“Princess,” he growled in warning.

Saieke hummed in appreciation and flashed closer on the ice so that she could use the full impact of her chakra glow to appreciate his body.

Coiled and sharply contoured muscles greeted her eyes, his muscles rippled and contracted across his chest and stomach. Saieke’s smile turned purely sensual when tendrils of smoky chakra leaked from him with lust flavoring it. She flashed to stand in front of him and raised her eyes to his. “I want to touch you.”

He stood still and allowed her exploration. She placed her hands on his chest and splayed them wide and gently squeezed. He was complete hardness. He had a black mark that curved on his chest and ran straight down his torso and dipped inside his waist. It was a sharp and elegant curve. She traced it with her fingers and the muscles contracted on his stomach with her touch.

His body was honed for speed and power. She wanted to taste. Saieke dipped her head in close and swirled her tongue from his collar, down his chest and stopped at his navel. Drac inhaled harshly, and she smiled as feminine power tunneled through her.

She glided around to his back and paused. There was a clear and sharp picture tattooed on his entire back and shoulders. Saieke keenly examined the image and uncertainty at what she was looking at unfurled deep inside.

The sheer malevolence depicted by the tattoo was stunning.

She traced the curve that dipped under his arms over to his chest. It was a claw. The beauty of the tattoo was macabre. Eyes, slitted with a serpentine cast glowed gold with black flecks, stared at her as if it were alive. Powerful wings and scales covered his shoulders, arms, and his back. The claws extended and ran into his hair and ended on the curve of his left cheek. She had wondered at that dark mark on his face. Monstrous and razor sharp teeth were depicted in a face that reeked of evil. The beast tattooed on his back seemed as if it was coiled to spring off his skin.

Saieke traced the rest of the claws and wings to where they disappeared into his trousers. She inhaled as she realized that would mean his entire back from shoulder to feet was painted with the creature. It was fearsome. “This is your beast?” she asked shakily.

“Yes.” Cold and remote.

“What is it?”

“A Dracan.”

A jolt of shock went through her. “They are legendary. Tales of their brutality and might in the first Great War are recorded in our books. You were named according to your beast?”


“Many Darkans possess Dracans?” She traced her fingertips delicately over the arch of a wing.

“My sister and I are the first to be born tattooed with a Dracan since the first Great War,” he said.

“Your sister!” She really had not imagined him with a family. He seemed so alone that it did not even occur to her that he might have people he loved. She heard the hint of affection in his voice when he mentioned a sister.

“Your father and mother live?” she asked tentatively.


She blinked in bemusement. “What are their beasts?”

He moved for the first time since she touched him. He glided around her with a movement that she could not track. He stood in front of her and looked at her piercingly.

“Still curious, Princess?” Darkness seemed to echo in his voice.

“I am enthralled by you,” she responded with bare honesty.

Satisfaction flavored his chakra, and a deeper emotion that slipped from her grasp before she could identify it.

He lowered his head and licked at her lips. “They have dragons.”

Excitement hummed within Saieke at the sexual intensity that was stamped in his features. “They are also legendary,” she whispered huskily. “Beautiful, graceful, immensely powerful and deadly. Dragons are never black; their beauty and grace is in their colors and the red flames that they spew. Their strength and fighting power are not on par with that of a Dracan.”

A slow smile curled his lips.

“How is it that you possess a Dracan when your sires have Dragons?”

He inhaled her scent. “My sister and I are the first to be born in millennia with the tattoos of a Dracan.” He pressed as short kiss against her lips. “You smell like wild wind mixed with honey.”

“I do?”