Take, his beast hissed.

Patience, he snarled.


And for the first time he responded in kind as her scent and taste overwhelmed him. Ours. Dark and hot triumph, satisfaction and possessiveness, permeated Drac’s being as his and his darkness’s claim intertwined as one. Its chakra bled into his mind in torrents and created a perfect meld with his. The rage and desire mixed together to create violent lust. His beast’s fierce need and compulsion was his.

She was his… and Gidon’s reign would indeed start with bloodshed.



Drac lifted her, and she cried into his mouth. Her hands twined around his neck and held on tightly while her tongue dueled with his. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her core came into hard contact with his arousal. Saieke wrenched her mouth from his and buried her face in his neck and gulped for breath as he shiktred away with her. Drac moved through the darkness with the sole intention of taking what she offered so freely. He and his beast’s need were melded, and he was distantly amazed that he was able to restrain himself until he reached his keep. All the others he had been with were Darkans—they had a knowledge of each other that normally made coming together less complicated than what he was feeling.

He’d tried to ignore the need that had been pounding at him to take her for the past few days. Gidon had sensed Drac’s leash unraveling. His king had smiled with deceptiveness and urged Drac to spend a day in her presence to ensure it was not purely physical attraction.

He twined his hands in her tresses, pressed his nose close and inhaled deep. Pleasure stormed through him. It was so much more than her scent and taste. It was hard for him to reason why he felt as he did, for he had never encountered it before. He just knew the need consuming him had now completely devoured him and he had to have her.

He slashed his mouth down on her as he shiktred over thousands of miles through the dark forest to his castle.

Chapter Thirteen

Saieke moaned throatily into Drac’s mouth as he kissed her with unleashed passion. Her tongue enticed his in a seductive dance. The soft hum of arousal stirred to life and burned bright. Her nipples throbbed and her womb clenched in anticipation as the pleasure from their last encounter flittered across her mind.

He moved with such speed that she had to rip her mouth from his and bury her face into his neck. She bent the air around her so she could breathe easier against the speed at which he moved. He came to a sudden and dizzying stop into a chamber enveloped in darkness.

She nibbled at his chin and tried to ignore the rising apprehension. A snarl ripped from his mouth as she bit into his neck hard, suckled, and then swiped her tongue from his neck up to the side of his mouth where she rimmed her lips against his. “Where are we?”

“At my keep,” he responded.

Only a few minutes had passed, and they were now at his Northern Keep; which, according to Lachlan, was thousands of miles away from the king’s castle. Drac hands roamed gently but with force over her body. Without her sense of sight, touch and smell seemed magnified. Saieke shivered as he cupped her buttocks in both hands, eased one of his thighs between her legs and lifted her slightly so that he notched her core directly on his erection. She bucked when sharp pleasure rode her as his thigh pressed directly on her clitoris.

His hands drifted up and circled her back, then cupped her head in one palm and cradled her jaw in the next. Tendrils of his chakra caressed her through her clothing. The darkness inside him swelled, and she felt the hard wave of lust and tenderness.

Saieke wished she could see his face. She turned her head slightly and kissed the palm of his hand. He hauled her closer and licked at her lips ever so slowly. A rumble of satisfaction echoed from him.

“You fascinate me so,” she whispered.

He captured her lips in a kiss of hunger. He plundered and explored every corner of her mouth; he sipped, nibbled and suckled with exquisite rawness.

“You are so fucking sweet,” a dark and distorted voice rasped.

She tunneled her fingers through his hair, then coasted her hands over his shoulders and back as their mouths danced and retreated. Bliss, sharp and sweet, rushed through her and she felt herself close to the pinnacle he had brought her to before.

She shivered as cool air wafted against her back—he had unknotted her caftan and it pooled at her waist. His hands slid up her back with pressure as he tilted her. Her feet were off the ground, and she was completely balanced by his thigh.

“You are fucking perfect.”

Her wetness had soaked her caftan and his cock hardened even more. He eased her slightly off his thigh and ripped the caftan off her body, the sound loud in the stillness of the dark. Using both hands, he cupped the underside of her breasts while he lowered his head and kissed her mouth with exquisite thoroughness. Saieke’s excitement rose to a fevered pitch as his thumbs flicked at her nipples. He dragged his lips from hers and ran it roughly against her neck and clavicle. He raised his thighs higher and captured one of her breasts in his mouth. His tongue lashed her nipples with sharp pleasure as he nibbled and bit tenderly. Saieke whimpered. “I want to feel you,” she said.

She pressed her breasts to his naked chest, the contact sent pleasure dancing up her spine.

The memory of the sleekness of his body, and his dangerously coiled muscles had her body pulsing in deep hunger. “Please…I want you naked.”

He lowered her and then drew her to his fully naked length. She used her sense of smell, touch and hearing to guide her as she kissed and licked at his chest. His erection jutted into her stomach and she boldly reached down and clasped him in one of her hands.

Pure hardness and heat.