There was a beat of silence before he answered. “My beast and I find you captivating,” he whispered, punctuated with a hot swipe of his tongue across her neck. “Tell me, Princess, why did you flee your kingdom?”

Saieke shivered as he nipped at her neck with his teeth. “I love Boreas,” she said as fire licked at her throat and her nipples tightened. “My people, my kingdom, would be irrevocably changed under the rule of the Nurian king. Our ways—our history and traditions would be consumed by his flames.”

Saieke moaned as anticipation made her tremble. She felt as if she stood on a precipice waiting to plunge off into something terrifying yet exhilarating.

“So you break the oath?”

“Yes,” her voice was a whisper of heat as his hand drifted over her body.

He lightly skimmed her neck and shoulders down to her breasts. They throbbed and rose under the pressure of his fingers, straining against her caftan. He ran his hands to her stomach, where he trailed one down and cupped her between her legs with possession. Saieke’s heart lurched and she shivered.

“Ahhh, Princess,” he said against her lips. “I wonder if you can handle what you invite.”

“I can,” she said huskily and pushed her tongue out and lightly licked at his lips. She then snaked her hand down and cupped his hardness.

A hissed escaped him. “You leave the Darkage in a day’s time. Today was to be about learning of you, but I cannot concentrate on anything but tasting you.”

Sweet pleasured warmed her. “Then taste me…take me.”

“You risk much to take a lover, Princess.”

“I risk all for my people.”

“You invite death and war for taking a consort.”

Dread sliced through her. “Yes.”

“So you take me for a lover to escape the Nurian King?” There was the merest hint of amusement in his voice.

“I…no…yes.” She frowned. “Are you not angry? Disgusted?”

Drac let out a deep chuckle that slid inside and caressed her. A whisper of a kiss followed at the nape of her neck. “You fled from your oath to save your kingdom. Your plans were waylaid, yet you quickly thought to take a lover. You have since then single-mindedly done everything to entice me into fucking you once you realized that you must return to your kingdom to honor your bargain with the Darkage.”

Saieke moaned as his chakra swirled around her with seductive intent.

“I would have simply killed the Nurian king, yet all your actions show thought of protecting your people. What is there to be disgusted about? You are merely executing a plan of action to save your kingdom. I would ravage Amagarie to save the Darkage.”

Saieke lifted her head and met eyes that reflected amusement and heat. She held his gaze as his words resounded in her. She had felt shame and uncertainty since she decided to flee. Yet, he only saw her will to save her kingdo


She frowned as she realized that he admired her cunning.

“You are wrong in one thing, Darkan.” She leaned in and nibbled at his neck. She smiled when she felt his arousal against her stomach. “You create an ache in me that seems unquenchable. I do not seek just any lover. I ache only for you.” She held his obsidian gaze and let the fear, uncertainty, fascination and desire poured out of her. “I risk my sanity if you do not kiss me, Drac,” she said as need pulsed wicked inside of her.

“I offer you nothing but this…fucking,” he said harshly, almost as if he wanted to push her away with his crudity.

“And I want nothing else.”

He groaned and captured her lips in a kiss that consumed slowly.


Drac had lost.

“Kiss me,” Saieke urged.

He cupped her cheeks, and took. Her taste ran over Drac’s lips and he shuddered at the pure pleasure that rushed through him. Wetness, heat and spice, wind and ocean breeze; her flavor was addictive.