“How so, my lord?”

“In our history, we have never traded before with any nation. We have only sold our skills and cunning. Our king’s vision is to move our kingdom into trade and prosperity and not only be viewed as death dealers,” Lachlan stated blandly, his eyes never leaving her face, noting every minute reaction. “I have been thoroughly researching the other kingdoms’ wealth and the goods. We do not hold crystals of light as the Avindites. We do not possess the pure fire of the Nurians to forge indestructible iron and weapons. We do not have the valentium sand and steel from Aria, or the healing elixir, grains and minerals of Boreas and Caelum.”

“What of your tapestries, your wine, and your caftans?” Saieke asked.

“Cloth?” he asked a bit skeptically.

“I find them very beautiful, and I would spend a fortune purchasing your tapestries. I have been to Caelum, Aria and Avindar, and I have never seen tapestries woven with such mastery.”

The Darkage had richness worth trading for. Her nation got their wine from the Aria—the kingdom of earth and sands. It was potent, rich and earthy. Yet, what she had tasted of the Darkage fruited wine was something more. She had hummed in pleasure at the sharp sweet flavor that exploded in her mouth from the first taste.

She leaned in, placing her elbows on the stone table, settling in for an intensive discussion on trading opportunities.


Drac observed the grace and femininity that Saieke presented as she spoke with passion to Lachlan. She was obviously spirited in everything she did, not just bed play. He banished the thought instantly. She had incredible insight, and her admiration of their kingdom seemed genuine.

He could detect no negative emotions.

She could have kept her insight hidden, to keep the advantage for her kingdom. Instead, she extolled to Lachlan the wealth they possessed and how they could be used for trading purposes. Lachlan told her about their oil, wine, and weaponry. She laughed and talked almost incessantly.

Drac was completely riveted.

She radiated with life and vitality. And he found it all too appealing. It was getting more difficult to proceed with caution.

I want you as my consort

She risked a lot. To take a lover now was inviting death. Coldness settled inside of him. His beast brushed against his mind as if concerned for her. He’d surmised she fled from her nation and had intended to travel to Earth. The dimension gateway was a few miles from their northern border would have been the only reason for the princess and her Queen’s blades to risk moving so close to the Darkage. Escaping to Earth was a viable plan, as many Amagarians actually crossed over and remained there. The only thing he found of interest on Earth was that humans did not have chakra. His kind fed off their blood, which did not hold negative essences, so the darkness that lived in all Darkans was subjugated and had difficulty rearing its head.

She must have been desperate to concoct such a plan. Instead, she was in the Darkage and would be sent back to her kingdom in a few days. Drac inhaled deeply as he thought on her obvious plan: lose her virginity and she could not wed someone of a royal line.

This was true for all nations except his. The laws that governed them were abhorrent to the other kingdoms. He was not sure if she had thought out the consequences to tempting him either. He wanted her with a need that was driving him crazy, and it would amount to almost an impossibility to stay away from her if she was his mate.

His beast was silent inside as if waiting for him to realize what it already knew. The shadows deepened in his mind and he jolted.

It was subtle but it was there.

His demon beast felt contentment.

Chapter Eleven

“The potential for your kingdom to improve its wealth is vast,” Saieke said to Drac as he strolled with her through the gardens leading to the castle.

“You honor us by your willingness to learn about our kingdom. But it will take more than your assessment for us to be viewed as people,” he said softly.

Regret for the disdain they suffered pierced her. “Your king is bold in his thinking. For a kingdom to change how they are perceived, they need such boldness…from Ricarkri and citizens. And the beauty of your kingdom must be shared,” she murmured wistfully as a small winged creature, with bold strokes of orange and blue dotting it wings flapped by.

They just needed one kingdom to break the cycle of revulsion and form a trade agreement. It would be a hard undertaking. Their legends were just too dark and filled with blood-letting.

Saieke gazed on the black starless sky aching for Drac. “Why do you not speak of what passed between us?”

Her breath hitched at the hot flare of desire that burned from his chakra, but then it was contained tightly. She could feel every nuance of Drac’s stare as he caressed her with his eyes, yet he did not engage her line of conversation.

“You are to dine with the king and the elders of the castle in a few hours. Entertainment has been organized for your pleasure.”

“I thank you and the king for such attentiveness to my comfort.” She was confounded by his reticence. The desire was mutual, and it befuddled her that he would restrain himself so.

“You have a penchant for ignoring questions, Drac?” She laughed teasingly at the hooded look he gave her.