“Why are there no great torches in the courtyard?” she asked grateful for another topic, unable to bear thinking about the fact Darkans could smell how aroused he made her.

“Otherworldians do not venture this far. The torches are lighted for their benefit.”

Oh. “I never realized Otherworld beings lived in the Darkage.”

“Several humans reside in Gidon’s castle.”

She drifted closer to him. “My dearest friend is a human. I dread the day her short life span will end. She is so wonderful. It is distressing to know she has only a mere seventy years or so of life remaining, when we have hundreds.”

She jumped as screams rent the air, followed by frenzied screeches that echoed from miles out. She smiled tightly, so much for appearing unflappable.

“I am with you, princess. I promise no harm will come to you. You worry needlessly.”

“It is fascinating that you sense every anxiety, every fear. It must be draining.”

“Why would it be? It is substance for my kind.”

“You are amused by my naivety.”

She felt the caress of his eyes over her face instead of seeing it.

“Ahhh… you sense emotions?”

Saieke smiled, pleased at his curiosity. “I sense only if the person’s chakra is not contained tightly, or if the emotion is very powerful. I did not sense you at the borders of your land. If I did I would never have fled inside.” She shivered as the icy winds penetrated the several layers of her caftan.

“You are cold. Why did you not take your robe?”

“It’s summer-tide.” She plucked a flower sniffing. “Flowers are blooming, and fruits are in season. I forget that the Darkage is chillier than the rest of Amagarie. I would only wear a robe back home at the beginning of winter-tide. I did not think it necessary.”

A whisper of air passed her lips, and he held the flowing robe in his hands.

Impossible. “I…thank you.” She lifted the weight of her hair from her shoulders as she slipped on the robe. He had selected a deep silver robe to compliment her dress. He had noticed.

He led her down stones steps into a garden. The area was lighted with several torches and Lachlan was seated at a great stone table with several chairs curved in an arch around it.

For the first time Saieke saw him clearly without shadows and darkness obscuring her vision. Tawny eyes, sensual lips, set in beautiful face. Too beautiful.

She felt, more than saw, Drac’s gaze slide across her face then back to Lachlan. “He is very handsome, but he does nothing for me,” she said softly into Drac’s ear. “Please no ripping out of his neck.”

Lachlan cleared his throat, amusement glittering in his golden eyes. “Princess Saieke.”

“High Lord Lachlan,” she greeted, holding out her hands.

He clasped her hands and led her to a stone carved high wing back chair padded with the most comfortable of cushions.

She stayed silent as shadows wrapped around Drac like a second skin and he disappeared…but she could still feel him. The light showed the beauty of the sculptures that graced the area and the flowers and trees artistically arranged within the garden. The stone sculptures were of huge elegant beasts carved in eternal combat. Some were carved from black stones, others harsh grey and white marble, and the contrast of the different vibrant colors planted at stone beasts’ feet was incomparable.

“Is the entire courtyard designed with such mastery?” she asked.

“Yes,” Lachlan replied.

“It’s beautiful. Who is your artist?”

“Talon is one of our most skilled. However, we have several people belonging to the artisan caste residing in the castle who crafted these.” He went right into business. “Princess Saieke, what is it that you want to know about us that would facilitate a relationship between our kingdoms?”

“Your king has indicated a desire for our nations to trade. This surprised me as all I have ever heard about your kingdom suggests you value your solitude and have no desire to mingle with other kingdoms. All of Amagarie distrust the Darkage. I would need to know what you have of worth and value that we could possible want, and why should we trust that you will negotiate with honor.”

He stroked his chin. “It is a part of my scope to see what we can offer as a kingdom and it has been most challenging.”