“I found you,” he said.

Saieke wrapped her hands around his waist. She understood. She had endured several attacks over the past few days, had been opened up to a whole new and exciting world, been near death and betrayed her king. Yet, the most memorable thing was that she had found him.

“I found you,” she whispered.

His mouth descended and captured hers. Pleasure, dark and stormy, raced through her as he kissed and swung her in his arms. He moved with her. Air wafted across her skin, cooling the heat that threatened to burn her alive. Her caftan flowed and pooled around her skin in a gentle caress. His hands, gentle on her hips, turned her around so that she overlooked the darkness.

She was on a turret that stood hundreds of feet off the ground. Her breath caught at the sheer beauty of the darkness. With her enhanced eyes, the darkness appeared to her like the grey of a wintertide storm, like silver moonlight.

Warm lips trailed up her neck, and his heat dispelled some of the cold. He drew the caftan up her legs, bunched it around her hips and made circles with his finger at the insides of her thighs.

You’re so soft and smooth. The thought of you hurt and in pain makes me crazy.

One hand glided up and cupped her breast through her clothes. I ache for you

He ran his hands down between her thighs and cupped her. Pleasure simmered deeper and she grew damp.

You’re already wet for my touch

Saieke moaned and sagged against him. He flicked his hands and used the heel of his palm to massage her clitoris. Saieke’s breathing grew ragged.

I yearn for you when I am not with you.

He placed her to sit on the ledge. He widened her legs with his hips and stepped between them. He dipped his head and claimed her lips.

Saieke raised her legs, wrapped them loosely around his waist and caressed him with sensual hunger. She placed her hand under his shirt and ran her hands over the muscles of his back. I want to see you she slid into the deep recesses of his mind.

His chakra pulsed with hot desire. She felt along his mind and brushed along the lei that connected him to his darkness. She felt it shift, and darker emotions poured forth. Lust and longing tinged with cruelty.


He shifted his psychic hold and released his beast, so that she could learn it. She trembled at the vicious emotions, but softened instinctively and sank deeper into him at the longing she encountered.

Muscles contracted and scales rippled and formed underneath her hands. She pulled her mouth away from his, when a rip rent through the air, to look at the massive wings that unfurled.

They were vicious, yet wholly beautiful.

The scales that covered him were hard and exotic. She ran her hands over the strangeness of them. You are so beautiful, Drac. She glided a fingertip over his scale covered back and chest where she drew the tatters of his shirt away. She reached around and traced where his wings rose.

He shivered and groaned harshly.

She heard a crack. He gripped the edges of the ledge with hands that were now razor sharp claws. She looked deep into his serpent like eyes and smiled at him shyly. I think I am falling in love with you. The very idea is improbable, for I have only known you for five days.

His decadent lips quirked in a smile. I will treasure you, protect you and want you with me until breath leaves my body. There is no other for me, my leika. We may be apart for years, but it will only be you.

Pleasure, dizzying in its intensity, rushed through her like a tidal wave. She felt man and beast intertwine inside and meld into her essence. She heard his vow and responded. I am yours, and you are mine to protect and love until breath leaves my body.

Saieke ran her tongue along his fangs that elongated, and pressed into the tips. Pain lanced at her tongue and blood welled. She twirled her tongue along his fangs and lips and coated them in blood.

Wings swooped down and covered her completely. His head dipped and his fangs raked against her neck and clavicle. Claws danced up her spine and methodically sliced the caftan away from her body. Wetness gathered between her legs. He nipped erotically at her neck, spilling blood, and she moaned at the raw heat his touch generated.

He used his thighs to spread her legs wider. His claws clamped down on the ledge, caging her in on both sides. He did not touch her with them. Anticipation had her moaning wildly as she leaned back and encountered the support of his wings. Scales rippled under her arms and she luxuriated at the feel of his bare skin under her hands once more. She gasped as the tip of his cock pressing at her entrance.

He held her gaze as he slowly entered her. Her body stretched to accommodate his and pleasure flared. She cried when he paused and then with a firm thrust seated himself to the hilt. Sweat glistened on her skin and she panted at the feel of him stretching her deliciously wide.

She moaned in abandon as he withdrew and thrust hard, with lust and tenderness riding his chakra. Pleasure burned, bright and long, high on the turret as Drac loved Saieke until she wilted from exhaustion and hummed deep in contentment.

He had been saying goodbye.