You will not be allowed to leave.”

Chapter Twenty One


She turned at her name, and for the first time since she arrived, she smiled in joy.

“Rakiae!” It seemed as if she had not seen her in eons instead of days. Saieke brushed her anxiety aside and hugged her friend.

“Oh Saieke, I am so happy that you are well. I have been so worried!” Rai clasped her tightly, kissing her cheeks.

“I am well.”

Saieke led her over to the lounge where they sat down together. A servant poured them wine in chalices and laid out several sweetmeats and tarts for them to eat. Saieke inclined her head and dismissed her, leaving her and Rai alone together.