The Dracan that appeared stretched and roared. It was a black massive winged creature that stood twelve feet tall. It reeked of unremitting cruelty. His eyes were yellow with deep flecks of black in them and resembled those of a snake. His fangs were razor sharp and protruded more than a foot. Sharp claws jutted from its forehead and ridged all along his back to encompass his tail.

The creatures that surrounded the forest for miles shrieked and then became eerily silent as they departed rather than face the malevolence that had been manifested. Beast regarded beast as dracan and hydra faced each other down.

The dracan roared in triumph at being summoned to corporeal form for the first time in years. It looked at the hydra and the need to consume and destroy unfurled inside of it.

Kill, its hiss slid across Drac mind.

Kill, he said in agreement.

The Dracan flew at the hydra and met a spew of poison that arched for more than a hundred feet in all directions with a belch of dark fire. The air snapped—sizzling as the heat of its fire incinerated the venom.

The hydra shrieked as massive wings dove and claws ripped off several heads in savage brutality. Heads sprang back instantly, and now more than twenty heads snapped and writhed. The dracan landed, and the beasts assessed each other with cunning.

They could not kill each other. It was only the host that could die as the chakra that controlled them resided in the Darkans. They could defeat each other, and then the beast would return to its tattooed form on the Darkan to be summoned again almost instantaneously unless the host was dead or too weak.

Drac assessed the elder. He would not put him in chains nor would he be given a trial. Blood dripped from his stomach and poured from his throat and shoulder where Drac’s claws had slashed deep and his wings had impaled him. There was a deep throb in the underside of Drac’s wings where the elder had scored deep with his venom tinged claws.

At least one hundred heads now roiled and writhed, defending and protecting the body with its poisonous spew. Drac knew his beast was not even winded. A part of it played with the hydra cruelly, reveling in the fact that it was summoned.

End it, Drac commanded. Our princess needs us.


There was a scream of rage and satisfaction as his beast rushed at the hydra. Giant claws and wings synchronized and sliced, and ripped heads from body. A spew of black flames shot from the dracan’s mouth and engulfed the hydra in flames. The hydra screamed in agony when the black flames touched the many wounds left from its severed heads.

It barreled toward the dracan, which spun in the air, picked up the hydra with it claws and flung it high. Before the hydra could land, the dracan repeated the motion over and over while attacking. Wings and claws sliced and shredded, while black flames ate at it relentlessly.

Blood rained from the sky as the dracan released and attacked the hydra, over and over, without respite. The horrendous howls that came from the hydra were deafening. Drac’s beast landed with a triumphant snarl as the hydra disappeared in a pulse of chakra and contracted back onto the elder’s skin. Before he could think to draw on reserves of chakra to re-summon beast, Drac attacked with ruthlessness.

He used both hands to punch at the elder’s chest with the intention of ripping him apart. The elder shiktred and reappeared behind him. Drac shot into the air, grabbing his head from above. His wings beat the air as he rose at a dizzying speed.

The elder snarled and tried to loosen the hold Drac’s claws had on his neck. His beast roared and leapt off the ground to meet him in the air. Drac twisted his claws together at the same time his beast opened massive jaws and rent the elder’s body in two.

Dark, vicious satisfaction bled into both their minds at their kill. In a pulse of dark swirling chakra, the dracan disappeared and the tattoo reformed on Drac’s back as he swiftly rebuilt the psychic barrier. He landed as his king arrived with Lachlan and Talon.

Chapter Nineteen

Wailing that signaled sorrow and devastation echoed through Saieke’s body and made her tremble. Her mind struggled to understand the sound she was hearing and what it could possibly mean.

She floated in a state of semi consciousness, unable to grasp any sense of time in the overwhelming darkness that was strangely comforting. Drac, she delved into the abyss and sought comfort along the path he had ripped through earlier. She whispered his name and warmth like a gentle breeze filtered back to her.

Drac? She questioned confused. The pure warmth and tenderness she sensed felt alien coming from him.

Rest was a dark caress that soothed her like nothing else could.

The voice was his alone, and the emotions that rushed from him made her smile inside and relax. The pain filled keening was a distant sound that hovered at her consciousness. She strained to understand where it was coming from and fought the darkness that held her captive. There was a pain deep in her stomach. She held herself still as she remembered all that had happened. The discomfort was deep, but it was not severe, it lessened with each passing moment. She searched along her energy path to assess her injuries and paused. They were not as severe as they were when the darkan had ripped through her with his claws.

Am I dead? Her lips curled as amusement s

lid across her mind. I am definitely not with the living world. Instead of rage and snarls I am getting amusement, she thought affectionately to him.

The impression of laughter flitted across her mind.

This is really unfair, Drac, she said. It is not right that only when I am dead is when I can make you laugh.

You are not dead and I am not laughing, he returned with no inflection.

I felt it. And if I am not dead, then what?