Page 53 of Taming Elijah

She fitted in with his family. Well his brothers at least. Sheridan’s laughter spilled from her as Noah regaled her with another of his wild and highly unlikely stories. She licked her fingers, and the sensual glide of her tongue did not rouse Elijah. Instead, he only felt a sense of peace, of comfort watching her so clearly enjoying their teasing.

He could not imagine what it had been like for her to grow up so isolated. His mother and father had always been there. His brothers had always been there. Even when stricken mad with grief over Emma and Nathan they had each been there in their own way, strengthening him, anchoring him. Elijah never wanted Sheridan to endure such loneliness again. So, he would remove all threats to her so that she could stay at the Whispering Creek in peace.

Her head canted to the side as she listened to Noah with earnestness. Elijah clenched his teeth to prevent himself from smiling each time she chortled. He loved seeing the shadows that had been haunting her eyes since the attack disappear. Most of the change had come today as he taught her how to defend herself. She was a quick student. She was fast and lithe, graceful and elegant. In only a few hours, she could throw a knife so that it found its target better than men who had practiced for days. She was a natural and she would only get better.

He was eternally grateful that she was such a quick study. It made the decision to leave her at the ranch more palatable. After he dealt with the threat of Sullivan and ensured the ranch had enough men, Elijah would leave. There was a reason he preferred solitude. He liked to be alone with his terrors, away from prying questions and pity.

He hated to interrupt the merriment. “Sheridan.”

Laughing eyes turned to him. “Yes.”

“I will be riding into town tomorrow.”

Her breath hitched and she glanced at his bothers, and then swung her gaze back to him. “I am coming with you.”

He scowled at Noah’s laugh. “Do not be silly. You will be staying here with Noah. Joshua and I will ride into town. Noah will travel down with you to the Creek when the sun goes down. And you will wait there for us.”

“But, Elijah—”

“There is no but, Sheridan.”

Her lips thinned, but she nodded her acquiescence. “Will you kill him?”

“Bloodthirsty little thing isn’t she?” Joshua drawled.

It was her turn to scowl at Joshua. Between him and Noah, they had been teasing her mercilessly about her size.

Elijah sighed. “No, Sheridan. I keep my promises.”

Relief lightened her eyes and she tried to give him a brave smile, but he saw its wobbliness.

“Good. If you gentlemen will excuse me?”

Without waiting for a reply, she leapt off the stool and fairly ran from the room.

He frowned at the look of admiration on Noah’s face as he watched her run up the stairs.

His brother glanced at him. “That is a fine woman you have their,

Elijah. She did well today,” Noah said.

“She is not my woman.” His response was automatic but for the first time it felt wrong.

“You’re serious about being her protector?” Noah asked.

“I am.”

“Then Joshua is right, marry her. You would be a fool not to.”

“No,” Elijah growled and it sounded weak to his ears, because his heart hungered for something more with her. Fucking hell!

He bit back a smile as Noah started whistling a bawdy tune about a man fighting for his woman. Joshua joined in, and without acknowledging them, Elijah rose from his stool and followed her up the stairs. He entered the room in time to see her throwing a pillow into the wall.

“Why are you angry, Sheridan?”

She spun around with a small growl. “I am not angry.”

He raised his brow at the pillows on the floor.