She screamed as a swipe at her stomach opened deep furrows inside, spilling warm blood at her feet. Horror tightened Saieke’s throat. They toyed with her, savoring her fear and feeding on her pain. She molded the water to her body and let it rise in the air with her swiftly, like a wave, but cradling her pain-filled body.

In mid-flight, a hand grabbed her ankle and flung her with enraged strength, causing Saieke to moan helplessly at the speed she flew through the air. She slammed into a tree with such force her dislocated shoulder wrenched, breaking bones in several places. A cry of anguish escaped her lips. It twisted through her body as a foot stomped on her leg, shattering bones and her hope of escape. Fear like she had never known engulfed her as three Darkans looked down at her with icy contempt in their expressions.


Drac sprawled indolently in the war chamber. Lachlan and Talon, the king’s enforcers, had been in the chambers for more than an hour discussing the possibilities of treaties with Boreas with their king. Drac curled his lips in disdain as restlessness stirred deep inside him. He needed to be away from the castle. He’d spent the night thinking about the flame-haired, intensely blue-eyed princess. He ruthlessly forced her from his mind and drifted back to the discussions in the king’s chamber.

“Court whispers refer to the Princess of Boreas as a treasure the nation would die to protect,” Lachlan said from where he leaned against the stained windows looking out in the west courtyard, his demeanor and expression showing nothing but serenity as was his way. He turned gracefully, and tawny golden eyes surveyed them. “We could use that to our advantage.”

/> “How?” Talon asked, as he pushed his hands through his mane of untamed russet colored hair in frustration. “We will be in possession of six jars of elixir shortly. It was an honest and straightforward bargain…no room for manipulations. ”

Lachlan raised his brow. “We did save their progeny from death or worse. Boreas will be extremely grateful. We should examine how to manipulate their gratefulness.”

Gidon paced for several minutes before addressing Lachlan, “What gifts have you gathered that is suitable for the Borean king and queen?”

“There are a few that we can give. We are short on jewels.”

“We could gift them the use of one hundred warriors for a few years,” Talon said.

“No,” Gidon said. “What we need is for Boreas to be in our debt, where if we ever need more elixir, their waters, healers, or their ample grains, they would respond favorable to a petition. I want to achieve this without fear.”

“Mayhap fear is necessary,” Drac murmured. “We do not have enough wealth or positions of rank which can be traced from millennia for a possible alliance. The ranks our elders hold are not such that any other kingdom would recognize. They hold them for their skill and might, not from noble blood and wealth—”

His cadre lifted their heads in unison, tasting the decadent tendrils of fear wafting through the chamber. They inhaled, feeding their beasts. Drac got up and poured wine in his chalice, drinking deeply. Pain sweet as nectar barreled into the room. He froze in the act of drinking. What was it?

The predator in him stirred at the unique scent accompanying the pain. A darker wave of fear rushed out to them in torrents, and satisfaction stamped the faces of his fellow enforcers. Drac’s beast recoiled from the overwhelming taste of distress as it identified the unique scent of wild wind that accompanied it. He stumbled and dropped his chalice of wine, fighting the rage twisting in his veins—it was too dark and pervasive.

Gidon looked at him sharply. “Drac, what is wrong?” his king demanded, as Talon said, “Who resides at the castle that would feel such fear?”

Drac’s beast howled and battered at his mind.

Talon and Lachlan launched to their feet as a pulse of rage clawed at Drac, and for the first time in years, he lost control of his chakra and it escaped without his iron will directing it. Charka settled on him like a second skin, fangs exploded from his mouth and a menacing snarl built in his chest.

“What in king’s fuck!” Talon said.

Before they could say anymore, Drac disappeared.

Chapter Six

Drawn by her misery, Drac appeared by the side of the princess within seconds. He fought for restraint as he took in her bloodied, shattered limbs and pale face. Kill, let us devour. The hiss of his beast raked at him, the bitter taste of the princess’s terror fueling the need to kill.

Gidon, Talon and Lachlan had followed him immediately, and the three Darkans that had attacked her were now kneeling before their king.


Drac bellowed, slapping a palm to his forehead as splinters of pain stabbed inside his mind. Rage moved beyond his grasp and madness started to haze his vision.

“Drac!” Lachlan bent the shadows to subdue him.

Drac saw Lachlan through distorted vision, and met Lachlan’s attack with a viciousness he had never turned on a friend. He distantly noticed the surprise that flared in Lachlan’s eyes, and then the implacable resolve that filled them.

Blades appeared in his hands, and a growl rumbled from Drac’s throat. He glided around Lachlan with a speed he could not track. Drac grasped Lachlan by the throat, tightening his claws to rip his neck from his body. Pain sliced through Drac’s head as his beast slammed against his barriers, and the psychic leash shifted. Evil pulsed into Drac’s consciousness and bled out into his chakra.

Gidon’s roar of rage echoed in Drac’s mind, and he absorbed the treachery that seeped from his king. He flung Lachlan aside and met his King’s blow with unremitting strength. A foot slammed into Drac’s chest pushing him away. Twin blades appeared in Gidon’s hand, and before he could attack Drac appeared before the three men who were attempting to shiktre.

“No!” Talon shouted.

They attacked, and Drac punched through the chest of the closest man with both hands, tearing out his chest cavity. Crimson blood and body parts spewed in an arch.