“Drac.” His name from her lips was the softest of whisper, and if not for his enhanced senses he would not have heard.

His intention to step from the shadows suspended, he drifted even closer. He groaned low in his throat as she stood from the bath, giving him a glimpse of the graceful arch of her back and the smooth firmness of her ass before she drew on a silken robe.

With a flick of her finger, she removed all water from her body and garment, then flashed to the great windows in the bed chamber, and opened the drapes. She pressed against the cool glass, peering into the void.

She looked frail and alone. He did not like it.

He stepped from the shadows.

She spun from the windows, instinctively bracing for an attack. Terror skittered across her face. A curious feeling of satisfaction filled him when she relaxed instantly. She did not fear him. The very idea of it left him speechless. He could not remember a time when he had not been reviled.

“You came,” she said, the timbre of her voice husky and sensual.

“My king advised me that you requested me as your escort for your days in the Darkage.”

“I did.”

“Why?” The question that had been eating at him since Gidon alerted Drac.

Saieke ran her gaze over his frame in a contemplative caress. “I thought it fair that I get to see you naked as well.”

Thud. The beat of her heart slammed into him, arousal flared hot, burning his resistance. His beast stretched and tried to taste her chakra, but recoiled as it found no answering beast within her.

Yet its voice still whispered ours.

The spicy scent of her arousal wafted through the room. His mouth watered and he almost sank to his knees. “Do you understand what you invite?” he asked, wrapping the shadows around her and pulling her into his space. Her robe floated around her delicate ankles, caressing his feet.

She lifted piercing blue eyes to his face. “Yes.”


“You are heir to the kingdom of wind and mountains, and you offer yourself to me. Why?” he asked gliding around her, darkly curious.

The allure was too much for him to resist, and her scent was an irresistible beacon. His beast craved her. Too damn much, and the only thing saving her was the part of him that yearned to know her, and the threat she posed to his kingdom if he took her and she was not his mate.

Her lashes swooped down, hiding her thoughts. A growl slipped from him, and the pulse fluttered at her throat, tempting him to bend and rake his teeth across her throat.

She snapped her gaze to his. “I desire you.”

The invitation to pry her legs open and sink his aching cock into her was evident in her scent. How could she trust him with her body and pleasures? He was hated far and wide. The curiosity of it grounded him from pouncing on her. “Are you not a virgin?”

Red crawled up her neck and she narrowed her eyes. “I am!”

The swish of her robe whispered through his body, teasing him as she twisted to track his movements. The pulse beat even more frantically at her throat, and the daintiest of feet that peeked from under the floating garment curled into the carpet.

He stopped at her back, bent his nose to her neck and inhaled, causing her to shiver. His beast lunged and roared, and chakra leaked from him. Unable to stop the need, he scraped his teeth against her throat.

She arched sharply, quivering as his tongue followed the same path.

“Undress,” he ordered. What the fuck was he doing?

Saieke slowly faced him. Her hands fluttered to her knots and hesitated.

“I thought you understood what you were inviting.”

Saieke flushed and untied the knots of the robe, letting it pool to her feet. The fragrance of her arousal became stronger, and it pleased Drac to know she endured the same burning hunger.

The need to push her away was overridden by hunger. He drew her to him, angled his body away from hers so that only their mouths touched, and claimed her lips with raw intensity. He coaxed her lips opened, sliding his tongue against hers in a sensuous motion. Everything about her tasted like sin—dark and utterly decadent.