She struggled against the panic trying to engulf her and tried to reach through the connection she had formed with Drac. The stretch that she normally felt when he communicated with her was missing, and she frantically tried again to no avail.

“What is it that you want and why are you in the Darkage?” Chedra demanded.

Saieke took some comfort in her tone. It resonated with deadly intent.

“Kill the bitch and take the princess,” a cold order from one of the purest voices, Saieke had ever heard.

Saieke unsheathed her blades as rage and determination flowed through her body. Chedra would not die, and she would not be taken. She heard a vicious snarl, and then Chedra attacked. Saieke grasped the hand that slashed out at her and flowed around her attacker as Drac had shown her. She punched with her blade at her opponent’s kidney but was deflected sharply.

Pain exploded behind her eyes as she was punched in the face. Saieke flung out winds so sharp they sliced into his stomach deeply. He came at her, and she lunged and blocked the hand that thrust at her throat with the intent to smash her trachea, came in with her knife under the arm that was extended to her, and plunged deep into his armpits with her dagger.

He screamed a harsh sound of pain that reverberated through her body and had her vibrating like a bow string. The sound compressed the air around her, and pain exploded in her head. Saieke whipped her wind and dropped the temperature so low that frost blew from her breath. The cold that permeated the air was so deep and harsh that the Mevian’s voice trailed off as he labored to breathe.

She flung herself back and observed her opponent. Blood trickled from his stomach wound and poured from under his arms. Saieke smiled at him as a savageness she did not know she possessed uncurled inside of her. She exhaled frost and heard cackles and knew it was the waterfalls and pools that were freezing due to her Shenkiri.

Saieke let its iciness flow into her veins. She was hurt but not defeated. Her ribs were cracked from the sounds that had emitted from his mouth, and her nose bled freely. Half of her face was also swollen and one eye almost shut. She did not know how Chedra fared. Saieke did not dare take her attention away from the Mevian in front of her balanced so deadly on his feet.

She heard vicious fighting and wished she could assist her. Chedra was contending with two of the Mevians while she fought the third. A harsh pain-filled scream erupt from Chedra, and Saieke spun to see her being flung into the wall. Saieke lashed out her wind to brace her fall. The loud thud of her body hitting the wall made her flinch inwardly. She flashed to her side, but Chedra was already recovered and crouched, observing the Mevians with death in her eyes.

She had trails of chakra swirling around her and Saieke could feel the rage and resolve that floated from it. Chedra had vicious claws on her hands and her eyes flickered and had a serpentine cast. She looked deadly, but very hurt. Blood flowed freely down her face from a deep cut above her eye, her caftan was ripped in several places, and her right shoulder was dislocated.

Saieke looked at the Mevians while she searched for an opening to flee. One was very hurt. He looked torn and savaged, and blood pooled at his feet on the cave floor. Saieke glanced quickly at the blood dripping from Chedra claws. They had a chance and they just had to hold out until Cullen returned with help.

She slashed out rapid movements of her wind that sliced at the Mevians in ferocious succession as they attacked. She whipped her elements, punched through ice and drew upon water. She doused the torches and flashed with speed towards the entrance, hoping that Chedra would see her strategy and follow. She did immediately, and they both moved with speed out of the cave. Saieke looked back. The Mevians were following them; it made no sense as they were enveloped in absolute dark.

Chedra gasped, and Saieke turned to see her holding her side and see the bright red of blood that soaked the legs of Chedra’s caftan.

“The baby is coming,” she groaned, and fear rolled off her in waves.

Saieke looked back at the assassins; they were virtually at their heels. She called the wind and felled trees behind her to slow their movements. Saieke was relieved to know that they were not screaming power at them. They wanted her alive f

or some reason, and it was once again saving her from facing the full force of their strength.

She grabbed Chedra and came to a sudden stop and held herself still. Chedra did the same. Saieke frowned as the Mevians came to a sudden halt. It was as if they knew exactly when she and Chedra stopped fleeing. Saieke’s heart lurched. They had done the same when they had pursued her into the dark forest. It made no sense as she knew they could not see her. She looked at them keenly. She frowned when one of them made a click with his teeth and she saw sound waves undulating gently into the air and shimmering all around her.

She strained and it was only because of her newly enhanced hearing that she could pick up a low hum and frequency that vibrated in the air. Saieke’s eyes widened in disbelief as through the vibrations and its distortion she could identify movement.

Saieke squeezed Chedra’s hand. Pain and question glowed in her eyes. Saieke could also see the understanding that even though the Mevians could not see in the dark, they used sound waves with finely tuned frequencies to see and travel. They were listening for the echo that bounced back when the sound they emitted hit an object.

Her heart pounded as she realized that to move would make them pounce. Chedra held her hand tightly. The flow of her blood had checked. Her gaze was also less pain-filled. Chedra frowned and made a motion with her hands to indicate that she would attack the enemy on the left. Saieke nodded and gripped her blades and assessed her opponent for weakness.

Before either could move, two Darkans appeared to stand near the Mevians. Saieke expelled a breath of relief and Chedra also relaxed her stance. Chedra stepped forward and halted when one of the Darkans spoke.

“Why are they alive?”

Saieke’s throat burned at the sudden fear that wafted Chedra. It was deep and visceral.

“Elder Macklin,” Chedra said with uncertainty ringing in her voice.

“Let me repeat, why are they alive when they could report your presence?”

“The female is mated so our presence has already been communicated,” the other Darkan snarled.

“It matters not,” the Darkan Chedra referred to as ‘elder’ said. “Her mate is the only one she could have alerted. We will kill him on his arrival and any other that is with him. Everything must be revealed in due time and we will take this opportunity to inflict damage and use the distraction of their loss. For they will grieve to lose Chedra Al Sur and her mate.”

“The Princess of Boreas has been located,” a voice meant to enthrall said.

“The surest way to keep her from the Nurian king is death. No need for a kidnapping,” the elder said.