arkage…” Lachlan closed his eyes and flowed away to overlook their kingdom.

Drac understood. War

“We need information,” Gidon said. “We must learn more before we act. We need spies within Nuria and Mevia.”

“Tehdra,” Drac ordered, “infiltrate Nuria. Remove the presence of any Darkans found. Uncover as much as you can as to why Mevians and Darkans work to remove the King Ajali. If you discover anything that threatens our nation, eliminate it without it being traced back to the Darkage.”

She inclined her head and disappeared.

“I will send my lieutenant to Mevia,” Talon snapped and stepped into the shadows.

“Lachlan, prepare yourself for departure as the princess rises. Her life hangs too much in the balance in the Darkage. The Mevians’ orders were to take her to their emperor, and if they could not take her, to kill her,” Drac said.

“Why?” the high chancellor demanded.

“The emperor would have forced her to marry him and stolen the allegiance for himself. He would then have heir-ship over her throne and control of their mountains and healing elixir. He thought if he could not have that, no-one else should, especially the Nurian king.”

“He would murder the royalty of another nation?” the High chancellor demanded genuinely shocked.

Drac frowned. “They have no alliance or allegiance. How would Boreas march on the Emperor? If they tried, he would have chewed them up and spat them out.”

“Then he will not abandon his plans,” his father said.

“Ah…but she is ours now,” Drac said flatly.


Saieke woke slowly. She felt warm and pain free and she shifted, loving the cool glide of gossamer silk under her body. Drac lounged in a great chair near the fireplace. She smiled as he appeared before her and lifted her into his arms. Saieke laughed for as she blinked again, she was held cradled in his lap in the great chair.

“I really love when you do that,” she whispered against the lips that descended to hers.

Saieke clasped his neck and responded with slow heat. She instinctively brushed her mind against his and stilled. Torment and pain lurked deep because she had been hurt. She leaned back from his embrace. “I am well.”

He kissed her with gentle thoroughness. He petted, touched and glided his hands all over her body. Saieke came to realize that it was for his benefit as much as it was for her. He needed to feel close to her, needed to really absorb that she was safe.

She dropped her nose into the crook of his neck. Violent emotions still pulsated deep within him. It hummed and vibrated against her mind. She caressed his thoughts and thrust with hers to be met with the rage of his beast. She absorbed the ferocity of the emotions and reached out to soothe it.

I feel you, she whispered.

Drac’s chakra surrounded her in a cocoon of comfort and desire. Possession and tenderness leaked from it and warmed her thoughts. His beast’s rage blossomed and she saw perfectly, the image it had seen when she was on the ground bleeding.

You saved me.

Hot flare of satisfaction and something deeper bled from it that she could not identify.

You are ours

Yours, she agreed as she luxuriated in the emotions they felt.

Lips drank at her once more and she responded sweetly.

You are to return to your nation in a few hours

I am to leave on the morrow.

No. Lachlan prepares for your departure and you will leave in a few hours.

Saieke drew back. There was no hint of softness or a promise for more. She let her consciousness touch his and encountered stillness and awareness from both man and beast. Awareness of what, she was not sure. “I see.”